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Everything posted by Alex150201

  1. Hello everyone, I have been trying in the past few days to make a retexture of the AAF uniform at which I succeeded. Then I needed to put it in game as an addon so I have to write a config.cpp file. No matter what I can't get it to work, so any help would be appreciated. Config.cpp Screenshots
  2. Alex150201

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    Please quit this stretcher argument and get back on topic guys. Thanks
  3. Alex150201

    ZSL Animations

    I just can't ever get enough poses it's unbelieveable! I'm loving the roadmap too here. Suggestion:
  4. Alex150201

    7Y Assets WW2 in Armaholic?

    Let's not jump to conclusions, for a really long time I couldn't get any mods from the steam workshop neither. I would subscribe but they would never download nor show up in the launcher so I was always forced to use other websites like armaholic for mods. If it wasn't on there I couldn't use it except if I could get ineptaphid to download it with steam and then send it to me through dropbox or something :P
  5. Alex150201

    Ruha terrain

    It is against the forum rules to ask for release dates/updates Thanks
  6. Sorry but asking for updates on the status of the mod is unfortunately prohibited :)
  7. Greek AH-64 Apache shot down in Malden Mods:
  8. Alex150201

    Project CTRG

    I really like the idea of PJs since they are usually neglected!
  9. 25th of March, Greek Indepedence Day, Malden Mods: RHS, NIArms AR/G3/M14, HAFM, Extra RHS Uniform Re-textures, Rismarck Poses, Altis Armed Forces
  10. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    I dont think it has I never got a notification to approve your post. It said it was hidden but there was no reason listed so I dont think any of us hid it on purpose. Maybe bug?
  11. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    Yes and you are going to list it as "X WIP Mod"
  12. Alex150201

    Project CTRG

    I really like the idea of an expansion for the base game like this one!
  13. I'm here! I had unsubscribed to the thread so i wasn't getting notified. If @M. Glade hadn't mentioned me I wouldn't have seen this lol :D Sooo, what do you all need? :) EDIT: I just read my last comment, it read "I'll add you back when I get home" I am pretty sure I added him back on steam when I got home I don't know if you guys expected a reply that I added him no steam
  14. Alex150201

    US 75th Rangers

    My bad lmao. Yeah I was thinking of the MICH2000 my bad.
  15. "Either I will come back after hoisting the Tricolor, or I will come back wrapped in it." Mods:
  16. Alex150201

    US 75th Rangers

    So in that case the MICH2001 would be a great addition for the 2007-2013 Rangers
  17. Alex150201

    US 75th Rangers

    To be honest I've seen pictures with rangers in the 2000s wearing MICH helmets. Now I also wanted to ask will you only have modern rangers like the previous version of the mod or will you include like I said 2000s rangers etc?
  18. Alex150201

    US 75th Rangers

    I'd love some MICH2001s
  19. Hi, I am having trouble loading my premade loadouts from the VA. The loadout name is white meaning I am not missing any gear but the "LOAD" button is unavailable and double clicking the loadout name won't load it neither. Any idea on what's wrong or how I can fix it is appreciated, thanks.
  20. You see it's funny I use ACE all the time and I never noticed this :D But the problem here is it makes a dependency for the missions because if I add a medkit in the inventory of someone it becomes bandages and morphine doesnt it?
  21. Alex150201

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    Yes I still don't understand why you are making a fuss about it. The picture was taken down after 4hrs and 38mins like FM said. I don't see that picture, you don't see that picture, nobody can see that picture. BamSlam apologized for posting too. We understand you are against this change, I am to some extent too and I haven't kept quiet about it, we are in process of wording it as a rule right now like R0adki11 said because right now the rule is too vague.
  22. ACE Arsenal? Never heard of that.
  23. Yeah i just ran the game with the mod i removed, spawn my units in the editor get their load outs then quit tbe game remove the mod and re launch