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I was wondering if there were any possibility that you guys would implement radio damage. Especially in the case of the long range radio you wear on your back, say it gets shot or damaged by an explosion.

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This is the next best thing with ACE 2 in my oppinion.

Me and some mates have been using it and it's awesome!

I was wondering, when Broadcasting with radio, can there be a squelch when first hitting transmit button then the static u already use while talking, then the hang up squelch when finished broadcast. ??

I think it would add to the realism of the radio sound hehe...

Also, I think a scrambler sound of the voice would be cool if you get too injured, replicating your radio being damaged...

Maybe like... when talking, randomise the seconds of when static cuts in and out when talking over the radio???

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This is the next best thing with ACE 2 in my oppinion.

Me and some mates have been using it and it's awesome!

I was wondering, when Broadcasting with radio, can there be a squelch when first hitting transmit button then the static u already use while talking, then the hang up squelch when finished broadcast. ??

I think it would add to the realism of the radio sound hehe...

Also, I think a scrambler sound of the voice would be cool if you get too injured, replicating your radio being damaged...

Maybe like... when talking, randomise the seconds of when static cuts in and out when talking over the radio???

All of the noise you hear on your radio in the future should be based off of the loss model in the mission I have posted above.

Radio quality will be determined by the parameters of the radio sending and receiving signals.

On the sending end the power level, frequency, and size of the antenna will determine the strength of the signal as it leaves.

As the signal travels any terrain, objects, and distance will play a part on the radio signal.

On the receiving end, the length of the antenna and the rated sensitivity of the radio, along with the received signal power will determine the quality of the audio.

There are times where you might have 0% signal strength and you gain a few meters in altitude or move around so you are not in the thick of a bunch of trees or buildings and you will have signal again. Its all very realistic so far. :) It should add a lot to the game play, especially for larger groups and PvP! :D

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All of the noise you hear on your radio in the future should be based off of the loss model in the mission I have posted above.

Radio quality will be determined by the parameters of the radio sending and receiving signals.

On the sending end the power level, frequency, and size of the antenna will determine the strength of the signal as it leaves.

As the signal travels any terrain, objects, and distance will play a part on the radio signal.

On the receiving end, the length of the antenna and the rated sensitivity of the radio, along with the received signal power will determine the quality of the audio.

There are times where you might have 0% signal strength and you gain a few meters in altitude or move around so you are not in the thick of a bunch of trees or buildings and you will have signal again. Its all very realistic so far. :) It should add a lot to the game play, especially for larger groups and PvP! :D

Sounds really good mate, alot of hard work is going in to this which is always really appreciative. :)

Sorry, I am at work at the moment but regarding the bleep of when you start / end a transmission, will it be implemented? Or at the end of the transmission, a more louder static noise, so it's obvious that the transmission has ended?

Just some things I have observed, I'm not tryna bag it, just small things that I think would make it a tad cooler.


---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:47 PM ----------

;1579947']Ok before you say what fact is' date=' know your facts. The biggest thing that gets use military guys here, is people who go off saying what the facts are when they one, do not have the background or experience on the topic, and try to tell people how it is. That would be like me taking forensics advice from a damn plumber. I have 2 piss poor hand held two ways that work further than 500meters.


Thank you for your mod. This is an amazing feet, and regardless of it being in french I love it, even if it is client side and not a mission script. Honestly I find that way better than being a mission script as I feel that might put more load on the server, but I might be wrong. I find it better as you mentioned, and even if a mission script I would believe you would still have to download the TS3 plug-in, so if you have to download it anyway, might as well just have a client side download for the game mod. Good work.

As Miller, and myself have already stated. Your short range radio should have a several mile range. Also your long range radios are used normally at the platoon level by a RTO and the Platoon Leader to communicate with higher. The short range radios are perfect for the squad leaders to talk to the platoon leader, and maybe even with the fire team leaders. Again I somewhat understand the need for balance Patryn is somewhat focused on, even though his claims are inaccurate. With that and after much in game testing, we felt that 1.5 kilometers (1500m) would be a good balance.

Also please change the PRC-77 range to 8000m from 10000m, and add in the PRC-119 and have it set to 10000m. Though this might be a bit higher with the ground factor, I believe it also accounts for a short range on the short range radio (even if changed to 1500m), and allows for the use in vehicles. You could even set it so that maybe the PRC-77 is 6 kilometers, PRC-119 is 8 kilometers, vehicles on ground are 10 kilometers, and aircraft radios have a 12 kilometer range. If this is not possible I would recommend once again, (a recommendation coming from the 80% of the 3rdMD membership who is US/UK/CA military that it remain at the current range of 10 kilometers if it can not be set per device.

If possible per a earlier recommendation, it might be nice to have different static sounds, getting louder as the distance increases. I have many guys in military and military communication experience in the 3rdMD, and would be glad to do a lot of testing for you to get this or anything else right and balanced.

Thank you for your work again Sulu. So my background is known I am currently a Military Police Officer in the United States Army. So myself along with my other member who replied earlier are speaking with the backing of RL experience.

Also I know your English is not perfect, but if you do not mind I am working on a pdf guide in English to more clearly explain how this functions (as many get confused and think they are automatically talking when broadcasting), along with help with the install and key binding.

Your prayers have been answered :p

Edited by Solarghost

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Sorry, I am at work at the moment but regarding the bleep of when you start / end a transmission, will it be implemented? Or at the end of the transmission, a more louder static noise, so it's obvious that the transmission has ended?

Depends on the radio. If you have poor radio quality it will be very obvious when you turn your radio off because the noise will be quite loud relative to the TS audio. Even at 50% strength, which is perfectly suitable to hear the person speaking clearly, you will still hear quite a bit of radio noise. :)

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Depends on the radio. If you have poor radio quality it will be very obvious when you turn your radio off because the noise will be quite loud relative to the TS audio. Even at 50% strength, which is perfectly suitable to hear the person speaking clearly, you will still hear quite a bit of radio noise. :)

I see I see, sounds very nice.


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Having used this a bit now I'd like to suggest that the direction of the speaker and to a lesser extent the listener should influence volume. It should be easier to hear people that are turned toward you and, though it's not a sonic distinction, it is also easier to understand a speaker if you are looking at them and able to read lips and visual clues and I feel this might be approximated with a slight increase in volume also.

I'll also re-iterate my hope that the auto-connecting of opt-in clients to a gameserver specified TS host will be made a part of the addon itself rather than having to be called by a mission script. That done I think superior VOIP quality might have a very positive effect on the quality of play on public servers.

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Can we get some stability feed back? Is there a large amount of people crashing at the moment?

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A further expansion of the question on the output of TS... Is there any way possible to have TS output the "speech" audio to my surround speakers, while outputting the "radio" audio to my headphones?

I'd like to be able to hear speech in the game environment through my 5.1 speakers, while just having the radio transmissions come through on my headset.

I would think this would involve determining whether the "source" of the audio is being transmitted through the in-game radio or speech "channel" then assigning the TS output to the available speakers or headphones depending on it's source.

I don't know if it's possible, but if it is I think it would be a nice option to have.

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Can we get some stability feed back? Is there a large amount of people crashing at the moment?

Have you released a revision? If you have I missed it and can only comment on those in the OP:

One person in our group suffered repeated crashes with (I think) the second iteration (and he hasn't played with us again since) but other than that it has been very stable. I had a few problems with the initial release (one core stuck at 50% and game frozen) 2 or 3 times but have not seen this of late and not at all since using the 003 release.

I suspect if people were crashing a lot they'd have said.

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Can we get some stability feed back? Is there a large amount of people crashing at the moment?

My team (We usually are about 10-12 players once a week) experienced a 'crash' after around 2-3 hours of play.

Suddenly we could hear each other in the left speaker, allmost everyone.

A re-connect on ts would help for around 2 minutes and it crashed again. No idea what happened. Also, a small issue when JIP. Two guys speak-sound came out of one guys character. We each reconnected but with no result. I think we all restarted the server, rejoined and so on to fix JIP problem.

Since the first crash we had, I'm not sure we dare to use it again right away. It really destroyed the whole feeling, and the rest of the mission went FUBAR.

Keep up the good work, we love it and need it :cool:

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any chance for fast update to 004 with "push to talk" and without "reload all" in TS3 only?

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Could increasing radio noise be made optional somehow? It may be immersive, but it may also be a really bad idea because not everyone has a good, clear microphone to start with.

I first tried out the mod last night - it's definitely a neat concept!

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A stupid question iknow but i prefer to ask now:

Do we need to activate TS3 too for a multiplayer session? Or just the game with the @a2t mod is enough?

Many thx :)

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what do you mean activate?

A2T is Artma2-To-TeamSpeak3 bridge. What do you want to know more?

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I mean: before to start/launch the game, do I need to start/launch TS too?

If yes, when i will be online, will i have to choose a TS channel to speak? Or Will Arma2 select it automatically?

Because, this mod allow to be heard by all people around the player, right? And for the radio (short and long range), does this mod detect itself if we are Blue, red or independant?

AS i said it is a stupid question... and maybe not very clear, so if you don't understand it, it doesn't matter, i will see well by myself online :)

Best regards

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Great mod,

Does this add the Channel Commander function from TS2? (Or offer a realistic/feasible alternative)

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he's French, be nice ;)

ArmA2TS = "ArmA to Teamspeak"

Try to follow the directions in the first post, and you will probably figure it out. All players using this need to be in the same TeamSpeak channel for it to work right.

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Thanks for the mod!

We're testing it and using it with SR5 Tactical and I have to say at first I thought it would just introduce too many variables and commands to make it effective in combat but now I think I mis-interpreted the whole thing: it actually introduces "positive bottle-necks" that improve the game-flow and overall communication effectiveness.

One suggestion, if I may:

it would be great to be able to "disable" the "scroll-wheel" commands. I would find it awesome to be able to use the Custom Key shortcuts (like A, S and D) while NOT having the commands via the action menu.

I undestand it should be "on" by default but it would be great for me if I could "clean the action menu" from the radio commands, since I'd be only using key commands.

Thanks anyway! Great job,


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This is awesome.

506th PIR is up and running this addon. Over!

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;1586437']This is awesome.

506th PIR is up and running this addon. Over!

I 2nd that.

(Coyle next time don't run off on us. :D)

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Just installed the plugin following the instructions and I get this error when I join a multiplayer server.

Anybody else getting this? Any idea where to start looking for a fix?


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