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JD Wang

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Everything posted by JD Wang

  1. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Oh if we're doing requests now, CUP are missing some Takistani civilians... No but seriously you guys, thank you for all the work you put into this game. There's not many missions I make that don't include at least something from RHS. We all have things on our wishlists, but ARMA wouldn't be the same without all the work you guys have put into it. Thank you.
  2. JD Wang


    Thanks again belbo, really appreciate the change to the licence. Great to see this on Steam Workshop
  3. I hope some more people get in on this. The EOD mod has so much unfulfilled potential. I was actually playing around with it last night trying to see if I could use if for a mission I'm working on. All I really want from it is ACE interactable IEDs, dickers/triggermen, and the jammer backpack. Problem is the IED's (at least in the version I had) aren't detected by the ACE mine detector, and the custom interaction would be so much better if it was done with ACE interaction. If I had any coding skill at all I'd be on this 100% ARMA is really lacking in the IED/EOD department so it's awesome to see someone take this up. Good luck, I'll be checking here and discord regularly.
  4. JD Wang

    Do you prefer Vanilla AI?

    The main reason we still use VCOM is due to the AI's ability to use empty static weapons, and also use mortars etc. Also the suppression effect genesis added to things is pretty good as well. Maybe it's time to try a campaign with just Vanilla AI
  5. @Evil Organ Really enjoying your EO_Real_3 for Malden and Altis. Do you have any more presets you wouldn't mind sharing?
  6. Wow that's awesome, thank you. I'll give that a try this weekend :)
  7. Wow thanks, I'm using your civilian traffic script as part of my latest ALiVE mission because your script does traffic better than any other I've come across. What I was hoping to achieve is the normal civilian traffic, but occasionally have an enemy truck with supplies or soldiers on board. I was hoping to run the script multiple times as I've done before, once just normally and the second time I thought if I made the vehicle array full of 9 empty items, and the 10th and enemy truck, I'd essentially have a 10% chance of the enemy truck spawning. I was then hoping to be able to use the callback somehow to add supplies to the vehicle, or populate it with 10 guys. It's great when you're clearing a town and a random civilian vehicle rolls through, was hoping to somehow have there be a chance for an enemy truck to do the same thing. I hope that makes sense.
  8. Hey @engima thanks for both this and your civilian spawning script, they've been a staple of a lot of the mission I make for our group. Now I know I can use this to script in OPFOR traffic which is awesome and works great, but the 2 things I'm curious about are if I fill the vehicle array with 9 blank entries and 1 OPFOR classname will that in essence give me a 1 in 10 chance to spawn an OPFOR vehicle or would that cause issues with the script? I'm looking to use this as almost a random vehicle patrol script and don't want OPFOR vehicles constantly spawning around the player, more like 5-10% of the time. (I hope that makes sense) Also is it possible to add inventory/passengers to the vehicles?
  9. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Will there be a version with working mast cam?
  10. There's a version back in the thread somewhere that has all the speech disabled
  11. JD Wang

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Great to see you back genesis, been enjoying your Decension videos. If you want ideas, then I've got a couple that I've probably already mentioned, but just to collate... Faction/side based skill levels - If I have a mission fighting both OPFOR and INDEPENDENT it would be great to be able to skill the OPFOR higher to emulate superior training etc. Personally I'd find that more useful than adjusting by rank as VCOM does currently. Mortars - Really cool that the AI use them, but for gameplay reasons I'd much prefer the AI to "forget" about us more often. Or take longer to reload etc. It seems like at the moment once the AI spot you, you're going to have mortars raining down on you until you find and eliminate the mortars, which considering the range they have can be almost impossible. Just something to make them much less oppressive would be great, maybe even a value people could tweak to see more or less active mortars. Dragging to cover - I've used Persians AI Injury script in a few of my missions for added flavour and thought it would be cool to see this baked into VCOM. Basically it just makes the enemy AI attempt to drag fallen comrades to cover, so they pop smoke like VCOM does, but then you'll see 1 guy rush out and start dragging his buddy back to cover. There also a facility in the script for them to heal the downed unit, but I've never really used that because we run ACE and AI + ACE advance medical just never work. One thing I have noticed is in the notes it says if you place a hold waypoint over a building the squad will garrison that building, I've found that to be very hit or miss as to whether it works or not. Sometimes they just all gather at the doorway, but that may be a CUP map vs Vanilla map thing I don't know. Thanks again for all the work you've put into this. We run VCOM on all our missions, both ALiVE style missions and one off objective based missions and I find VCOM to be essential now. Really excited to see what you come up with. Thanks again
  12. JD Wang

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    We run VCOM and ACE on all our missions, haven't noticed any issues
  13. JD Wang

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I generally use mine if I have to clear a building when running as the squads machine gunner, or marksman. Much easier/smoother to clear with a pistol than an M249 or a long rifle
  14. JD Wang

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    @genesis92x as always dude you're a legend, thanks for your help
  15. JD Wang

    [Release] Parachute Script

    In the code he has openMap true; to open the map, so I guess adding the command openMap false; at the end would close the map
  16. I've seen people sink trawlers before by attaching a SDV to them using the attachTo command, this would then make them able to be "driven" by the AI. When the SDV is destroyed it sinks and drags the trawler down with it. I've only seen that done in Zeus, but it should be possible in editor. Here's Liru working his zeus magic to make "destroyers" out of the static trawler a motor boat and other craziness
  17. JD Wang

    Eden Editor Community Project - Almost finished!

    Hey @sic-disaster got to say I've really enjoyed all your mission making videos. I've been making missions since flashpoint, and I'm still learning new/different ways to do things from your videos. Keep up the great work
  18. JD Wang

    Enemy Occupation System

    Only thing I can think of is to not have any vehicles defined or called in the setup That would mean having to place vehicles and vehicle groups manually though.
  19. JD Wang

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hey @genesis92x again thanks for all the work you've put into this. VCOM is one of the few things that going into each and every one of my missions. Just a wee question on artillery. Is there something I can change to stop mortars from being so oppressive/persistent. The guys in my group like the enemy having access to mortars, but currently it seems like once we're spotted by the enemy we are constantly shelled form half a map away. is there any way to make the mortars "forget" about us after a couple of barrages? Or even after x amount of barrages they're "out of ammo" for x amount of time after which they need to reacquire us again? Or even just a simple only run the artillery script 10% of the time sort of thing? Thanks again for all your work.
  20. JD Wang

    Enemy Occupation System

    I'm assuming the issue could be the script is looking for roads on which to spawn vehicles and Dariyah has no roads so it's causing an error.
  21. Actually I forgot to come back and reply to this. there is actually a deployed SATCOM in the editor. I forget what it's under but just search for SATCOM in the props and it's there.
  22. JD Wang


    Thanks very much for this. Has really helped to stop our missions from getting bogged down so much with medevacs etc.
  23. Just going to leave this here to show how much better it can be with a little scripting
  24. Thanks I'll give that a try tonight.