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Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

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06080573 - Single small tree in Road.

06750438 - An extra piece of road is visible under the main road, seems like its not connected to anything else.

Motodrom Rapido - There is grass on the track at various points if cleared up would look good but not obtrusive in any way.

Motodrom Rapido - Same again with both the car park, lots of grass.

On Road from 01990443 to 01960431 - There are plants along the road in various places.

Cheers for the great update IceBreakr will keep looking for the bugs.

Edited by Flax
Wrong Grid

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Remember that SOME plants growing on the roads add to the "island" feel. I can't go for but a month with weeds growing in the cracks in my driveway and sidewalk. And I'm actively trying to kill those! ;)

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Remember that SOME plants growing on the roads add to the "island" feel. I can't go for but a month with weeds growing in the cracks in my driveway and sidewalk. And I'm actively trying to kill those! ;)

Oh I know about that :). The grass mentioned here is either bigger plants rather than grass that can be turned off in video settings or in the case of the race track... well im sure if Silverstone had grass on it. XD

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Wickerman ill do one today and pm you a link.

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sv5000: there is a cutscene, tried it? Load the mission in Editor and then go back to Main menu, it should be there.

Wickerman: will make one. Or even better - Flax will do it and upload it somewhere, I can add it to official site, too.

Bugs squashed for v1.338 - PLEASE stop reporting bugs that were already eliminated:


Flax's list will be added later today. Tnx.

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Great to hear that you are on the ball with fixing stuff IB.

I have just made a mission series using lingor v1.337, only using the Lite version and mostlyA2OA content in addition to some ACE/ACRE stuff. But will the new update change positions of bulidings, elevations etc ?

So far i have not expected any problems in testing. However some fellow clan members told me there are some potential config problems causing the sound of the guns to sound the same ?? I have not been able to replicate this so far. Just wanted to hear if anyone else have noticed this..( will check dev heaven..)

Btw i just want give you credit for this great island once more. Now that i have been fiddling with it for some days, its just so fun being a mission maker as there is so much cool places and features to build upon.

Edited by Sjaba

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Wickerman: will make one. Or even better - Flax will do it and upload it somewhere, I can add it to official site, too.

Doing it now guys.

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Quick tip if you absolutely need to play with ARL units:

1. remove new ibr_lcivilians.pbo pack

2. move in old ibr_lcivilians.pbo

It should work - but I think I can release the v1.337 units this week.

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I downloaded this Island a few days ago and it is really great! Thanks to the creators, it looks like a huge amount of time and effort has gone into creating it. :pc:

I am creating my first mission now with this Island and I notice that the AI has trouble moving through the hills at some points, the angles seems either to steep or uneven for them to walk over. This also results in pathing problems, the AI can get stuck. I also notice it with the player character, sometimes the legs stretch (literally) while moving over bumbs. Would be great if the terrain can be smoothend out a bit in one of the future updates. Other then that, awesome Island!

Edited by B00tsy

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B00tsy: J-Guid took over 50 screenshots of steep terrain and I've been fixing it since yesterday ;)

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New bug at 067061 the road leading out of the bank is partially on top of the main road leading threw maruko however this appears to be occurring on many roads leading onto the main road with yellow lines

also sorry i forgot to mention when i posted about the plants at this grid - the begining dirtroad at 059040 needs to be smoothed a bit where it leads out of the barack area by the checkpoint as it looks a bit like this ^


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short_German: that road is already fixed (yesterday), flat. Can't do much about overlapping asphalt.

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Hey ice!

New Lingor is awsome! Great work on this project! Congrats! Also a special thank you for your afford with placing MSO points! I am currently trying to get MSO 4.3 to work well with Lingor and came across some issues with the current (old) Lingor units that i can't solve on my own. I doublechecked with the changelog the page before and filed a ticket on DEVHEV: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/30209. Pls let me know if this will make it or not (or if i missed something).

Thx and keep up the good stuff!

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Hi Icebreakr

Had some more fun on the new version last night - brilliant :)

One comment - there are lots of lovely enterable buildings, but the window glass in many (if not all; haven't tested rigorously/extensively) seems unbreakable with 7.62 rounds. This means you can't shoot out, or sneak up & slot an enemy inside. Could at least some windows be made breakable and/of have pre-broken glass?(it it doesn't entail a mammoth editing).

Thanks again for this lovely island - already planning a HAC+DAC megamission for whwnver you're ready to release the new units.



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Anybody waiting for the tactical map might have to wait a while longer, the "Shift & -" topography command in game doesn't create correct grids gonna have to do it by screen shots.

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Orcinus: default OA buildings, I didn't make them. But I'm almost positive we fired on enemy from the inside of the houses and bullets penetrated the glass, even with 5.56. :)

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Orcinus: default OA buildings, I didn't make them. But I'm almost positive we fired on enemy from the inside of the houses and bullets penetrated the glass, even with 5.56. :)

Ah, OK, I must have found a grouping with BI's infamous invulnerable glass. I'll have another explore & see which can be shot into/through & which can't. Also maybe I'll play with Robalo's brill throwable satchel - heave one through the door and run like hell round an opposite corner!



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cant wait to see the new units ice :) one in particular ;)

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thx ice for the road fix and letting me know that roads arnt an issue plz let me know if u want me to check anything in particular?? im happy to help and my enitial opinion has changed im loving the new island more and more the new Lingor completely convinced me.


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what i did: editor --> movie day module, effects module config entry fxaa on 6 fxaasharp on 6 , even without AA enabled due to crappy rig, i feel like playing some kind of war movie with good fps. ICE i love you , the update is just awesome. as soon as i get my next cash, i donate a bit, cause thats the sickest stuff dude

Edit: Your lingor bank account got some cash, which shouldn't be listed in the books :)

Another Edit, i'm on the island right now, my appeal to the community: Donate for this epic piece of hard work..I just did..

Edited by Fruity_Rudy

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Hi! I want to know how is this island performance compared to official islands (like Zargabad for example). I have 2 PCs(to play ARMA 2 whit my brother), one is a athlon 2 x4 3.00 Ghz + ATI HD-7750 1 GB gddr5; the problem is the second pc: Atrhlon x2 3.00 Ghz + GF 9500 GT 512 mb Gddr3 :(. How well do you think this island will perform in the second one? Thanks and forgive my bad English!

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