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Everything posted by 4-325Ranger

  1. Test Results: My defenders are rhs_faction_usarmy_d They are all positioned on the H-barrier defense wall (Land_HBarrierWall6_F). They each have the following code: this allowDamage false; // only a couple have this just spread out so the whole line isn't wiped out ;) doStop this; // stand in place, rotate but do not leave your post soldier! this disableAI "TARGET"; // please stay in one place and don't go chasing anyone after contact initiated, thank you... this linkItem "ANPVS15_Camo_V2"; // oh lookie I can see at night wow! this addeventhandler ["FiredNear",{ [_this select 0, ["Up","Middle"]] execVM "JBOY\JBOY_UpDown.sqf";}]; // Ah hey I'll actually take cover!!!! Nice! this addEventHandler [ "Fired", { _mag = _this select 5; _unit = _this select 0; if ({_x isEqualTo _mag} count magazines _unit < 2) then { _unit addMagazines [_mag, 3]; }; } ]; // I have unlimited ammo! but I will change magazines and belts as appropriate; this is after all a static OP on an insurgency, like you're going to resupply your friendly AI Ha! So I needed to add some controls just in case positioning on the H-barrier, or any other soldier init code may interfere. I added an RHS rifleman control on flat ground with just the JBOY code: doStop this; this addeventhandler ["FiredNear",{ [_this select 0, ["Up","Middle"]] execVM "JBOY\JBOY_UpDown.sqf";}]; I added a Vanilla soldier control on flat ground (has full code of my mission defenders on wall): Finally, I added a Vanilla soldier control standing with my defenders on (Land_HBarrierWall6_F) wall with just JBOY code: this addeventhandler ["FiredNear",{ [_this select 0, ["Up","Middle"]] execVM "JBOY\JBOY_UpDown.sqf";}]; Findings: 1st pass, up/middle repeat, stopped in less than 2 minutes after last shot fired. 2nd pass (same testing iteration), up to middle to down (prone), then proceed to toggle middle/down for duration; after appropriate time passed from final shot they recovered to the up position. 3rd and subsequent pass, same as #2; so having an issue with the exception of the first iteration - up/middle becomes up/ ...middle/down...middle/down..../ up. I looked at your code and made the following change: I took this line (#40): _dude addeventhandler ["FiredNear",{ [_this select 0, ["Middle","Down"]] execVM "JBOY\JBOY_UpDown.sqf";}]; and changed it to this: _dude addeventhandler ["FiredNear",{ [_this select 0, ["Up","Middle"]] execVM "JBOY\JBOY_UpDown.sqf";}]; I don't know diddly about coding, but this change fixed the issue. I'm not sure what would happen if you wanted a combination of up/middle and middle/down, but for my purposes, I only need up/middle and this fixes it. Thanks!
  2. LOL, thanks Johnnyboy, my coding friend had passed on this so I'm really glad you took it on. I'm going to test it out in the original "OP defense" mission I used. I'll report back...
  3. 4-325Ranger

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    I second this for sure on the scripts! I've really been enjoying this and your effects script. I don't know if you'd want to add this in a future release readme doc for how to change out the _necItem, but it was a pretty easy swap in the APW_setup and airpowerSensors sqf's. I use cTab or its android brother in the UAV slot most of the time, not sure if this would be of interest to anyone else. Regardless, please keep the scripts coming, I really like your ideas!
  4. 4-325Ranger

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Additionally, in the JPC vests, the versions that are the vest without the belt do not display the sidearm (like the vest only MarCiras versions do). I don't know if this is intentional like the "light" vests. Thanks for a great looking mod, been using since the first release!
  5. I just put fewer friendly AI in the vehicles in the friendly convoy, much less of an issue.
  6. 4-325Ranger

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Awesome! Thanks Genesis, hopefully I can get this work without my ALiVE combat support helos and artillery modules going to crazy town! :) (yes, i have put the "off" scripts in the module init's in the past. I'll report after I test)
  7. I believe the scenario where I was having the issue was very specific. By eliminating the ambush so close to the start point, I have not had an instance where the convoy wouldn't "eventually" restart. I packed more men in some of the vehicles and they all tend to "unass" upon contact, I don't know if this is intended. It takes a while, but they seem to get back in their original, or if need be secondary vehicle. The only glitch I've seen is that sometimes they get run over by another friendly convoy vehicle re-positioning itself ;) . I must say that using it for enemy AI convoys to ambush has been seamless, and the ability to run a few of them in different places off of radio triggers has been great!
  8. Kvntvan, There is a recently published script by Grumpy Old Man that uses editor placed AA assets to fire in preset directions: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31927 This does take away some of the immersion of the intel team "setting" the bait (you could fire off a trigger -presence or radio), but it may be worth a look if you are looking for alternatives. By the way, I really like what you've done with this mission scenario, some really cool immersion!
  9. 4-325Ranger

    SPIE Addon

    Hey Duda, Yeah, been curious about the same, but I know you have alot going on. When I first saw you working on this, I immediately saw the scenario for small team extraction on Tanoa and N'Ziwasogo (hence the Fulton comments I made earlier hehe). Luckily the community is cranking out quality scripts left and right to keep mission makers busy, but if you ever do get back to this, I'm sure plenty of folks will appreciate the efforts (your rappel scripts are now pretty much a standard ;) )
  10. Devastator, Thanks for this! I finally got a chance to test this last night. I ran 3 iterations in SP with ACE and RHS on. I ran a blufor convoy with AI ambushes along a route on Takistan Mountains. I ran a mix of vehicles all three times. Two of the runs went out without a hitch, was really impressed watching the whole thing unfold in Zeus. 2nd of the 3 runs - The lead vehicle got hit, wounded driver got out, did not run to trail vehicles; 2nd vehicle killed the offender, but never took the lead, just kind herky-jerky'd in place for a while and then all vehicles froze. I don't know if it was due to the convoy being in the middle of turning at a marker and getting ambushed at the same time causing a confilct? I'll try to recreate later today. Even with this minor issue, this particular script really opens up several mission scenarios for mission making, I've been waiting for something like this to come along for a while in Arma 3 - great work!!
  11. Sounds arbitrary but, I'd say 1:30 to 2:00 would be about right from what I've observed. The enemy AI in vanilla mode (I usually use ASR, but not for this testing) can still fire somewhat sporadically when there are only a few left from one wave, but I notice they will usually start back up if any are left within that time. So anything about that long + should keep it from looking too strange :) . I get you're busy, but thanks for considering, I have an arma buddy who codes scripts, would you mind if I had him look at a solution?
  12. Johnnyboy, I know you put this out a while ago, but I've been having some fun out of it since I found it recently. I've been putting it on the AI and running attacks on their FOBs, OPs, bases etc.. I set up a FOB defense with Blufor, and put it on the Blufor units. Only problem, after the horde has been stopped, the units continue to pop up and down like they're at Catholic mass. Is there any way to have the script stop after there has been no shooting for x period of time, and then restart if shooting begins again with another attack wave? I can use scripts fairly well, but can't code for beans, so I figured it was worth asking. Thanks and keep 'em coming, love the Dog script too!
  13. 4-325Ranger

    [Release] Injured Ai script/Mod

    Kan, First off, I haven't tested this, but you can add this bardosy script to your medic unit's init https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/165907-automated-medic/ In the thread, Davidoss offers a compatible version for ACE users (that I use :) ) Again, I'm not sure if this would run compatible, but if you have time, you might want to see if you can get anything out of it.
  14. Kustarnik, thanks for the link. The problem is the 2.0 documentation and the 1.5 script documentation differ - the parameters A,B,C,D,E correspond to different functions between the two. I tried the 2.0 server loadout instructions anyway, to no avail. If there is a script version above 1.5, I have not found it, if you have a link please let me know thanks!
  15. Hey Crowe, I'm running the script 1.5 version. In the vids you mention "server loadouts". I run a small server with a TCAdmin interface. How would I package some loadouts; where would I put them on the server so that they were called by the script? Is this possible? Thanks!
  16. 4-325Ranger

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I see the script version has the userconfig in an "extra" folder. If the userconfig is used and placed in the server, will the script version respect the userconfig settings? Script version path: VcomAI > functions > VCOMAI_DefaultSettings.pbo << this is the same as the the userconfig .hpp file. Can I just make the setting changes I want here and not use the userconfig folder at all if using the script version? Thanks.
  17. 4-325Ranger

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hey thanks for the response, finally got around to testing this. I placed the code in the init of the CAS, transport, and arty modules; I also placed it in the init of the combat support module itself. Re-pbo'd the whole thing, put it up on the server and same issue, birds spool up automatically if enemy encroaches near the base and arty fires on its own. I went in to the userconfig and removed WEST from Line 38 & 40. No change. Anyone having success running this with ALiVE combat support modules? I am having this issue with both ALiVE missions I have rotating - I will say it runs like a charm on my EOS/scripts mission! Thanks...
  18. Don't tell the Marine Corps, I knew a couple of guys who would've been willing to test it LOL :biggrin:
  19. You might want to take a look at this thread: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/165907-automated-medic/page-7 Davidoss' version of Bardosy's script for use with ACE works. I put the unit init line in the medic that is in my squad (in editor) and then place the automedic.sqf in my scripts folder in the mission. He'll run around healing everyone until he gets killed or you get knocked unconscious to the point he can't revive you. If you're not using ACE look back in the threat for the original scripts and use those. Worth a look, has made my MP games easily SP palatable. :D
  20. I'm running a rented server. No mod issues, server will load and can play other missions. Trying to load a Kunduz mission made with Leights Opfor, ace, alive, rhs, etc. I go into entity item 254 in the unbinarized mission.sqm, changed to LOP_ISTS_Infantry_GL, and made no difference. Looking the splendid config viewer: configfile >> CfgVehicles >> LOP_ISTS_Infantry_Rifleman, GL etc... are all present. This mission plays just fine when run through TADST off my PC, so I have no idea why it won't run on server. Before I just go back and replace all the opfor in the mission, I figured I ask to see if anyone else has run into this or has an idea, thanks! ERROR MESSAGE: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/254839631182518540/864D7632986FA7890D928A202C7ABFA2CA991F68/ Entity Class Item 254 in Mission.sqm: class Item254 { dataType="Group"; side="Independent"; class Entities { items=2; class Item0 { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={3596.5591,6.2111154,4402.3296}; }; side="Independent"; flags=7; class Attributes { skill=0.23453385; init="doStop this;"; }; id=5699; type="LOP_ISTS_Infantry_Rifleman"; atlOffset=0.0022091866; class CustomAttributes { class Attribute0 { property="ace_isSurrendered"; expression="if (_value) then {[objNull,[_this],true] call ace_captives_fnc_moduleSurrender}"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "BOOL" }; }; value=0; }; }; }; class Attribute1 { property="ace_isHandcuffed"; expression="if (_value) then {[objNull,[_this],true] call ace_captives_fnc_moduleHandcuffed}"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "BOOL" }; }; value=0; }; }; }; nAttributes=2; }; }; class Item1 { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={3587.7759,6.451272,4400.1719}; }; side="Independent"; flags=5; class Attributes { skill=0.23718211; init="doStop this;"; }; id=5927; type="LOP_ISTS_Infantry_Rifleman"; atlOffset=-0.0029301643; class CustomAttributes { class Attribute0 { property="ace_isSurrendered"; expression="if (_value) then {[objNull,[_this],true] call ace_captives_fnc_moduleSurrender}"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "BOOL" }; }; value=0; }; }; }; class Attribute1 { property="ace_isHandcuffed"; expression="if (_value) then {[objNull,[_this],true] call ace_captives_fnc_moduleHandcuffed}"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "BOOL" }; }; value=0; }; }; }; nAttributes=2; }; }; }; class Attributes { }; class CrewLinks { class LinkIDProvider { nextID=1; }; class Links { items=1; class Item0 { linkID=0; item0=5699; item1=5674; class CustomData { role=2; turretPath[]={0}; }; }; }; }; id=5698; atlOffset=0.0022420883; };
  21. 4-325Ranger

    Leights error with mission on server

    Haven't figured out where to find the .rpt files on my server yet (yes server admin noob), but what you said got me thinking about it being the whole mod itself not being seen, I was too focused on the specific config. I deleted from server, re-FTP'd a fresh copy and mission worked. It must have been corrupted, I have had to do this to a couple of mods that now work fine. I stare at this too long and can't see the forest for the trees - Thanks for the reply!!! :cheers:
  22. NightIntruder, See this thread https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/193784-spie-addon/ where this all started in post #10, we are all well aware of what this system "really" does, "magic ropes" duda123 is just taking it in some creative areas for FUN. Oh yeah and that's 2 men being extracted from a 2-harness-one-rope setup in the video ;) so...
  23. Yeah!!! Nice, very nice. Once the texture hashed out on balloons, think maybe some kind of attached smoke device to help guide a/c during the day and some type of IR strobe/grenade for night? It looks like maybe you're thinking group extraction? Moving off from the real-life use, I can picture use as medical extraction (a little rough, but hey beats dead). Could pull player into and ACE designated medical vehicle for advanced treatment etc... Still looks great for hostage/HVT/type extractions. Looking great man...
  24. 4-325Ranger

    Automated medic?

    Glad I landed here, could not get the script to work, had a feeling it was due to ACE. Popped davidoss's update in and *poof* magic, I thought I was going to piss myself when the guy started healing me! :dancehead:My med module is set on advanced and he'll heal me up no prob as long as I don't get whacked unconscious, he'll give it one go and then give up, I'll stop bleeding, but still be out. I'm guessing that maybe pulling the module back to basic mode, or making the medic an advanced medic would fix that? I might have to set the surgical kit and PAK to use anywhere for any status, something to play with anyway. Bardosy and davidoss - thanks for some great work!!!
  25. 4-325Ranger

    SPIE Addon

    I like your thinking on this. I would concentrate on personnel recovery and not so much with vehicles (thanks for the vid Cosmic10r). I think you could simplify somewhat with making the rope/balloon a standard length that shoots up in the sky to wait for the aircraft (heli/cargo plane). On the aircraft, would you make that pilot and crew to select hook, just thinking of some of the SHK fastrope issues in the early versions? Anyway, glad your open to the idea, not to take away from the SPIES mod, just getting greedy with all these functional rope mods your cranking out. :cheers: