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Pазорени� island

Jungle - would you rather FPS or Thickness?  

217 members have voted

  1. 1. Jungle - would you rather FPS or Thickness?

    • I would rather the jungle be thick, regardless of bad performance.
    • I would rather the jungle have high[er] FPS: sacrifice the thickness.

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Realy like this map but FPS wise its a little bit Like Lamansk was before it was optimised and updated .. some "pull" on the turns when looking at overgrowth and within. Nothing that isnt expected but its a little more than I can sit with to play it happily. This is just a 6 man team on an empty island BTW.

Would be nice to see an optimised version to go along side this one, but I may get slammed for this post :)

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Just some screenshots of the island. I love it. <3






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Hey, that Island is realy great. remind on the landscapes of Far Cry 2.

But, can you make that hole thing a little bit bigger?

And it would be great if somebody can create some African Army and Rebell Forces for Warefare like on the black continent for Maps like this.

(I would be help)

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There already exist at least 5 armies with African background.

There are the Molatian & Afrenian armies of Isla Duala (modern day setting).

And there are the MPLA, UNITA and Portuguese Armies in my DIH Africa mod (1970s setting).



Edited by Dimitri_Harkov

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Thanks all :)

I'll probably releasing another updated version sooner or later (probably later with all I've got on atm), as well as fixing a few issues (anyone spot that palm smack in the middle of the road on the south?:D).

Realy like this map but FPS wise its a little bit Like Lamansk was before it was optimised and updated .. some "pull" on the turns when looking at overgrowth and within. Nothing that isnt expected but its a little more than I can sit with to play it happily. This is just a 6 man team on an empty island BTW.

Would be nice to see an optimised version to go along side this one, but I may get slammed for this post :)

You're just gonna have to slap the VD down a tick mate, sadly there isn't any way to optimize it short of removing all of the jungle. With about 130K of objects lowering VD is about the only solution (the island is 9km sq, you'd probably get that many objects on a temperate 30km sq island for example)

Hey, that Island is realy great. remind on the landscapes of Far Cry 2.

But, can you make that hole thing a little bit bigger?

Ah ... "hole thing"? You're gonna have to be a bit more descriptive =P

Enad those screens look pretty awesome :)

I'm hoping to improve it with some tweaks if I can, so, any ideas on how to make it better? More ruins, ruined vehicles, camps?

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You're just gonna have to slap the VD down a tick mate, sadly there isn't any way to optimize it short of removing all of the jungle. With about 130K of objects lowering VD is about the only solution (the island is 9km sq, you'd probably get that many objects on a temperate 30km sq island for example)

Yes indeed I use dynamic VD addon but did not think to switch it on for this map (DOH!) the fps im getting for what you do have on this island is far from poor that's for sure, so its trade off isn't a killer one bit. As you say for its size a lower in VD isn't going to impact visuals a great deal especially in the thick of the jungle :)

I just wasn't sure if you were considering optimising, if not then VD it is! Which in a way looks like a woman's disease, which is all wrong :pet12:

Edited by mrcash2009

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Enad those screens look pretty awesome :)

Thanks alot man!!

Well your the one that supplied me with this beautiful island. Its really great looking. Alot of nice details. Maybe in the next update add a few wrecks scattered around. I haven't seen many. Also, the performance is pretty good. It gets laggy at points but it generally stays above 30.

I'm running at 2048X1152 not to mention. ;)

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Thanks alot man!!

Well your the one that supplied me with this beautiful island. Its really great looking. Alot of nice details. Maybe in the next update add a few wrecks scattered around. I haven't seen many. Also, the performance is pretty good. It gets laggy at points but it generally stays above 30.

I'm running at 2048X1152 not to mention. ;)

Wow nice one mate :) What system do you have?

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I'm hoping to improve it with some tweaks if I can, so, any ideas on how to make it better? More ruins, ruined vehicles, camps?

Sure, sure: An Oasis, little lake, waterfall, maybe a jungle river.

Oh, that ruined town looks compared to the little size of the island too.....well, civilized. Feels like there should be morelike a little village of bamboo barracks, but at least no skyscrapers nor asphalt roads :) Just my humble opinion.

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Sure, sure: An Oasis, little lake, waterfall, maybe a jungle river.

i wanna play a Wargame and don't going to an vacation. :D

But that jungle river idea is cool.

In that case: Help is always welcome

Maybee you sould try to make the units more like in the Bush Wars Mod for Arma1, with the O2 stuff from Arma1. Just giving an Sovjet Soldier an Black Face dont make him an Angolan.

And i think more on African Forces in the middle of the 90s.

Ah ... "hole thing"? You're gonna have to be a bit more descriptive =P

Yeah, the hole thing. The hole island.

Maybee some more hills, maybee an little african style village. Or an dale in the middle.

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*You mean "Whole". Hole has a different meaning.

@LJF-My system specs are the following:


Asus Rampage Extreme X48

4Gb DDR3 @1447Mhz

Q8200 @3.0Ghz

1 320Gb Internal HDD

1 80GB Internal HDD

1 360GB External HD

Runs ArmA II real nice at 2048X1152 with almost fully maxed settings.

I wish I could run fully maxed. :(

But I will be upgrading over the summer once the prices of Nvidias new FERMI cards drop. :D

Edited by Enad

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I'm hoping to improve it with some tweaks if I can, so, any ideas on how to make it better? More ruins, ruined vehicles, camps?

I personally like the Jungle River mentioned in an earlier post, and also a small refugee village or something, seeing as the island has obviously seen some heavy combat (I'm guessing so by the Ruined cities).

Also it'd be cool to see somekind of guerilla village in the middle of the Jungle with little watchtowers hidden among the trees and foliage (Think like the one on Predator that Arnie and his squad ambush).

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Thanks guys, yeah I think for the most part it'll be small tweaks, not sure how I'd go adding a river in but it might be possible.

I thought about adding in some of the other things mentioned, but I want to keep it possible for mission makers to do their thang, especially for the rebel bases and such, which should ideally be able to be moved around, searching for rebels isn't so fun when you know where they are :D I might add in a few more ruins though, just a couple of farms and that sort of thing.

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Hey LJF, really like this map, good job on making the jungle look dense without too much slow down, nice attention to detail.

Although, I could be one of the few who actually play around in the armory, I just thought i'd mention this bug. You might already know but when i load up the armory, i spawn about 500m in the air and fall to my death, when i accept a challenge, i spawn on the ground but my objective will be 500m's up in the air, its a shame, cause i find the armory a really good way to experience a new map,

cheers for the hard work!

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Hehe, I placed some tanks and infantry on the map. After ~20 min. my computer shut down. I had to switch of the power supply and unplug the power plug. After ~5 min. the system was stable to boot again. This Island is a real resource killer :D

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yes me too my system was down in 15 min gameplay on this island ...to hot :rolleyes:

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I'm gonna place a huge ventilator right next to my pc case, blowing straight into it. I'm curious about how long it will work out well this time :D

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Are you guys using NVIDIA g/cards and the latest NVIDIA drivers by any chance?? There was an issue with them and overheating....


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Yeah I know, but I don`t use that "evil new" driver :D

The same problem appeared on a mission I made for ArmA 1 with over 2000 placed objects by editor across whole Sahrani plus at least 500 waypoints. After max. 30 min. the system went off and the power supply (700W btw.) had too cool down for a while.

Guess we've got to live with that :(

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Haha thanks guys, yeah I've had the problem with the armory too lol, not sure how to fix that one though ...

I've only had 1 blue-screen, happened while making the island when I had too many things open (visitor + bulldozer, firefox + 30 tabs, picture viewer, winamp, about a million windows etc etc etc).

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Task Force 86 SEALS operating on PазорениÑ!



Once again, excellent island. :)

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Haha thanks guys, yeah I've had the problem with the armory too lol, not sure how to fix that one though ...

You can try looking at some of the Armory config parameters in CfgWorlds :) It sounds to me like your centerPosition might be causing this?


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Ah right, thanks DnA. I thought that centerPosition was only used for centering the view on loading the editor. I'll have a look into that and see if I can fix it.

Edited by LJF

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