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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Devastator_cm

    Object Texture

    No I didn't. It works in SP or editor but not at dedicated server. I forgot to mention that sorry
  2. Devastator_cm

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    and waiting the new version :))
  3. hmmm I seeee ok another thing What am I doing wrong here? :/
  4. Okayyyy 1- So first mistake (which I didn't notice from your message right away) is the wrong syntax Right after I run the initial call it shows the error message in black screen http://i67.tinypic.com/jjsb51.jpg to fix it you need to put the ] properly _handle = [aircraft_1, [["pos_1", 200], ["pos_2", 200], ["pos_3", 200]], 3500, 250, 30, [10, 30, 60], base1, 150] spawn DEVAS_AirPatrol; 2- The base marker which you created is base_1 and not base1. You wrote wrong one in end script and also in your trigger fix both and all looks working
  5. hmm looks fine actually. Can I see your mission?
  6. can you show me the initial call to the script which you used for your Y-32 and 3 WPs?
  7. Just a small suggestion (not a key functionality but more related to modularity), will you consider to use unit editor to setup the skins for the planes? Right now there are several f-16s in object browser although there is only 4 different f-16s (if I count correctly, C,D,blk50,blk52). If you setup the unit editor to set the skins (like RHS) it will reduce the object counts in browser. ,
  8. One question, is there a way to setup a vehicle (from other mod) as loadout editor? At the moment only 3 objects are providing that functionality according to readme file. I thought maybe there is a variable or something which I can set and make any other vehicle or object loadout editor
  9. So killmarks can be only setup manually? I cannot put them on airplane while I design the mission? :(
  10. Thanks for the update Firewill One question, how to set the killmarks? I don't see them neither by vehicle nor by loadout module. And a remark :) After I put the new version I lost the weapon loadout setups by existing missions :(((
  11. Devastator_cm

    Make missile target plane

    Try this one
  12. my mistake... set the condition to Condition: this && !alive PHOTO
  13. ok thanks to you I know now there is objects which creates diary records and called "Intel" and can be created by bis_fnc_initIntelObject :) I beleive you used the objects under "Things" > "Intel" which has already bis_fnc_initIntelObject setup by default. So here is the solution for you 1- Trigger #1 Activation: Blufor Present in room Condition : this && alive BOSS on Activation: Hint "Intel is on table"; this trigger can be activated multiple time 2- Trigger #2 Activation: Blufor Present (just right after the door of the room. So it will fire when a unit enters or leaves the room) Condition: !alive PHOTO on Activation: Boss setdamage 1; this trigger can be activated once
  14. I would try the following but keep in mind I didn't validate it now by myself and there might be another way to handle your case 1- Trigger #1 Activation: Blufor Present in room on Activation: Hint "Item is on table"; this trigger can be activated multiple time 2- Trigger #1 Activation: Blufor Present (just right after the door of the room. So it will fire when a unit enters or leaves the room) AND player's inventory has intel item ( I assume intel is an item) (https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/items). on Activation: enemy setdamage 1; this trigger can be activated once So this will cover the situation if player goes in room but left it without taking the item in inventory. I don't think that you want your enemy to suicide in that case as well :)
  15. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    I mean my unit is on a post and watching horizon (combat animation) and when enemy is seen ASR AI3 kicks in and sometimes he decides to move to another location.. I just want to bring him back when all action is finished and let him again play same animation as before. So how can I understand the background ASR AI3 logic is finished for this unit?
  16. Thanks for correction but it is not misinformation completely :). Still assignment and comparison operators are valid for other data types :) I didn't notice that Arma scripting language is not able to compare boolean values with == . Language which I use daily can do that. I should try first if it is the case here as well but I was not playing Arma at that time
  17. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    ok but do you have any idea how can I find out ASR AI3 code is finished by unit so I can bring him back to original position and assign original animation or task ? :/
  18. you can do this with single trigger Trigger 1 (sets its area to cover the room) present blufor Condition: this Onactivation: hint "The intel is on the tabel"; OnDEactivation: deadman setdamage 1;
  19. TRIGGERWORK=False is assignment to check you should do TRIGGERWORK==False
  20. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    Hi Robalo, I have one suggestion for future if you would like to consider :) Can you send the soldiers back to their original position after they disengage? Maybe even setting back their animations if they had any? For example, I have a soldier at guard post and I set the watch combat animation. During firefight he leaves his post but after all finished he stays in some other place
  21. Maybe you can create the vehicle with bis_fnc_spawnvehicle function to have complete crew and then adjust the rank of the commander? For soldiers in cargo you can create them outside and then let them move in to the vehicle
  22. Devastator_cm

    Can't Open Created Mission

    you can modify the mission.sqm someone posted a fix under ace3 thread. First you downgrade the Ace3 and then save the mission in not binarized form and after that you will need to delete some lines in mission.sqm so that it will work with latest ace3 version check the ace3 thread and you will find the solution
  23. Devastator_cm

    POLPOX's Calm Animations 3

    hmm ok I will do so but what is the purpose of the array then? How to use it?