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Ctf and c_h map making!

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Please stop adding the text messages like:


If you think about it this is not a good way to make a CTF. Reason being that when you as a flagrunner do a good job of sneaking up and stealing the flag, it sucks that it is announced to all, so the defenders dont have to use any real skill in catching you. This causes a common problem with people "CAMPING the FLAGS", or Satcheling Flags.

I believe that satchels on the flag is not a bad thing to do. But I also think that the person satcheling it should be in view of the flag, so he can set it off. The text announcements allow him to hide somewhere else on the map, and detonate the satchel from anywhere!

Anyway my point is more CTF games are needed out there, but the text messages need to go!

So lets vote on it!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT KAMAI USMC @ April 17 2002,04:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Please stop adding the text messages like:


If you think about it this is not a good way to make a CTF. Reason being that when you as a flagrunner do a good job of sneaking up and stealing the flag, it sucks that it is announced to all, so the defenders dont have to use any real skill in catching you. This causes a common problem with people "CAMPING the FLAGS", or Satcheling Flags.  

I believe that satchels on the flag is not a bad thing to do. But I also think that the person satcheling it should be in view of the flag, so he can set it off. The text announcements allow him to hide somewhere else on the map, and detonate the satchel from anywhere!

Anyway my point is more CTF games are needed out there, but the text messages need to go!  

So lets vote on it!<span id='postcolor'>

I think the message is good, not for satcheling but just for the gameplay.

For me they shouldn t put a name of who has it, but the message is good for gameplay.

I only play ctf maps without satchels ! There are some, the combat zone ( ladder ) has only non satchel ctf maps !

About your term "Camping" ... I just don t think you can compare this game with a quake-related game !

Camping IMO = staying in a certain spot where a good "powerup" is lying. I didn t find any quaddamage in OFP yet

This game is a WAR sim, there will always be defenders and attackers ! I kinda see it as a strategy rather then "camping" and i m getting a little sick of people on ladders or in ctf games complaining about it when they are losing mad.gif

More defenders mean less attackers ... so where s the prob, it isn t DM ! This is a tactical game and defending something that gives the other team points ( alot ) is kinda normal ... isnt it ?

Sorry, but had to get this of my chest

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I voted no text message. It would help stop satchelling for one thing, and it would force more intelligent tactics from the defenders. My 2 cents worth.  smile.gif

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I can't vote. I think there is no problem create script (or use trigger) that sends group or side message when enemy steals flag and somebody can see him at this moment, or script that sends message (group or side) when somebody can see (knowsbout) flagpole and flag is not there.

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I think the mission editor should make it however he feels it best suits the type of gameplay he has in mind.

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I say screw the whole CTF, I have never seen real armies do that tounge.gif

Just play norespawn A&D missions and Coop missions, those rule wink.gif

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Jap I agree with you, but Satchels have more uses than just setting them up on flags. Taking them out of the maps as opposed to having some message tell everyone in the game that someone has the flag, and you now thanks to this message, know his general location...now go get him, or wait for him by his flag pole. lol Thats just lame man. TCZ maps, which I have played arent that good IMHO. And in one of the ones I played there were satchels, but the rules say no using satchels. Now the enemy has an armour vehicle decimating my guys, we dont have anyone with an AT weapon, but I cant use the satchel on it? And you think that makes more sense then just getting rid of the text messaging.

You obviously never run flags cherry picker smile.gif

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Come to think of it, that message kinda s*x.

Better get it out and put satchels in  biggrin.gif

As alot of people i m guilty too of satcheling the flag when there are satchels around  wow.gif

Didn t quite get what you meant with that last line in your post ? ( sorry english not my native language )


Ok read that line 5 times wink.gif

Uhm, ... nope i m not the "camping SOB" at our flag biggrin.gif , i m actualy our squads flagrunner wink.gif But i have no hard feelings against the enemy "camping SOB's" hehe. When i spot them the reward is so much better biggrin.gif

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Well, I think we should keep the text messages but give a special type of soldier the ability to deactivate satchels. I hate when satchels are at the flag and the guy who placed them is hiding waiting for the text message.

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just a suggestion for both sides (message/no_message)

What if the message would be delayed for let's say 30 seconds? This would give the flagrunner enough time to

get outta satchel's hell.

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What if the message were only displayed for the team of the flag carrier, so they would know that the flag isn't on the pole, and to back him up?

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Do people moan about camping on this game? I mean that's the way you'd fight a real battle, loads of guys taking cover and hiding and stuff. You'd die straight away if you played this like quake.

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I'd rather play vs. campers than bunny hoppers or rocket jumpers biggrin.gif

-=Die Alive=-

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the only people that tend to moan and complain about so-called "camping" are those folks that think this IS quake. Usually they start spouting that type of stuff after you have put a slug in their mellon about 8 times because they continue to spawn and run straight for the middle of the map.

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I am simply stating the facts guys. Sometimes i camp, sometimes i run flags. But with the usual game being only 30 minutes, whos got time to hunt the flag campers, who are really just waiting for a text message to alert them, and not relying on skill!

Any way Tacts suggestion is by far the best so far. I think the delay message isnt too bad either, except as soon as the enemy sees it, they know where your headed!

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Why not just add a black op or two (day or night) just to deactivate the satchels before taking the flag to missions if you include satchels. That way if people are just relying on the message then you can negate that with a little teamwork. I mean hell, how come I never see engineers in alot of maps either, shouldn't they be able to deactivate mines and satchels as well?

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I don't think that you can disarm an enemy's satchel....correct?

Personally, I think of CTF as more of an arcadish kind of mission, so I enjoy the text messages. If you want to make more strategic ones though, then I would suggest that you make it so that only that player's team gets a Sidechat message, i.e.

"I've got the flag!! Cover me!"

Then your teammates know to escort you, but the other team won't know you have the flag unless they were camping out their flag to protect it.

Because most players on public servers don't normally know wtf is going on anyway, removing text messages might prove to be very confusing. In fact, considering many people never even go for the flag, they only try to DM with everyone, the atmosphere is generally kind of hard to get into a serious mode.

Anyway, it all depends upon the mission that your making. I agree, it can be a pain in the arse to get blown up when you take a flag, but that's why in my CTF missions, I only add 1 satchel charge per explosives ammo crate. That way you get about 2-3 tries with the satchels and then you're out of them.

It would be cool if you could disarm enemy satchels though.

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Just tested it. I stand corrected. Looks like something to be considered in next update - engineers and black ops who can deactivate mines and satchel charges on both sides.

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I wonder if there's a way to detect that kind of ammo laying around so that if an engineer or black op/spetz natz gets near it, you could addaction to the player that could disarm and delete the unit.

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If anyone will figure that out I am sure you will lol.

Anyways KaRR I totaly understand about removing text messages causing confusion. I say good though. When the score gets bumped they might just say Damn I shoulda used better tactics to stop those guys lol.

But the problem for me has really been the tournament side of the game. We USMC play in tourneys. CTF can be fun, but we play a very organized game, and the messages really screw our flag runners over. Anyway, thanks for the reply guys. glad to see some support, and ideas on the subject.

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Well, I think that the only thing that should be done is to let any soldier of any class disarm and if they want take the satchel charges. in the combazone matches there is no problem as when we have clan matches there are no satchels so every1 is happy. The message should stay because if u r not camping the flag at least u know that u have to hunt down a certain individual.

The problem is when u are having a game for fun and it takes u 15 minutes to get to the flag safe and u clear the perimeter and u take the flag and u get satchelled. That is really annoying so everyone should be able to disarm satchels

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OK, here you go Kamai.

I've started modifying all of my CTF missions to allow some flexibility.

Each Group Leader, whether West, East, or Resistance now has a radio command that allows some changes.  Just hope that the Leaders are somewhat mature and don't abuse this system, but in any event, there is a Hint message that tells you whether it's been activated or not.

Anyway, here are the options:

Enable Msg Delay -- the "Player has flag!" message will still appear, but at a delay of 10 seconds.  This should give most players enough time to get away from the flag.

Disable Msg Delay--Simply disables the delay and goes back to normal.

Disable Flag Taken Msg--There will be no message displayed at all when the flag is taken.

Enable Flag Taken Msg--Message will appear as normal.

Also, whenever a flag is taken the person who took the flag will send a Sidechat message to their team that basically says, "I have the enemy flag!  Cover me!"

Give this a try and see if this works out ok.  Like I said, the main problem might be an immature player who keeps playing with the settings, but this is a risk I think some players are willing to take.

Here's a link to a zip containing 4 CTF missions that I have modified.


It contains:

CTF_Lamentin.eden--Night mission, no vehicles small size

CTF_Dark.cain--Night mission, 4 respawning jeeps per team, medium-small size

CTF_Stealth.cain--Night mission, 4 respawning jeeps per team, medium-small size

CTF_Basewar.cain--Day mission, Tanks, limited choppers, jeeps Medium size

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Awesome dude.

Although, could u make a guide to do it on other CTFs, so the rest of us can aply it to the maps around smile.gif?

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