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Should I buy this game?

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Well, since the demo will take 19-20 hours to download I think I'll just buy it to see what it's like.

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It's like this.

I have Modern Warfare 2 and ARMA 2. And I enjoy them both, but I finished MW2 on the hardest difficulty and I constantly get killed by glitchers and grenade spammers IF I don't lag.

99% of ArmA 2 can be edited as opposed to about 10 - 20% in most other games.

If your computer can run it you should definitely get this game. Even if you can't complete the campaign you will still have the mission editor which is just awesome.

Yeah, I think you should get it.

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Yes, demos seem to be pretty worthless in trying to determine if you should buy a game. I remember playing the SWAT 4 demo and just thought "WTF?!?!" What fun is it to tell perps to drop their weapons and cuff them. I then literally forced myself to play the game over and over...until finally I saw the light and it became, IMHO, one of the most brilliant games I've ever played.

I thought the original Arma demo was so bad it delayed my buying Arma for almost 2 years. Then, after I bought it, I started playing the horrid SP campaign and almost deleted it from my drive forever. Now, all I play is Arma (MP) - period.

I thought the Arma 2 demo was really nothing special.

The thing about Arma series games is that they get patched up the ass, and the "final" product may not resemble the original. Throw the gargantuan mods in the mix and you might not even recognize the game after patches and mods.

Alot of your decision probably depends on how much of a run-and-gunner you are (if at all). Or whether you prefer a game with a much more tactical feel. Years ago, I went from playing Quake 2 to Ghost Recon. After first, it was a very hard transition. I just thank the stars that I stuck with Ghost Recon and found that no, I'm not a run-and-gunner at all!

I played some Arma co-op once with a friend and he never caught on - his loss. Sometimes you need to give a game a lot of time before you "get it".

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You should buy another copy just to be safe.

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I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but I doubt I'm going to play multiplayer...

I hope the single player isn't as bad as everyone says.

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Donwloading custom missions and campaign will certainly help you out.

Check out armaholic for tons of them :)

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Hi Jobrmc

Lots of Down loadable content means there is an endless supply of missions and campaigns. If you dont like the BIS content just get some of the user made content. Up to the build a base stuff in the campaign I liked the campaign. I do like high command; though the CoC command engine interface is IMHO better.

But to tell the truth the editor is the place to be; creating the missions you want to play.

You can make a dynamic, never plays the same way twice mission in 10 minutes or take days designing your very own masterpiece, from a single person night covert ops to, a WWII dogfight, to a tactical fire team factory sweep, to section attack on a village, to a platoon defence of hill, on up through a company assault on a town, to an All Arms Battle Group defense of the line; or a battalion level battle for a whole island.

OH! and like I said if you don't want to do all that, just download the work of some one who already has done it for you!

Kind Regards walker

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Take your time and learn the game. You won't pick it up in a 5 min session. Yes it is an FPS but it is very slow and doesn't require the skill like pinpoint aiming, Strafe/Rocket Jumping, map domination for pick ups and fast reactions that you would need for Quake Live for example. Everyone always brings up CoD or BF2 when comparing Arma. I think Quake is a better one to compare its differences as it is (like unreal) very skill based and certainly not a mindless spam fest. I absolutely hate CoD and BF2 such watered down crap that has no learning curve or requires any skill to get kills, that's why they are so popular, not that Arma is all about kills, As you are sure to find out :)

Arma 2 has its strength in mastering terrain and knowing when to get down. Picking the right equipment (like smoke grenades, very handy for the SAS marksmanship of the AI) and keeping with your squad. Patience pays off greatly.

Most fire fights are at a distance so you will strain a little trying to spot targets, this can be fun in multi-player so uniform recognition is essential to prevent tking.

You said you probably won't play multi-player but you would be missing one of the greatest online communities out there.

Edited by Nanthaka

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As a new player to the game I say, absolutely buy it. It's incredible.

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Well, after getting this game I must say I am thoroughly disappointed.

Don't get me wrong, the game itself seems great, the concept is good, the graphics are (relatively) good and I can tolerate a steep learning curve. What I cannot accept however are fatal bugs that make the game unplayable.

I've only had it for one and a half days and have suffered 2 BSOD's as well as other miscellaneous problems. Even after downloading the latest patch.

I have decided that this will be the last time I am disappointed by the for-profit gaming industry. I will be purchasing no more PC games from now on and go back to my original idea of creating my own non-profit game from scratch.

I know I could post my system specs and chase my tail for weeks looking for solutions. but I often have this gut-feeling that tells me a problem cannot be solved, and that’s the feeling I'm getting now.

Anyway, see you people when I've made my game, and if you think mine will turn out stupid, just remember, it will be FREE, so unlike Arma 2 (And many other games) you won't loose anything trying it out.;)

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Well, after getting this game I must say I am thoroughly disappointed.

Don't get me wrong, the game itself seems great, the concept is good, the graphics are (relatively) good and I can tolerate a steep learning curve. What I cannot accept however are fatal bugs that make the game unplayable.

I've only had it for one and a half days and have suffered 2 BSOD's as well as other miscellaneous problems. Even after downloading the latest patch.

I have decided that this will be the last time I am disappointed by the for-profit gaming industry. I will be purchasing no more PC games from now on and go back to my original idea of creating my own non-profit game from scratch.

I know I could post my system specs and chase my tail for weeks looking for solutions. but I often have this gut-feeling that tells me a problem cannot be solved, and that’s the feeling I'm getting now.

Anyway, see you people when I've made my game, and if you think mine will turn out stupid, just remember, it will be FREE, so unlike Arma 2 (And many other games) you won't loose anything trying it out.;)

You obviously doesn't want help so bye bye :wave:

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Well, after getting this game I must say I am thoroughly disappointed.

Don't get me wrong, the game itself seems great, the concept is good, the graphics are (relatively) good and I can tolerate a steep learning curve. What I cannot accept however are fatal bugs that make the game unplayable.

I've only had it for one and a half days and have suffered 2 BSOD's as well as other miscellaneous problems. Even after downloading the latest patch.

I have decided that this will be the last time I am disappointed by the for-profit gaming industry. I will be purchasing no more PC games from now on and go back to my original idea of creating my own non-profit game from scratch.

I know I could post my system specs and chase my tail for weeks looking for solutions. but I often have this gut-feeling that tells me a problem cannot be solved, and that’s the feeling I'm getting now.

Anyway, see you people when I've made my game, and if you think mine will turn out stupid, just remember, it will be FREE, so unlike Arma 2 (And many other games) you won't loose anything trying it out.;)

That is one of the dumbest posts I've ever read. You must have loads of money in the bank if you don't need to work for a living and can produce top-tier games for free.

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Well, after getting this game I must say I am thoroughly disappointed.

Don't get me wrong, the game itself seems great, the concept is good, the graphics are (relatively) good and I can tolerate a steep learning curve. What I cannot accept however are fatal bugs that make the game unplayable.

I've only had it for one and a half days and have suffered 2 BSOD's as well as other miscellaneous problems. Even after downloading the latest patch.

I have decided that this will be the last time I am disappointed by the for-profit gaming industry. I will be purchasing no more PC games from now on and go back to my original idea of creating my own non-profit game from scratch.

I know I could post my system specs and chase my tail for weeks looking for solutions. but I often have this gut-feeling that tells me a problem cannot be solved, and that’s the feeling I'm getting now.

Anyway, see you people when I've made my game, and if you think mine will turn out stupid, just remember, it will be FREE, so unlike Arma 2 (And many other games) you won't loose anything trying it out.;)

My car stalled two times, so i decided not to use it anymore and to walk. Walking doesn't cost me a penny, that's nice.

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Well, after getting this game I must say I am thoroughly disappointed.

Don't get me wrong, the game itself seems great, the concept is good, the graphics are (relatively) good and I can tolerate a steep learning curve. What I cannot accept however are fatal bugs that make the game unplayable.

I've only had it for one and a half days and have suffered 2 BSOD's as well as other miscellaneous problems. Even after downloading the latest patch.

I have decided that this will be the last time I am disappointed by the for-profit gaming industry. I will be purchasing no more PC games from now on and go back to my original idea of creating my own non-profit game from scratch.

I know I could post my system specs and chase my tail for weeks looking for solutions. but I often have this gut-feeling that tells me a problem cannot be solved, and that’s the feeling I'm getting now.

Anyway, see you people when I've made my game, and if you think mine will turn out stupid, just remember, it will be FREE, so unlike Arma 2 (And many other games) you won't loose anything trying it out.;)

good luck developing a game when you lack the ambition to even fix a game(which im doubting its even the game, its probably your PC.) you went ahead and purchased.

btw bsod usually comes from faulty drivers, hardware or when you push hardware beyond its specs. not saying thats your problem, but those are the most common reasons.

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My car stalled two times, so i decided not to use it anymore and to walk. Walking doesn't cost me a penny, that's nice.

The correct response is: My car stalled twice so I decided to build my own car and offer it to anyone who wants it free of charge.


To OP ... I'd love to play your game ... in 2096 when you finish!

Edited by andromedagalaxe

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Well, after getting this game I must say I am thoroughly disappointed.

Don't get me wrong, the game itself seems great, the concept is good, the graphics are (relatively) good and I can tolerate a steep learning curve. What I cannot accept however are fatal bugs that make the game unplayable.

I've only had it for one and a half days and have suffered 2 BSOD's as well as other miscellaneous problems. Even after downloading the latest patch.

I have decided that this will be the last time I am disappointed by the for-profit gaming industry. I will be purchasing no more PC games from now on and go back to my original idea of creating my own non-profit game from scratch.

I know I could post my system specs and chase my tail for weeks looking for solutions. but I often have this gut-feeling that tells me a problem cannot be solved, and that’s the feeling I'm getting now.

Anyway, see you people when I've made my game, and if you think mine will turn out stupid, just remember, it will be FREE, so unlike Arma 2 (And many other games) you won't loose anything trying it out.;)

Sound good, let us know when it's ready. I love indy games (happy to play test if you need help too)

As for fixing the problem, there's always a solution. It's just a matter of how much effort, time (and sometimes money) you're willing to put in to find the solution, and if you think it's worth it. You didn't seem to like Arma 2 as it was when it worked, so it's probably best not to spend your time looking for a solution that you may not want.

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...when I've made my game, and i... turn out stupid, just remember, it will be FREE, ...

Thats what i want "Stupid..FREE..game"! Edited by kklownboy

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Sound good, let us know when it's ready. I love indy games (happy to play test if you need help too)

As for fixing the problem, there's always a solution. It's just a matter of how much effort, time (and sometimes money) you're willing to put in to find the solution, and if you think it's worth it. You didn't seem to like Arma 2 as it was when it worked, so it's probably best not to spend your time looking for a solution that you may not want.

Oh no, I thought the game itself seemed great, Briliant concept.

However my last computer suffered 3 hard drive crashes before we decided to get a new one, so I am trying to avoid things that put too much strain on my computer, especially to the point of causing a BSOD.

However due to some good arguements here I will try a few more things to get it working.

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Oh no, I thought the game itself seemed great, Brilliant concept.

However my last computer suffered 3 hard drive crashes before we decided to get a new one, so I am trying to avoid things that put too much strain on my computer, especially to the point of causing a BSOD.

However due to some good arguments here I will try a few more things to get it working.

Yes, you can always get it working unless you're trying to run it on a netbook. If you post your specs we could actually help you.

Also, as was mentioned, BSOD in this game with fresh install means there's something wrong with your computer. My game never crashes unless I'm doing something pretty RAM/CPU intensive along with custom mods.

Also... do you really have the game? Usually when someone gives up that fast it's because they haven't invested their own money in it... ie. they downloaded a pirated copy. Then they don't want to go into troubleshooting detail because they know it's related to the so they downloaded. Feel bad to suggest this, but when you've seen your developer friends suffer because of pirates it becomes easy to figure out posters on forums who many not have a legit copy.

Also - some pirates seem to think all games should not be made for profit... but for free.

Edited by jpinard

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Wow, I'd like to see something as ambitious as ArmA II done for free. That would be a great, highly motivated team of professionals, with a LOT of skill and a LOT of free time on their hands that they would just give away. I wonder how motivated such a group could stay. The ACE team does a splendid job with their development.. Hmmm. Somehow I don't think it would be to the same level. Kind of 'Open Office' compared to 'MS Office'. Close, but not quite as integrated or powerful a business tool.

Also agree with Jpinard: Let us know the details of your issues, and we'll help you out.

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Yes, you can always get it working unless you're tryign to run it on a netbook. If you post your specs we could actually help you.

Also, as was mentined, BSOD in this game witha fresh sintall means there's something wrong with yoru computer. My game never crashes unless I'm doing something pretty RAM/CPU intensive along with custom mods.

Also... do you really have the game? Usually when someone gives up that fast it's because they haven't invested their own money in it... ie. they downloaded a pirated copy. THen they dont want to go into troubleshooting detail because they know it's related to the so they downloaded. Feel bad to suggest this, but when you've seen your developer friends suffer because of pirates it becomes easy to figure out posters on forums who many not have a legit copy.

Also - some pirates seem to think all games should not be made for profit... but for free.

No, I did'nt pirate it, I got it off a used and new seller at Amazon UK, which I assume is OK?

By specs I assume you mean these:


And my graphics system is a Radeon HD 4350.

Like you said, if it's a problem with my computer It'll probably be unfixable because my computer is very new.

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I'm guessing you're not using 64-bit version of windows since you're onoly able to use 3 Gig of your 4+ Gig of physical RAM?

OK, can you step us through exactly what happens? For instance, what graphic settings are you using, what difficulty level, and does it crash whil trying to complete the first tutorial mission?

Do you have any extra peripherals setup? Joysticks, gamepads etc? Did you update your latest ATI Catalyst drivers? You should think about investing in this program: http://www.drivercleaner.net/ when changing drivers. ATI is notorious for leaving lots of junk behind.

Also - getting something off a "used/new reseller" doesn't alway mean its legitimate. They can copy the disk and use Lightscribe to and ship it in a sleeve. ] This rarely happens, so in this case I'm just educating you. Is yours full-boxed copy with SN# in the box behind the DVD? Hopefully it is.

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I'm sorry but... Isn't a 4350 a pretty crappy graphics card? It's probably bottlenecking that system like crazy. If you bought that PC for gaming, then you seriously chose the wrong PC, as your graphics card will give you a hard time. In terms of your game being legitimate, refrain from buying used games, especially ones made by BIS. A number leave them installed on their PC and if you were to register your copy with the same key that they used, FADE will activate, which is BIS' way of combating piracy by slowly degrading the game until it's unplayable for the offender.

Edited by Zipper5

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No, I did'nt pirate it, I got it off a used and new seller at Amazon UK, which I assume is OK?...

Hi Jobrmc

Are you sure you were not buying a pirate version? There have been rather a lot of cases of faked games being sold as so called "second hand". Did your DVD come with all the packaging and manual printed on glossy high quality paper? Obviously it was no longer shrink wrapped.

I would suggest you contact Placebo to verify it is proper user registration key you have and not one of those being used in pirate copies.

While as a second hand buyer BIS has no obligation to give you any support what so ever, they may be able help you get back your money from Amazon if you help provide proof of another piracy scam.

I do feel sorry for lots of people who are fooled into buying "second hand" scams but I have to say it is a case of caveat emptor. ArmA is not that expensive and buying second hand provides no income to the developer and you have no come back if your product is defunct.

There is nothing to stop people selling you a virus laden disk of horrors when you buy from some anonymous individual over the web. In fact thinking as such a scam seller the extra income from creating a botnet of fools who would buy a second hand game from an anonymous source would be an obvious extra income scheme.

Out of interest can you link us to this used games sellers page on Amazon.

I would suggest in future you stop buying second hand and at least contribute to game developers hard work.

Kind regards walker

Edited by walker

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OK, can you step us through exactly what happens? For instance, what graphic settings are you using, what difficulty level, and does it crash whil trying to complete the first tutorial mission?

Actually I think it started on the sixth training mission, so I turned my computer off and did not play Arma 2 until the next day. When I turned it on the next day everything was fine until a few minutes into the same mission the BSOD happened again, thats when I realized something was definatly wrong.

Here are my video options:


Do you have any extra peripherals setup? Joysticks, gamepads etc? Did you update your latest ATI Catalyst drivers? You should think about investing in this program: http://www.drivercleaner.net/ when changing drivers. ATI is notorious for leaving lots of junk behind.

No, no joysticks or anything like that, unless you include the D-Link antenna.

I'll look into that thing, however I'm not entirely sure how to update my graphics drivers.

Also - getting something off a "used/new reseller" doesn't alway mean its legitimate. They can copy the disk and use Lightscribe to and ship it in a sleeve. ] This rarely happens, so in this case I'm just educating you. Is yours full-boxed copy with SN# in the box behind the DVD? Hopefully it is.

If by "SN#" you mean the CD-Key then that was on the back of the manual.

I'm sorry but... Isn't a 4350 a pretty crappy graphics card? It's probably bottlenecking that system like crazy. If you bought that PC for gaming, then you seriously chose the wrong PC, as your graphics card will give you a hard time.

What can I do then?

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