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Ctf and c_h map making!

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Sure, but I want to make sure that people actually like it and want to use it before I waste time on something people won't use.

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Nice work Karr biggrin.gif

I am modifying some of my maps too..

Not going to worry about the messages, because it's unrealistic to begin with.. unless the flag is boobytrapped and there is a tripwire attached so when it is taken an alarm sounds? heh

I am modifying the alarm perimeters in my mission to reward people who go to the effort of sneaking in, whereas the alarm will sound if you just charge down the road towards the flag. So flag alarm triggers will be more precise and exclude bushes etc..

I'll trial this and see how it goes. I always want to adjust trigger height so if you stand up in the bushes it activates because you aren't as covered but if you crawl its all good.

See how it goes.

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I think there's a way where you can tell if a person is prone or if a person is running. I think I saw something regarding that on the OFPEC.com, but I could be mistaken. There might even be something to tell what speed someone is going. That would be really sweet to figure that into the equation.

There is also a trigger where you can use "Knows About", so if someone on East detects a person on West and that West person is distance<10 or so from the flag, for example, then the alarm goes off.

Great thinking. I wish the buildings in Opflash were a bit better and larger because it'd be really cool to have to sneak into a building covertly and steal a flag.

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I think text messages are good but they should be delayed by 10-30 seconds to give the flag runner time to hide or what ever.

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