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Everything posted by Incontinentia

  1. I've done a fair bit of bug-fixing since the last version so maybe worth giving a brief re-run again. There were a few coding loopholes which have now been closed (particularly relating to getting in / out of vehicles). Also maybe making sure you have a reasonable respawn timer should make things easier. That said, I don't have a community to test this with so all testing is done on my own local dedicated server. It does a pretty good job of rooting out MP issues, but it isn't perfect.
  2. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Scripts A3

    Sorry I forgot to reply, should be fixed in the latest version! Yes it should work fine I think, although it definitely needs CBA. Some features won't like marking installations obviously, but feel free to play around with it and let me know how it goes.
  3. Cheers for going through all that testing. Sorry I wasn't around to help much but glad it's largely resolved. So just to check, there script doesn't work for instant respawns but it does with a 10+ second delay? I probably won't get the chance to fix that for a while if so but would be good to add to known issues so people can avoid it. Also, could you let me know what the error is? As for easy mode hints not showing up, I might have forgotten to code them for MP... I'll have a check!
  4. No I didn't, not too familiar with that to be honest. Although ASR is excellent so I'm sure it's also really well done.
  5. Incon Airpower Script package for Arma 3 mission makers that allows players to call in air support for target tracking and precision air strikes. Unlike other CAS scripts, Incon Airpower simulates high-altitude strikes where the aircraft is neither visible nor audible from the ground. As such, the aicraft itself is not spawned, only simulated, thereby avoiding all the hassle of Arma's pilot AI. Works best in single player and low-player-count COOP (lots of players using tracking may cause considerable server lag). Perfect for missions involving SF teams working behind enemy lines to call in coalition airpower onto enemy assets (as in the ongoing real-life operation Enduring Freedom in Iraq / Syria). SP / Co-op / Dedi compatible. Requires CBA. Features Call in guided airstrikes with the radio menu Mark targets with laser, smoke, chemlights or IR strobes (night only for chemlights and strobes, day only for smoke) Aircraft can lock on to and strike multiple targets simultaneaously (thanks to a slightly modified version of kylania's awesome guided missile script) Optional collateral damage assesment by pilot - checks for nearby friendlies, civilians and sensitive targets and will automatically disengage if collateral damage is too high Optional full NATO voice procedure simulation to guide pilot on to target No need for map with airstrip or adding in any aircraft Restrict JTAC capabilities to units with certain items in their inventory Optional unit tracking on map, with accuracy that degrades with overhead cover, weather etc. (only shows targets that would be visible from overhead): - (optional) restrict to units with UAV terminal only - differentiates between friendlies (blue), unarmed infantry (white), armed infantry (pink), civilian vehicles (white, large) and non-friendly vehicles (pink, large) If using a laser designator, the player can mark multiple targets at once and give clearance for a simultaneaous strike: - mark 2 tanks and an infantry patrol, and the aircraft will track and engage those targets simultaneously, even if they move - repeat your last mark if in doubt - if your final target is a laser mark, the aircraft will engage your laser mark while it is active, and revert to your original mark position if it looses your laser mark Realistic air speeds of ordnance: - the higher the altitude of the aircraft (recommended at least 3000m), the longer the ordnance will take to hit the target - missiles will travel faster than bombs - ordnance speeds based on real data Usage License GNU V3 Submit pull requests, fork your own version on Github, drink Bailey's from a shoe, do whatever. This is open source and entirely free to use. Changelog Download from GitHub
  6. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Hi, sorry for the slow reply. I hadn't done all that much testing for single player saving to be honest. I might struggle to get much testing done for a while so I'd just suggest maybe cancelling the CAS before you save. Thanks for the feedback though, I'll note it down on GitHub.
  7. Incontinentia

    Virtual Reality ARMA - Oculus/HTC Vive

    I cut out some of the foam around the nose from the Lenovo and can now see my keyboard. Otherwise, yes, it would be a nightmare! In terms of using supersampling to make up the difference, bear in mind you can also supersample WMR. Supersampled 1440p hardware beats supersampled 1080p hardware by a significant margin. There is also a version of ASW (called Motion Retroprojection) for WMR in the more recent SteamVR betas, which apparently does a great job. Once this goes stable (along with some other substantial performance increases in the upcoming Windows update), the only advantages of Rift over WMR as I see it are better sweet spot (for all but Odyssey) and much better controllers. I like Rift and had one for a long time, definitely would have recommended it but really feel like WMR beats it in most respects for less money. Agreed that Vive Pro is a bit silly. Edit: there's also a third party face cushion thing that works too.
  8. Incontinentia

    Virtual Reality ARMA - Oculus/HTC Vive

    Having tried Rift and WMR, I would disagree -- the increase in pixel density is definitely noticeable and that would be even more the case with the Odyssey. I'd even go far enough to say that it makes the difference between a novel experience and something that is actually sustainably playable. ATW is present in OpenVR (or an equivalent is at least), but yeah, FPS does need to be higher due to the lack of ASW. I find the trade-off makes sense for me as target spotting was really challenging in the Rift and I like to try to keep FPS high anyway.
  9. Incontinentia

    Virtual Reality ARMA - Oculus/HTC Vive

    So you completely ignored my entire post... cheers.
  10. Incontinentia

    Virtual Reality ARMA - Oculus/HTC Vive

    My vote goes to Windows Mixed Reality as they have noticeably better resolution which makes target spotting a whole lot easier. Also the inside-out tracking doesn't require any fuss to set up. Odyssey if you can afford it for better screen, higher resolution and higher FOV, Lenovo otherwise probably as it's light and has a better FOV than the rest. Downside of the Lenovo and all other WMR headsets is the small sweet spot and slightly duller display. If you don't want to go WMR, the Rift is probably the best for the Asynchronous Space Warp which makes low FPS feel much more comfortable.
  11. Haha well thanks man, the next update should be hopefully even better (turns out there's quite a few bugs in this last one that needed ironing out but I've got all the ones I've seen so far). Hopefully it will now work as intended in almost all scenarios so the next dev cycle will bring some additional features like high-security areas that require specific uniforms. You can turn recruitment off by changing _civRecruitEnabled to false in the setup.sqf file.
  12. Incontinentia

    Former modders interest to come back?

    Just a comment on the younger generation disrespecting modders idea. As someone relatively new to modding / scripting, I really haven't seen this. All I've really had so far has been support, gratitude and respect for anything I've put out. Possibly not as much as the amount of hours that goes into it might warrant, but I enjoy it and wouldn't do it otherwise so that's not a problem. Even on Steam, there are a few idiots but it's the internet so obviously that's the case. The vast majority have been supportive and helpful. Surprisingly so. So while it's easy to be a cynic about how the times are changing and all that, I think it's good to recognise that arseholes have always existed and they continue to remain just a small minority.
  13. Incontinentia

    Virtual Reality ARMA - Oculus/HTC Vive

    Just a heads up for anyone interested, the latest release of Vorpx has geometry 3D mode (as in, proper stereoscopic 3D rendering rather than just z-buffer so it all looks the right scale as it would in real life) and "DirectVR" mode, which basically sets up the FOV and resolution for you so the image looks near-perfect out of the box. Headtracking also works with 6DOF, so you actively have to look down your sights to shoot. Given the number of keyboard commands you need to use all the time, I just don't think Arma would work all that well with controllers so this is (in my opinion) the best that Arma 3 in VR can get. Honestly, I find it absolutely incredible and for me, it is by far the most immersive experience I've had in VR (beating Elite, DCS, Onward etc). There are a few things that got it working well. Proper headtracking and no gunface: use Opentrack with SteamVR or Oculus as the input, freetrack 2.0 output (emulate TrackIR), all curves set to 1:1 and no filter. Use the in-game Vorpx menu to headtracking to 0 in the main settings bit, don't touch the dedicated headtracking menu. Use "Geometry" in 3D mode. This allows you to look around without moving your weapon, while still being able to move your head to look out a nearby window or down the weapon sights. Calibrate your head position so your sights align with your right eye when you raise your weapon: do this by shifting your head a couple of inches to the right and hitting alt-space to recenter Vorpx. This shifts your weapon to the right so when you bring it up to shoot, it won't align with your nose. Adjust video settings for performance: the biggest FPS hog I found was terrain detail, followed closely by clouds, then shadows, then FXAA, with ambient occlusion having a minor effect. The rest did comparatively little. Dropping terrain from Ultra (which I use on a monitor without difficulty) to High meant +15 fps, clouds from Ultra to Low got an extra 5fps. Together this made the difference between a vomfest and perfectly playable. With all the other stuff tuned, I can now play self-hosted complex heavily-modded ALiVE missions with no dramas. Play around with this though and bear in mind that the settings that hurt monitors the most may have no effect in VR (object detail for instance did nothing, same with draw distance up to a point). Aim for at least 45 fps for a smooth experience. Should be readily achievable in relatively optimised missions with decent VR-capable hardware. When it drops below this, Opentrack gets jerky and unpleasant. If in doubt, use missions with CUP assets. Increase resolution: By default, it's impossible to see anything, let alone actually hit stuff so you'll probably want to set up a custom resolution. Vorpx recommends setting up 4:3 resolutions using the Nvidia Control Panel (Change Resolution > Customise... > Create Custom Resolution... > Test > Save). I use 2240 x 1680, then set this in-game using either the Arma video settings or the Vorpx menu (requires restart). It's not perfect but miles ahead of what we had before. I can engage targets effectively with iron sights up to around 300m and get hits out to 600 which isn't all that far from real life and definitely good enough to slot a few AI. Bind edge peek to a mouse button in the vorpx settings. This will be essential for getting around menus, using the inventory, seeing fire selection (although you can easily just move your head and check your selector lever on your weapon now, even if it's an AK), so it makes sense to make it easy to reach whenever you need to. A couple of gripes / caveats: Collimator sights don't work as they should as the reticle is effectively painted on the glass rather than being holographic / 3D. Scopes don't block off one eye, nor do they respond to headtracking. Kind of obvious and probably an easy fix for a modder but still a minor annoyance for now. Arma changes FOV at speed, making the world look small when you're going fast. Not a biggie unless you're flying in jets all the time. The action menu is a fucking pain in the arse. Edge peek gets around it a bit but it's annoying - more in VR than on a monitor as you have to use edge peek to see what you're doing. Use ACE if you can. Not sure about BattleEye as I don't use it, but it did have issues with Vorpx. I can't quite big this up enough. Minus the few gripes I've listed, it's exactly what I wanted out of Arma in VR. I've got myself a cheapo Lenovo Mixed Reality headset for now and the increased resolution versus rift means I probably won't play Arma on a monitor again except when coding / designing missions. World scale is perfect, performance is fine, resolution could be better but is definitely good enough, but the immersion is astonishing. Also, no crashes after 2+ hours in complex missions. Quick specs: i5 @ 4.5, 1080, 16GB.
  14. Got another RC out if anyone fancies a test: v1.11RC Speedy changelog: Fixed some bugs relating to profiling insurgent cells with vehicles. Also fixed weapons losing items when unconcealing a rifle and pistol at the same time. Only took 4 hours. Made hints a bit more reflective of the actual checks going on behind the scenes. Replaced most hints (except debug ones) with a "disguise check" after inventory has been closed, which will indicate how suspicious a unit is. Put an easy mode in for people who would like to know what their status is (compromised, in disguise etc). Minor overhaul to the compromised loop; disguises should be much more functional now. This means any disguises worn during the cooldown and before your identity has been shared will only be remembered if they have actually been seen for some time by the enemy. No longer will the enemy magically know what you're wearing when they get the word out. Also killed a few bugs relating to changing disguises when in view / out of view of enemy. Further revisions to the way disguises are handled. Proximity in both temporal and positional senses now counts; if you remain in the compromised area wearing a new disguise, enemies will be on the lookout and are more likely to blow your cover. If you move far away or wait for a long time, this will drop off substantially. On the other hand, disguises are more likely to stick and not be blown on a whim. Units who aren't dressed as civilians or enemies will no longer have a disguise penalty applied when they get compromised and their details are shared. So if you engage enemies dressed in your normal uniform, they will not be any more suspicious of you if you later change to a civilian uniform. However, if you engage while dressed as a civilian and your cover is blown, enemies will be more cautious of undercover units even after their disguise has changed. This incentives bringing your own uniforms if you know you're in for a scrap (then stash some civvies nearby to change into afterwards).
  15. By the way, in theory if an enemy sees you setting up mines or tripwires (or just generally hanging around them) it will probably raise suspicions and could get you compromised.
  16. Maybe as lordfrith says, check for anybody and within that, trigger only on playable units. Would that work?
  17. Absolutely no idea mate. You would have to set it up in the mission file and go from there. If Liberation already has an undercover mode it would be incompatible but otherwise it might well work. If it does, let me know!
  18. INCON EFFECTS MOD Inspired by the legendary Opticalsnare's hilarious Blastcore Physics and Lao Fei Mao's cool Blood Mist mods, here's my take on Arma 3's effects. Rather than go for comedic effect, I figured I'd aim for a bit more realism. So far I've focused on 3 things: Ragdoll Physics In vanilla, it's pretty limited. This aims to give people a bit more of a chance of getting airborne if there's an explosion nearby. Unfortunately, most explosions have similar physics power so to give a GBU the right level of floaty people would mean making grenades look ridiculous. I've tried to strike a balance. Key difference vs vanilla: Bodies respond more to explosions and (every so slightly) more to weapon impacts. Muzzle Flash In vanilla, when a soldier shoots, the area around his weapon is lit up for longer than there is actually fire coming from the barrel of the weapon. This was always a bit of a pet peeve of mine from when I first started playing Arma and looks silly in my opinion. I've tried to shorten the ambient light of muzzle flashes so they synchronise with the duration of the muzzle flash itself, giving a kind of strobe effect at night. It should work on modded weapons as long as they inherit from a base weapon class. Key difference vs vanilla: Ambient light from muzzle flashes doesn't last longer than the muzzle flash itself. Blood Mist / Hit Effects When a bullet hits a body, it generally doesn't look like someone's been slapped with a handful of red chalk. "Pink mist" is often quite a subtle, short-lived affair. It also doesn't float around the body, instead shooting at speed out of the exit wound and possibly being blown away if there's wind. It will scale with caliber too; large caliber weapons will chuck out a fair bit of mist, smaller caliber weapons like pistols may not. This isn't finished and is still open to suggestions (please don't post any pictures or videos of people getting shot), but I've tried to get this as close as I can to reality. I suggest combining with Zooloo's Bloodlust for better realism. Key differences from vanilla: 1. Blood mist comes out of exit wounds rather than sitting around the entry wound 2. Blood mist size, colour and transparency has been tweaked to be more realistic (less of a bright red explosion and more like a fine mist) 3. Blood mist moves at speed in the direction of the bullet (as opposed to floating statically in the air) 4. Blood mist can be affected by wind, vanilla blood mist cannot Notes This should all work clientside and I've included a key for servers (if in doubt, remove the physx PBO). Effects are split into different obviously named PBOs so you can pick and choose which you would prefer. If using Steam, just make a local copy of the mod on your hard drive and delete any unwanted effects in the @InconEffects\addons folder. Mod compatibility: Should be compatible with most mods (depending on whether config values are inherited from vanilla) but won't cause any problems if not. Any known incompatibilities will be listed as people let me know. Zooloo75's BloodLust: To get the blood mist working with Zooloo75's BloodLust mod, set "BloodLust_IsBloodSprayEnabled" to false in the BloodLust settings menu. Blastcore Pheonix (and variations of): To use with Blastcore, move "blastcoreCompat.PBO" from the optionals folder to the addons folder. This will overwrite Blastcore's blood effects with those from this mod. ASR AI: Apparently there's an incompatibility with the physx and ASR's wounded crawling feature. If you notice any glitches, removing the physx.pbo file from addons should solve this unless you'd prefer to disable the effect in ASR. Thoughts, suggestions and wildly uncontrolled praise are all welcome. License Not for profit. Everything else is fine though. Changelog V1.1: Separated mod into 3 standalone PBOs so users can choose which effects to use (thanks for the suggestion Evil Organ!) V1.101: Added missing server key V1.2: Blood effect tweaks (less uniform), ragdoll joints added (less floppy knees), Blastcore Pheonix compatibility PBO added (in optional folder - experimental) V1.3: Minor edit to fix characters leaping up when shot Download Links Steam Mediafire
  19. Heads up to anyone using ASR AI: Apparently there's an incompatibility with the physx tweaks and ASR's wounded crawling feature. If you notice any glitches, removing the physx.pbo file from addons should solve this unless you'd prefer to disable the effect in ASR. Cheers to steam user Riven Deckard for pointing that out.
  20. Just a heads up to anyone using this. The latest (v1.1 Release Candidate) build on Github gives the ability to check your disguise after closing your inventory (by using the action menu). An easy mode will tell you if you have been compromised too. This should make it much easier to test whether you blend in properly before any adventures and possibly also debug any unexpected behaviour. I've also toned a couple of values (namely having your weapon raised, which will still incur a slight suspicion penalty but not much). As always, please let me know any issues or unexpected behaviour and if you have any recommendations for making it better. It's a complex script and the mechanics aren't always going to be obvious but I've done my best to test it as much as I can and so far it has worked exactly as it should.
  21. Thanks Rich. It's pretty subtle overall but hope you enjoy it.
  22. Small update to fix jumping characters (hopefully). Any issues, let me know. Links are updated.
  23. Incontinentia

    JSRS SOUNDMOD - CE.20.0419

    Came back from a pretty long Arma break to this and it's absolutely incredible. Cheers!
  24. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    You can simplify things to a degree or use radio calls instead of actions. I'd suggest playing around with the most recent version in a sample mission to get a feel for it. If you want it super simple though, you'd be better off using one of the other support mods out there I'd have thought. You're also welcome to fork on github and use any of the code as per the license. Unfortunately I no longer have a PC so I can't do much further development for the time being.
  25. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Cheers for stepping in for me there! Yup, anything you can laze, you can (in theory) lock on to.