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Give more factions for multiplayer! I'm tired of seeing only Americans in shooters!

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Come on people, I am sick to death of the American imperialism and propaganda being constantly pandered in first person shooters. If I were to wish I would actually like to see skins developed for all countries eventually or maybe the ones majorly involved in modern combat. So armies like Germany, Britain, France, hell even doing awesome stuff like putting in China or Turkey would be greatly appreciated! It's about damn time in my view that Americans got a boot to their asses and we got some interesting factions and weaponry into this game. You could maybe even have coalition forces and have country insignia's and languages put on the players to get some better customization going with the game.

One thing I actually liked in BF2 when it actually worked was people able to play as China instead of just some stupid American marine who runs around gunning down various ethnic groups while shouting "Hoorah!" each time.

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You know, there is an editor delivered with ArmA 2. So what is holding you back to create missions playing on EAST side and kicking americans a$$?

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1. I'm too lazy to learn how and piss around with an editor for a game I'm not sure I want to spend THAT much work on I was learning how to use the Fallout 3 editor but then those assholes screwed me over by releasing tons of DLCs and never patching the damn game

2. I'd have to host my own multiplayer server, I don't want to fight A.I all the time, lets face it, they aren't the brightest bunch even with all the coding

3. You have Americans in almost ever damn first person shooter to date, the only cool one was Duke Nukem but after that it just got bloody stale so it's about time someone did something original

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1. Load up the game

2. Click single player

3. Press editor

4. Double click to place a Russian troop.

How is that so hard? Or you can download one of the many addons that include different factions:

African: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9526

Australian: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7531

British: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6943

Irish: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8736

Italian: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8775

Polish: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7035

Norwegian: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6425

Danish: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8947

Turkish: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9522

German: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7956

French: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9682

Chinese: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8904

Canadian: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6680

Slovenian: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6680

Swedish: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9736

Or you can make any other factions yourself with the modding tools. (Underlined for the factions he asked for)

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3. You have Americans in almost ever damn first person shooter to date

Perhaps because there are so much information about them readily available. Unlike most other "factions".

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Come on people, I am sick to death of the American imperialism and propaganda being constantly pandered in first person shooters.
One thing I actually liked in BF2 when it actually worked was people able to play as China instead of just some stupid American marine who runs around gunning down various ethnic groups while shouting "Hoorah!" each time.

USA is a stupid country while China is awesome? lol :rolleyes:

Cut the hate and chill out mate.

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you could just download the many mods/addons out there for different countries...there are about 50 out there.

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1. I'm too lazy to learn how and piss around with an editor for a game I'm not sure I want to spend THAT much work on

Excellent attitude. Wash me but don't make me wet.

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Come play Warfare BE, you can either join the Russian side or the American side. Once you join a side, no defecting till another session starts though. (Unless you got a really good reason)


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1. I'm too lazy to learn how and piss around with an editor for a game I'm not sure I want to spend THAT much work on

Well there is your problem right there... :rolleyes:

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I'm too lazy to learn how and piss around with an editor for a game I'm not sure I want to spend THAT much work on... blah, blah, blah



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Operation Arrowhead is coming with German and Czech troops so far, aside from the US Army. There are plenty of other addons out there representing different countries' forces, just do a little search. Don't demand stuff and then say you're too lazy to go and get them when they're available to you. :rolleyes:

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"Cannot join this server: Your lifetime limit of hours played as imperialistic pig has been reached. Please try again later!"

There are 4 other factions you could play us: The CDF, the NAPA, the ChDKZ and the Russians. If nobody makes missions for them isn't BIS' fault. There is even the official Warfare where you can play as either the USMC or the Russians.

Edited by Deadfast

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1. I'm too lazy to learn how and piss around with an editor for a game I'm not sure I want to spend THAT much work on I was learning how to use the Fallout 3 editor but then those assholes screwed me over by releasing tons of DLCs and never patching the damn game

2. I'd have to host my own multiplayer server, I don't want to fight A.I all the time, lets face it, they aren't the brightest bunch even with all the coding

3. You have Americans in almost ever damn first person shooter to date, the only cool one was Duke Nukem but after that it just got bloody stale so it's about time someone did something original

1)When the guys say "editor" they mean the mission editor included in the game...it is very simple to use provided you are able to use a mouse. Simply open the editor double click, select opfor and hit preview...you will spawn as a ruskie...Also there are some ruskie sp missions that come default with the game.

You also realise that as a consumer you have a right to get back at "assholes", especially those mean mean mean people as Bethesda by oo say not buying their games, or returning ones you dont like? Also i never had any problems with Fallout 3.....what exactly were your issues maybe i could help?

2) If you can't be bothered to learn to use the editor than maybe setting up MP matches would not be the best thing for you to do.

3) I am not sure where you are buying your games from but many games fps games include non american people as the main characters. STALKER, Metro 2033...Hell even the call of duty games have brits and ruskies in them. If you aren't concerned with realism (and after your duke nukem setence i am assuming you are not) then you could also look for more obscure games from the far east for their culture to have an influence of the characters.

Having said that i feel like you may have some deep seated issues that go beyond that because you seem to deeply dislike playing americans in games or just americans in general. People have offered you many different solutions and you seem unwilling to accept any of them.

Lastly if you want something original you could always make it yourself...not for arma2 just in general. Hell maybe there are millions of people like you out there just begging for "Frank Fromage- French Action Hero" (sorry i couldn't think of something serious here no offence meant), to be released. If you make it you could make yourself a small fortune. :D either way good luck with your endevours or lack thereof.

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Their are plenty of mods for other countrys. Germany has the Bundeswehr mod their are African Norweigan Australian and even Polish mods out their. Im assuming your a Brit like myself (made obvious by your use of 'bloody' :P) PRroject Reality will include British Soldiers and Equipment. I agree America is bummed by the game industry, adn it is pretty annoying that you always play as some gun toting rambo wannabe yank but oh well, in this case, we have a community of awesome modders who can solve that issue.

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1. I'm too lazy to learn how and piss around with an editor for a game I'm not sure I want to spend THAT much work on I was learning how to use the Fallout 3 editor but then those assholes screwed me over by releasing tons of DLCs and never patching the damn game

2. I'd have to host my own multiplayer server, I don't want to fight A.I all the time, lets face it, they aren't the brightest bunch even with all the coding

3. You have Americans in almost ever damn first person shooter to date, the only cool one was Duke Nukem but after that it just got bloody stale so it's about time someone did something original

I stopped reading after the first line.

I smell a troll.

If you dont spend some time to learn the editor, even the basic stuff that you want, like playing as a different faction then you deserve nothing. Simple really.

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I stopped reading after the first line.

I smell a troll.

If you dont spend some time to learn the editor, even the basic stuff that you want, like playing as a different faction then you deserve nothing. Simple really.

Just because you think I'm a troll doesn't make me wrong ;)

Naw honestly, I like this game, it actually reminds me a lot of Pre-Cu SWG, the game itself is absolutely fantastic but the bugs screw it over too much.

The trolling was me poking fun at the Americans that constantly whore the FPS franchise and lets face it, they do, almost every damn FPS now involves a bloody marine going "Hoorah" and shooting at different ethnic groups lol.

I'll check out the mods when I have the time I don't want to go freaking making them myself though every single time I want to do something. Would anyone also happen to know whether there is a CTI singleplayer mod which lets you respawn in the game and not lose the match from a single town getting capped?

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Typical anti American waste of space diatribe.

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I have always thought that Americans took center-stage in games of this nature because we are one of the larger markets for games of this kind, so at that point, it's just good business. It may also be because of all the nifty gadgets the average U.S. Marine or Soldier is equipped with then they go into battle. It makes for an interesting game that people will buy.

Complaining about content of this nature in a BIS mil-sim game is really quite pointless due to the fact that there are literally HUNDREDS of mods out there that can add the fighting forces of almost any country you could ever want to play as.

BIS is also addressing your, "Concerns," in Operation Arrowhead by creating a coalition of Czech, German, and U.S. forces (possibly more?) that will play center stage in the new conflict.

I should also point out that complaining about something not being included in the game and then stating that you don't care how to use the editor will turn a lot of people off to you here. The attitude of, "I don't like it, but I don't want to try and fix it," will not take you very far on these forums.

Oh, and the anti-American sentiment is also NOT appreciated.

Edited by tsb247
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He isn't actually being anti-american, but he is missing a vital point.

One of the main reasons why americans are featured in most every game where they can in any way be squezed in, is because the american market is so bloody huge. So the logic goes that if you make the heroes into yanks with guns, more yanks with keyboards will buy your game. Operation Arrowhead is a fine example - there is a very good reason why they chose an Afghanesque environment in which to place their expansion.

Non-americans (with keyboards) may feel cheated by all this, but the truth (as have been stated more than once in this fine thread) is that we are more than capable of making up other sides to play and missions/campaigns in which to place them.

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Americans that constantly whore the FPS franchise and lets face it, they do, almost every damn FPS now involves a bloody marine going "Hoorah" and shooting at different ethnic groups lol.

Yes you are right that is totally the american people's fault...i know that i personally buy shares in every fps company just so i can demad they add more americans into games....as mr hund points out it is simple market forces at work not some mysterious moustachioed band of americans controlling who goes into the the games...although now you mention it...


on a serious note do try the mods mate they are well worth it and that aren't all that hard to install. I can recommend StalkerGBs work for brit stuff, the Operation Half moon mod for china is also great...i have a selection of mods for other euro countries out so take ur pick.

and now if you will excuse me i am off to grow a moustache

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I finally located the full install for ACE, ffs it's annoying finding anything. At least with this I'll be able to play on multiplayer servers more comfortably without anything annoying happening. I'm looking forward to Operation Arrowhead and I have to applaud Bohemia for having the balls to put up Arma 2 DRM free I just wish that the game wasn't so god awfully bugged and messed up but the ideas are just so fantastic you want to see everything fixed up properly so you can really play it.

It really does remind me of Pre-Cu SWG in a way where the developers just threw out the typical elements a game carries and just put in what they felt like.

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