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Co-pilots would be nice.

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I noticed something in OA (and to a certain extent in AmrA2). In the Mission 'Good Morning T-Stan,' you ride in as a soldier in the front seat of the blackhawk.

I know it's a minor gripe as far as suggestions go, but this is a bit of a realism killer for me, since in the real world a grunt would never fly co-pilot. It would be nice to see a co-pilot up front and have the player ride in back with the rest of the squad.

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It's not entirely unfeasable if he's just riding and not actually copiloting. I'm sure IRL if they needed the extra seat (and didn't need a copilot), they'd use it.

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To me a bigger problem is that the guy sitting on the copilot seat can't take over the controls if the pilot dies.

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To me a bigger problem is that the guy sitting on the copilot seat can't take over the controls if the pilot dies.

Actually, this makes me wonder if the ULB functionality can be applied as a way to implement this (currently non-) feature.

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To me a bigger problem is that the guy sitting on the copilot seat can't take over the controls if the pilot dies.


Also +1 to co-pilots by default. It looks silly having the front seat be treated like a cargo seat.

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I only can second that. It looks indeed silly that the copilot seat is actually a cargo slot.

The UH-1Y has a copilot, so why not the other helicopters/planes?

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Well, the UH-1Y has a turret (laser designator), that's why it needs a copilot. :rolleyes:

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Wow... I'm glad other people had noticed this as well. It's been bugging me since ArmA. If I'm remembering correctly, Operation Flashpoint (the real one) had co-pilots up front and treated every other seat (that wasn't a gun position) as 'cargo.'

I think it would be a simple, easy tweak to make in a patch maybe?

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There were really only 3 transport helicopters in OFP, 2 of them had weapon systems (rockets) and thus the copilot seat was the gunner's position. The UH60 MG however had the gunner position... well on the MG. The copilot seat wasn't usable, not even by cargo.

Oh right, I almost forgot about the CH47. It too had a door mounted MG, and so the copilot seat was empty.

IMO, cargo is at least better than always empty.

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I agree that the current system is better than having an empty seat, but it would boost the realism factor to have the seat occupied with a co-pilot that could pilot if the actual pilot dies. I've always hated it when my entire squad dies or has to bail because the pilot get shot. That's the reason a co-pilot is so important; if something should happen to the pilot.

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If NOTHING else the copilot (and flight engineer on the C-130) seat(s) should be classified as "gunner type" with no weapons so that the dirty squad that boards the cargo area doesn't start fighting for elbow room with the pilot.

It's all so annoying that this hasn't been fixed yet despite how absolutely doable it is within the current engine.

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I agree it could be default, but the workaround is so easy it is just laziness from the mission makers side. Not a problem adding a copilot to take the other seat, at least not for custom scripts. Haven't played enough with the vanilla spawn functions to know how easy it would be there.

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Even BIS's default configs don't put a co-pilot in the UH-60 for instance.

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I always put another pilot into these choppers when Im making a mission so it at least looks like there is a co-pilot. But as someone said, it would be awesome if there was an option to take over the controls of heli when pilots get shot or ejects.

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Aircraft like the Apache should be flyable from either seat too, same with the weapons (although the gunner has better optics).

There should be an option for co-pilots to take the controls. Perhaps similar to the ACE2 gear request? And obviously they should inherit the controls if the pilot is killed/badly wounded.

You guys really think this is doable with the current engine?

PS: On a similar note, it would be great if BIS could give control of the rockets to the pilot by default. It's never made sense having the gunner control fixed-axis weapons.

Edited by Daniel

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PS: On a similar note, it would be great if BIS could give control of the rockets to the pilot by default. It's never made sense having the gunner control fixed-axis weapons.

You can do this by making the gunner a new turret, giving the pilot direct control of FFARs, and gunner control of missiles & gun. Same deal as the Mi8/17s with rockets.

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Oh I know, ACE have done it for ArmA1 and 2. I just think it would make sense to have it straight out the box.

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Yeah +1 to this! Plus I love sitting in the back with my team getting ready to insert.

This would be really nice to be removed/implemented.

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Yeah +1 to this! Plus I love sitting in the back with my team getting ready to insert.

This would be really nice to be removed/implemented.

That's what I was getting at. It adds a sense of immersion to be sitting in the back of a UH-60 with the rest of your squad; waiting anxiously for the helo to touch down so you can leap into a firefight.

Like I said before, it's kind of a realism killer for me when I see there is no co-pilot. I'm sure this would be ridicuously easy for BIS to fix with a patch.

Although I know how easy it is to fix inthe editor. I usually add another pilot 'in cargo' to every aircraft I place in the editor - Just so I can feel like a soldier when I'm catching a ride and not some schmuck who happened to wrestle his way into the front seat because he called, "Shotgun," before anyone else in his squad.

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Could this not be fixed by something similar to the ACE gear access dialog?

Something along the lines of PILOT is sitting flying, CO-PILOT wishes to take over and selects "Request Control", PILOT accepts and they are swapped seats in the vehicle? Crude but it would work... :p

No complex scripting, and potentially a low number of issues... If I was better with coding in SQF even I would give it a try.

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Yes, it'd actually be a rather simple set of scripts, but you'd still have to swap seats. Engine support for multiple pilot/driver positions would be nice though.

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Aye its allways bugged me having some grunt sitting next to me... Knocking over my vodka martini and pinching the stewardess' ass... Makes me want to drag the bugger out and give him a jolly good thrashing... Surely it would be pretty simple for BIS to add in the co and dualling the controls would be very nice too... Even though they may not do anything in game it just adds immersion to looking around my C-130j (or whatever I'm currently flying) and seing my co pilots and navigators maning their positions...

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It could be easily avoided in most situations, without causing any bugs, just by making the co-pilot slot the last one to fill up.

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A small thing, yet it is a big immersion killer for me. As the one Czech bloke said; I also put a pilot as cargo so that there appears to be a co-pilot. ;)

The easiest thing to do is create a gunner slot with no weapons.

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