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Everything posted by Coul

  1. Coul


    Any plans to add support for the open chernarus project? :D
  2. Coul

    co10 Escape

    That looks great, think you can pm me the mission? :D
  3. thanks I didn't have dcg_server.pbo set up correctly since i just switched over to the workshop version :D
  4. hmm i added it to my userconfig but it seems dcg isn't using it for some reason
  5. Coul

    co10 Escape

    Hmm okay thanks, is there any way to increase it other then staying around roads?
  6. Yeah i realize its easy to port over, but i can't make main bases as complex with all the depots and stuff like you have in your preset missions :( EDIT: Also looking at serverconfig.hpp, and its gonna be a pain to add all the rhs classnames is there a way to make it integrate with rhs automatically like DCG 3.0.9? :(
  7. Coul

    co10 Escape

    Hey just wanna say I really love the mission me and my friends play it nearly daily and it feels like its in a near perfect state, the only thing missing(both me and my friends agree) is the civillian ambiance, while vehicles are present we feel like they're a very rare occurance(compared to the arma 2 escape chernarus vehicle population) and i think it would really complete the mission if you guys could rework the civ or traffic framework :) thx
  8. can somebody please port the missions to chernarus and takistan for an unexperienced mission maker thx <3
  9. Coul

    Where's DirectX 12?

    This was like one of the big things i was looking forward to with the apex update, now its been 7 days and theres no news of directx 12 being implemented
  10. Congratulations on the multiplayer release! I'll be adding you on arma 3 for some bloody pvp! :)
  11. Coul

    Namalsk for Arma 3

    Will you make lighting configs for this to work with the visual update?
  12. Why does it say multiplayer isn't supported, this mod works fine in multiplayer :D(against ai i haven't tested pvp) i've also tested it out in the dev branch and it looks great, the blood looks darker but still matches the color of the map/game and even sometimes the uniform(nothing super bright against a dark uniform or vice versa) either way great job and amazing compatibility work
  13. Coul

    co10 Escape

    Can we request for map ports here?(would really like to see this on namalsk and napf) :D
  14. Coul


    Haleks do you think you can add in melee weapons?
  15. Coul

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Awesome, Glad to hear it. What was the problem with the 1.60 update that made you lose motivation?
  16. Thanks for the reply, Really loving the mod its great for immersion too bad i have a bad pc and the graphics ruin it for me. but thanks to your optimised code i can use this mod with my crappy graphics :D
  17. Yeah i had the same issue, i just used the annotated hpp
  18. Coul

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    This still happening?
  19. Coul


    Hey Haleks any ETA on the next update? :D Found out the custom buildings in napf are MBG buildings
  20. indeed but i've noticed a lot of blood is going through the player models making only small bits of it to be seen do you think you can fix that?
  21. Any news on progress for this mod?
  22. this might be off topic but will you return to firefight improvement system once this amazing mod is done? by the way i really love what you've done with this mod, I wish there was a way to improve the blood textures though it looks like kool-aid is just getting spilled everywhere at the moment
  23. Coul

    DSS: The Mod

    This seems like a very cool mod, at the moment my computer isn't really good enough to run arma 3(15 fps at 640x480) so i'm currently staying away from it and mods, but this is gonna be the first thing i play in august when i get a new desktop I'm excited to see any improvements that may come to it and be prepared for my feedback! :D
  24. Coul


    There are more but i couldn't find them when i was screenshotting, if its too much work adding these into the loot system then i won't mind but it is very welcome because a lot of napf is made up of these enterable buildings