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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. I can feel your guys pain on that but sometimes s*it happens. Thanks for the efforts p.s. it will be nice if you share another delta download after hotfix is released
  2. where can I find the setting for paradrop? I know the cargo size and item size setup over eden editor but I cannot see the paradrop time there edit looks like there is a parameter in CBA settings called ace_cargo_paradropTimeCoefficent, which is a multiplier for the cargo size of the object to be paradropped. End result gives the time in second to release the object
  3. is there any trick to decrease the unload time for cargo which are inside a plane? I just tried to make a paradrop mission and single crate takes 15 seconds to paradrop which is extreme.. I need to unload each create in a second max
  4. Hi Guys, is it possible to overwrite the proxy by a vest via config to disable the pistol holster functionality? Thanks in advance
  5. respawn should work as the ships and subs are based on vanilla classes. Give a try and tell us if you see any issue
  6. can you guys not remove it from the update? It will be headache to explain how to find and delete the pbo to people :(
  7. 1- you can use scripting commands to find the positions in the vehicles. 2- a) What do you mean with reload modules? You cannot reload the weapons via any vanilla thing as we do not use vanilla weapons because they do not give the functionalities we want to give b) What do you mean with respawn modules? I do not see any reason why respawn module will not work 3- It is editor, when you start it will allign the directions so there is nothing to fix there
  8. small correction. Russian Subs also need to be stopped before launching cruise missile. What Russian subs can do better than US ones is, launching without submerging. So you can fire cruise missile from Yasen even without you dive
  9. But they don't use AWS weapon system as far as I know. ?
  10. Just as an idea, can you maybe add one f-18 based on this model but let it use the regular f-18 armanents? :( Growler is not using letting me to load jdams via pylon settings as expected but for people who likes your airplanes and need a modern navy plane it can be an alternative to play with
  11. also please show the issue with the decoy
  12. What do you mean exactly? Which ship you used and which ship attacked you with which missile? Any video or something?
  13. In video I cannot see how your cruise wp setup was. Can you make a video which shows the setup before fire and the impact on first wp instead of the last one?
  14. yeah effects in dedi for smoke is known
  15. Good catch. I think I know the reason. I will check
  16. Devastator_cm

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    ah ok. I thought you mean in general the parameter verifySignatures is deprecated. You meant only the level 1 is deprecated. So 2 and 0 is still possible to use still right?
  17. Hi Arma Lovers :) Does anyone know if it is possible to make a missile go under water without exploding when it touches to sea surface? I cannot find a config entry for this purpose. I have a feeling only bullets can go under water but no other ammo type.. Thanks in advance
  18. Devastator_cm

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    wiki says something else about that parameter https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg
  19. Devastator_cm

    HAFM NAVY (Ships) - v2.0

    you need to write it to TFAR devs. At the moment TFAR is not working by submarines or any other submerged vehicles
  20. can you show exact error message and how you call the script?
  21. Devastator_cm


    Although I have now the new version which I downloaded from Steam at my dedi server, I still face error when I try to connect http://prntscr.com/lqry2c
  22. Devastator_cm


    Steam got no update?
  23. Devastator_cm

    HAFM NAVY (Ships) - v2.0

    Russians knows what they built, that's why :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AK-100_(naval_gun)#A190
  24. I just tested once more only with TFAR Beta, CBA A3 and Firewill f16+ aws loaded and got the error again when I load a mission where f16 is on the map. I cannot find the TFAR_fnc_addEventHandler in function browser as well...