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Garrott Gardner

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About Garrott Gardner

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  1. Garrott Gardner

    [SP/MP] Dynamic ISIS War System 1.80

    Side missions aren't working properly. If I cycle through the side missions, the camera does not focus on the mission location, and if I click on a mission, it does not give me a dialog to do the mission. Instead, after about 40 SECONDS, the camera will catch up, cycle through all of the locations, and if I clicked on a mission, will give me the dialog. In other words, there is a massive delay on the responsiveness of the side mission map. Aside from that, it's a decent mission. Completely overpowered in favor of BLUE, but that's to be expected (A single M2A2 can clear the entire map).
  2. Garrott Gardner

    Project OPFOR

    The first five pages of comments are not links, and the mega link says "TBD" on their page.
  3. Garrott Gardner

    Project OPFOR

    Someone post a new Mega/Dropbox link.
  4. Garrott Gardner

    Trying to write a script

    This is what I have so far. It's drawing nice red lines to enemies, and nice green lines to friendlies, but it's also drawing nice red lines to animals. onEachFrame { { if(side _x != side player) then { drawIcon3D ["", [1,0,0,0.7], position _x, 1, 1, 45, (format ["%2:%1m",player distance _x, name _x]), 1, 0.03, "default"]} else {drawIcon3D ["", [0,1,0.5,0.4], position _x, 1, 1, 45, (format ["%2:%1m",player distance _x, name _x]), 1, 0.03, "default"]}; } foreach allunits; _noobs = nearestobjects [player,["man"],1000]; { if(alive _x) then {if(side _x != side player) then { if(player distance _x < 1 && _x iskindof "man" && side _x != civilian) then { drawLine3D [[getposatl player select 0, getposatl player select 1, 1], _x, [1,0.2,0.3,(abs((((player distance _x)) - 100)/100))]] } else {drawLine3D [[getposatl player select 0, getposatl player select 1, 1], _x, [1,0,0,(abs((((player distance _x)) - 100)/100))]]}; } else {drawLine3D [[getposatl player select 0, getposatl player select 1, 1], _x, [0,1,0,(abs((((player distance _x)) - 100)/100))]]}; }; } foreach _noobs; }
  5. So I'm trying to write a simple script that is an "ESP hack" for single player. It simply adds 3dicons over the positions of every enemy within 500-1000m with the name of the enemy (or just "Enemy), the distance, and preferably in neon text. I also want this to have a toggle, so I can just use it when I absolutely cannot figure out where that last bad guy is within the 1km radius of a mission objective. Any ideas? The best I've been able to do so far is detect ALL ENTITIES including animals and civvies, and draw a crappy 3D line to them (color coded, though).
  6. Where is your code located for hitting Y to strip all corpses and put the items in the armory? I'd like to use that and adjust it so you can strip all corpses and load the nearest vehicle with them.
  7. So WLA has a great feature where you hit Y to strip a corpse within 5 meters and transfer the items/weapons to the nearest vehicle. I have two questions. 1: Where would this code be within the mission? 2: Failing #1, how can I implement a hotkey (any key, doesn't matter) which does this same thing in another mission?
  8. How do I add this to Antistasi and bind it to the Y key?
  9. Garrott Gardner

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Two questions: 1: How do I replace the factions each side plays as? For instance, how do I replace NATO with US Army from CUP and the resistance fighters as Takistani, or whatever? I'd really like to customize the factions and loadouts, as I absolutely hate the new weapons in Arma 3, and the Russian weapons pack is a little "too russian" for me. 2: How do I implement the Y key feature from Whole Lotta Altis where it automatically strips all corpses you look at? One of the biggest turn offs to this map is trying to loot 5+ men at a time and load each item into a truck. Absolutely silly clickfest, seeing as how once an area is secure, there is virtually no risk whatsoever. I want to hit a single key and have the items stripped from the corpse and transferred to the nearest vehicle.
  10. Pretty poor update. Lags to the point of being unplayable. No trees/bushes. Bravo didn't do this.