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WIP: Island Villa afgana 10x10 km

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I gotta say that ascetically this map is superb. Sure there's some things that need fixing but those are fairly obvious. Everything withstanding, this map will be among my favorites.

Ahhhh, it takes me back. Thank you.

Edited by Manzilla

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Master Sergeant

Join Date: Aug 2004

Location: Scotland

Posts: 772

Hi Kinno...

It's pretty straightforward...

In your config at the moment you have clutter defined like this...

Thanks Bushlurker.

if not for your support, I would probably be trying to put the field from the beginning, is what we have we are starting. jejejeje.

Take this opportunity to invite you to participate in this forum, as your experience in these matters, will make me a qualified person to your wisdom to the community can submit a job, the most worthy possible


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Great job bud. Just change the class name and lets rock... Do you have a new release date?

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Awesome looking map mate, can't wait to get designing in this series of river valleys!

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Well done Kinno!

Remember you can ask questions about islandmaking anytime in the Arma2 Map Editing: Visitor section of the forums... if you get stuck on something, it's likely someone else has had the same hassle, and figured it out... most of the well-known islandmakers hang out there and will happily answer questions - most of the time...

Good luck with your project - looking great so far...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Great work, you are setting a good standard especially for a first release.

Couple of suggestions: irrigation ditches - these litter the place around the green zone. Could you use something like the trench model to simulate this? Just a depression in the terrain would be great.

Buildings with roof access - you have a lot of these in the town, could you add a few to the outlying compounds too, as many of the compounds have this in reality.

Vary the amound of trees surrounding the edge of some of the fields, just to give the effect of the dense thickets in some places.

As has already been mentioned, but a minor point - reduce the steepness of the river banks in some areas.

Just walking around gives you a great sense of being in a real place - outstanding.


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For those that use Yoma's addon sync you can get this island with the 4 OPX PBO's and razmisc.pbo in the folder.

auto config url:


or just use this link bellow and select save when yoma opens.


For a guide and info to use YOMA's addon sync to join our server follow this link:http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthre...d=591#post_591

Edited by G-Man-853

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I'd recommend using some desert looking rocks on the mountains too, the black Utes looking rocks stand out a little too much.

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This map is great, it will help set a new standard. I do have some suggestions to help improve it in my opinion. The Airport or Airfield layout need some improvement, suggest looking at Gnats' Sands airfield layout. If you are thinking about increasing the map area 20Km or larger then I would suggest looking at the Armed Assault map called "Civilian Louisana Airfield." Please be mindful of the distance between buildings and large Aircraft wing hits building or other objects.

I would suggest removing the current tent city and replacing it with the something like a slightly expanded version of the "Compact USMC FOB setPos Template" by edgardeath. But leave enough space so mission makers, like me can add a few things to it to "reuse" the terrain. I often use Eddy's softshelters, HAS and other well made buildings to create the feeling of another place. If you decide to make the map say in the 50KM range then a couple of good flat areas to to allow mission maker to place a modified version of "Firebase Template" or "Compact USMC FOB setPos Template" by Darkhorse 1-6 maybe warranted. It a shame we could make a "Addon" Cave or Cave system to place on the map like a house but it looks like a mountain.

I would ask you to increase the height of the east and west sides of the map, like Nick Bell did in his "Razani N. Waziristan" with some pine tree and a few small Afghan villages would add some more atmosphere to it. I would be nice to see some dry creek or rivers beds as well like in the Nick Bell map. You map is very nice and has added great to the community and I would you find my suggestions valuable. Thank you for your time and effort!

Edited by Landdon

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This map is great, it will help set a new standard. I do have some suggestions to help improve it in my opinion. The Airport or Airfield layout need some improvement, suggest looking at Gnats' Sands airfield layout. If you are thinking about increasing the map area 20Km or larger then I would suggest looking at the Armed Assault map called "Civilian Louisana Airfield." Please be mindful of the distance between buildings and large Aircraft wing hits building or other objects.

I would suggest removing the current tent city and replacing it with the something like a slightly expanded version of the "Compact USMC FOB setPos Template" by edgardeath. But leave enough space so mission makers, like me can add a few things to it to "reuse" the terrain. I often use Eddy's softshelters, HAS and other well made buildings to create the feeling of another place. If you decide to make the map say in the 50KM range then a couple of good flat areas to to allow mission maker to place a modified version of "Firebase Template" or "Compact USMC FOB setPos Template" by Darkhorse 1-6 maybe warranted. It a shame we could make a "Addon" Cave or Cave system to place on the map like a house but it looks like a mountain.

I would ask you to increase the height of the east and west sides of the map, like Nick Bell did in his "Razani N. Waziristan" with some pine tree and a few small Afghan villages would add some more atmosphere to it. I would be nice to see some dry creek or rivers beds as well like in the Nick Bell map. You map is very nice and has added great to the community and I would you find my suggestions valuable. Thank you for your time and effort!

About the pine trees. they are mostly more of Northern afghanistan isnt it? and this helmand valley is more to the south which he is trying to base it off of?

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Not to kill your steel here Kinno, but taking on an extra large 20 by 20 map is going to be demanding, i would of suggested sticking to a smaller one and getting that finished, then learning from the mistakes of that one to make an even bigger better one post arrowhead.

But then again, its not my map is it. Just my 2 pennies lad. Keep up the good work.

Stag Out

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Colonel Stagler has a point. Just that one always learns during the process, so might be nice with something that's not 4x as big as the current one, which at least I think definitely is sizeable enough for a lot of missions ^^

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btw. this is more like oruzgan than helmand i think. i'm not trying to be picky here but i was working on a map of the exact same area for over a year. i guess i know why he wants to make it bigger. i started with that part he used too. but there is a almost exact 20x20km area in the same quality on google earth. and if u expand the map layout becomes much better.

P.S: so kinno if u need a ready-to-work satmap with almost no shadows(took ages:o) in it i could provide one. i also have a mask for maskmapper to auto place most of the trees.

just PM me if u are intrested

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About the pine trees. they are mostly more of Northern afghanistan isnt it? and this helmand valley is more to the south which he is trying to base it off of?

You have a point. I'm not sure, but one would assume that there is some sort of brush/Vegitation grows naturally on the hill or mountainside up to a certain point. My point being really that when making side of the map higher, it should have some sort of cover and concleament.

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Inkomptetent sees my point, carry on with your smaller one, finish it, then step back and say, now arrowhead is out, what can i do better, where did i go wrong, and you will have the lessons learned to take on a map which is 4x as big as the current one.

Jumping straight into a massive project is going to be a daunting task and you may find yourself say oh fuck this i cant be bothered anymore. The current 10x10km one is easily big enough to have many missions on it and not exhaust it.

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The good point about the upcoming Arrowhead release is that it's a standalone, rather than an expansion... that means its a Full Deal... there'll be a couple of BIS quality Afghan-style terrains - complete with a full suite of buildings, vegetation and other assorted objects - all purpose-built for this region! An islandmakers dream!

Thats the dressing though, rather than the terrain...

Work done now on terrain isn't "wasted" - the same base terrain will do the job - if it's good - no matter what goodies are included in Arrowhead... I don't forsee any major changes in the basic structure of "islands" happening...

So sculpting mountains, laying roads, digging out rivers, irrigation canals - all the stuff that takes a long time - even on a "sparsely populated map" such as these can all go ahead...

Theres a couple of cunning ways of "bulk replacing" stuff - even road sections if necessary - with other stuff - so everything done so far could be considered "placeholders", and therefore largely is also not "time wasted"...

It's not that long now until Arrowhead, and big terrains take time... (I've been working off and on with a 20x20km map since Xmas - I still haven't finished all the roads!).

As the Colonel says - 20x20 IS huge... BIS use whole teams to make maps that big... but if you're determined, it's definitely possible...

For that reason - island making is a personal thing - you're gonna be staring at this terrain for months - you have to have a vision, a will to complete, so it has to be 110% what YOU want to make!

It may be wise to focus more on landscape for a few weeks though, and worry about actual objects later - when that enormous goodie-bag of Afghan Objects called Arrowhead arrives and you end up with so much good stuff you don't know where to put it all! ;)


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Hello gentlemen

I do not think a single comment that lacks reason for what I'm reading.

But I assure you I am determined to make the map bigger even though I require more work,

The reasons as noted in Bad Benson's friend is that the resolution of that area could be larger, so the quality would be pretty good if it allows even more a reflection of reality.

Anyway I think I'm obliged to talk to Bad Benson, a year's work well deserves it happen.


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I say what i say not out of spite but out of worry that this really well done island will die the death of its creator losing the will to finish after years of work. Some of the best ARMA maps like Afghan village and Avgani were all 10 by 10.

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Well i admire your Will Kinno and good luck with it im sure success is not to far around the corner mate.

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Obviously it's not up to us but I share the same fear as stagler, this one seems so close to 'done' it'd be a shame if neither it nor it's successor were ultimately finished. So often modders commit to huge projects and lose interest along the way plus of course a new 20x20 will take a long time, for the sake of a little more work it'd be nice to have the few rough edges knocked off this to use in the meantime. Still grateful to kinno for sharing, whatever he chooses to do next.

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I think you are correct it would indeed be a shame to no complete this map.

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