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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    can someone confirm if AH-1 has no single shot mod by rocket pods? It is always firing double by me and I want to be sure if it really a bug or do I have it due to a mod conflict before I open issue in RHS issue tracker
  2. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    RHS infantry paradrop waypoint is removed? :/ I do not see it anymore when I create a wp and I had a mission where I used it :(
  3. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    assuming object name is uh60 (uh60 turretUnit [0]) action ["searchlightOn", uh60];
  4. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    this animateSource ["jumplight", 1];
  5. I don't see any reason why it should not be :)
  6. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    is there any info about how to achieve such nice cockpits for other mod makers? This one looks lovely!
  7. Devastator_cm

    Devas Turkish Armed Forces (TAF)

    Version 2.7, a small bug fix released!
  8. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I don't know it is intentional but green opscor helmet had not matching nvs cover
  9. yes it is possible to do such thing but you need to code the random creating, random markers and deletion at the end (can be done via convoy_end.sqf easily). When you code that, all you need to do is calling my script with correct parameters
  10. thanks for help but I am strugling as there is no real example which I can check to learn... RscCustomInfoMineDetect has only following stuff as far as I see fadeEnd = 1.25; fadeStart = 1; iconMineUnknown = "\a3\UI_F_Orange\Data\Displays\RscCustomInfoMineDetect\iconMineUnknown_ca.paa"; idd = 320; onLoad = "[""onLoad"",_this,""RscCustomInfoMineDetect"",'IGUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisplay')"; onUnload = "[""onUnload"",_this,""RscCustomInfoMineDetect"",'IGUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisplay')"; scriptName = "RscCustomInfoMineDetect"; scriptPath = "IGUI"; sizeMine = 1.5; sizeMineUnknown = 4; I created now a dialog which is based on RscPicture. To do that I used Defines.hpp and Dialog.hpp together with description.ext. So now in order to make this as right panel picture, I need to create a mod where I use component class. How will I refer to the hpp files then? resource = "RscCustomInfoMyCustomRadModule"; What is the RscCustomInfoMyCustomRadModule based on my case? :/ Do I need to create a new class in config.cpp, i.e. RscDevas? What I need to fill inside to use my two hpp files? Does anybody has any custom panel example which I can use as base so I can understand how the thing is working?
  11. Wiki is not helpfull is it? :/ so there is an example and one of the class is following one class CustomDisplayXY //Custom display using custom resource { componentType = "CustomDisplayComponent"; resource = "RscCustomInfoMyCustomRadModule"; }; what is componentType? What is resource? How to define them? I see no information in page and also not in google..
  12. Is there a way to make custom display to show some information?
  13. Hi Guys, does anybody knowsi f I use Jet dlc arma 3 sounds, will it make any problem by people who does not own the dlc?
  14. Devastator_cm

    Devas Turkish Armed Forces (TAF)

    v.2.6 released! Some improvements done in existing RHS assets after recent RHS release
  15. Devastator_cm

    Devas Turkish Armed Forces (TAF)

    Requirements are changed like I mentioned :) Not just RHSUSAF anymore but Firewill's AWS and CBA A3 as well
  16. Devastator_cm

    Devas Turkish Armed Forces (TAF)

    v.2.5 released! It has several improvements (details can be seen in first post) for the F-4E and the most important one is the following :) There is now extra dependency to Firewill's AWS and to CBA A3 mods.
  17. Devastator_cm

    Jets - HUD improvements

    wow nice that HUD has AOA already but can I access that value via a command or something? I need to code a script and I need to know what the AOA of the jet is at the moment
  18. Devastator_cm

    Jets - HUD improvements

    Is there a way to find the angle of attack of a jet to display on hud?
  19. Hi Guys, Is it possible to adjust the ExhaustsEffectPlane of an airplane to make it more intense? If yes, then how can it be done?
  20. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    can't you remove the granedes from AI as a workaround? Does this mod really spawn the grenades and do not check the inventory?
  21. but still, is it possible to use your nice AWS weapons on other aircrafts? I dropped you PM but got no answer.. :(
  22. @LtShadow, I took a look at your sound files and they are really realistic. I need your permision to include them in a project. How can I reach you to discuss?
  23. Devastator_cm

    Analog Throttle

    Hi Guys, I am checking since days about how to set the analog throttle properly and couldn't succeed on that.. I have microsoft sidewinder (old one but still works good) which has a slider. When I try to fly a c-13 (RHS USAF) it is not moving at all when I apply full throttle. Anybody had such issue and found a solution? :banghead:
  24. Devastator_cm

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Thanks guys @Lala14 I can wait your "data mining" :) @hcpookie I saw there are 2 p3d files in the mod folder for hose and probe but I didn't understand what to do with them..