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VTS3.5 - Live Multiplayer coop mission editor

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Release Candidate 1 Out !


RC01 changelog :

-All installed addons are now usable in the mission (from units to musics... )

-Improved Game master interface speed

-Fixed game master interface parameters sometime not restored when opening it

-Fixed AI parachute opening the chute too late

-Fixed JIP GM not having access to high command

-The mission .pbo shoud be compatible with all islands (renaming the .pbo with the island extension, should allow you to do so without editing the mission).

-Logistics are now on the object side

-Added option to sit on chairs (Communication Menu > Anim : Sit on chair)

Edited by L etranger

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Whats the script that you use that makes only the players online charicters come up, in other words, no ai charicters spawning wen you start the game?

need help fast sorry!

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very nice set of improvements... well done ;)

---------- Post added at 06:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 PM ----------

there seems to be some issues with the classes..

Just put the mission on the Combined Op server, only islands are added as extra.

West USMA has Static + Logistics only

West BIS_US does not have any sub class.

East BIS TK is again empty...

Guess it needs to be sorted ... I cannot see any men/group/etc.. class in any unit.

It is not playable atm..

I'm on TS/MSN if you need more info etc..

Edited by Cross

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very nice set of improvements... well done ;)

---------- Post added at 06:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 PM ----------

there seems to be some issues with the classes..

Just put the mission on the Combined Op server, only islands are added as extra.

West USMA has Static + Logistics only

West BIS_US does not have any sub class.

East BIS TK is again empty...

Guess it needs to be sorted ... I cannot see any men/group/etc.. class in any unit.

It is not playable atm..

I'm on TS/MSN if you need more info etc..

It seem the generation of the class list wasn't completed, could you give me the mods / addons configuration you are using please ?

Could you try this version and let me know if it'is better ?

I ll be avaible later in the evening.

Edited by L etranger

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I believe you are asking the server side addons....just running the islands.


I was running our own KHpack but it should not effect the Master.

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I have noticed that I am unable to return to GM mode when I am in a vehicle as driver (or pilot). The only way I can get back is if I eject (or get out) ... NOT good if in an aircraft !

Still testing .....

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I have noticed that I am unable to return to GM mode when I am in a vehicle as driver (or pilot). The only way I can get back is if I eject (or get out) ... NOT good if in an aircraft !

Still testing .....

If I'm not mistaken you have never been able to access the GM console while in a vehicle... passenger OR driver.

Loving the new release!

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If I'm not mistaken you have never been able to access the GM console while in a vehicle... passenger OR driver.

Loving the new release!

Pressing the Teamswitch key allow you to do so :) but i ll add a vehicle cpu option

I have noticed that I am unable to return to GM mode when I am in a vehicle as driver (or pilot). The only way I can get back is if I eject (or get out) ... NOT good if in an aircraft !

Still testing .....

I'll take a look at that one

Edit : Fixed

Edited by L etranger

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Thanks L'etranger and teh VTS team for fixing the custom mod issue and the other stuff....Latest version just rocks..

It has become THE custom LIVE mission that you can setup instantly and change on the fly.

It is now upto the evil GameMaster to imagine, what sort of ambushes & twists lie ahead :D ....

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As I said ... this is my favourite mission because of the support and ultimate flexibility!

Good work guys.

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Would be great if there is such a module or addon that can be placed in every mission and give more control to the admin. I think it will be much more fun.

By default the server does not provide many tools for control of the game.

Is there a way to integrate spawning vehicles from this mission with any other mission?

I don't need "god mode", scripting of units and all other stuff, just empty vehicles, ammo crates and etc.

I wonder why such a mod or tool is not created yet...

Some time ago there was a similar addon - Lost Keys or something, but only working in singleplayer.

Edited by helldesign

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@ L etranger first off all very nice Mission! TXH for your work.

If you try to load the mission with rksl-typhoon the


stops working @ line 154 with


Error position: <>1) ) then



Error >: Typ Zeichenfolge, erwartet Zahl

Don´t know if you can fix it, but I would let you know this.

Ceers and keep on working :)

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@ L etranger first off all very nice Mission! TXH for your work.

If you try to load the mission with rksl-typhoon the


stops working @ line 154 with


Error position: <>1) ) then



Error >: Typ Zeichenfolge, erwartet Zahl

Don´t know if you can fix it, but I would let you know this.

Ceers and keep on working :)

Could you try this version and let me know if it'is better ?

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Could you try this version and let me know if it'is better ?

you did it. Works fine. Thats HighSpeedDebugging :) Thx

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It's a great addon and thanks for making it available for OA as well.

Is there any way you can keep the normal GM options if you change class yourself as GM.

I have noticed that if you change to a different class at the medic tent, Delta Force for instance, as GM you loose the options for High Command, Populate with civilians, Apply order to map for a existing units and Set task succeeded + failed. Maybe there are some others but that just stood out for me now.

Oh, and can't we als GM start as a Delta Force guy with the new weapon anyways in stead of the Czech guy with the M4? :)

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It's a great addon and thanks for making it available for OA as well.

Is there any way you can keep the normal GM options if you change class yourself as GM.

I have noticed that if you change to a different class at the medic tent, Delta Force for instance, as GM you loose the options for High Command, Populate with civilians, Apply order to map for a existing units and Set task succeeded + failed. Maybe there are some others but that just stood out for me now.

Oh, and can't we als GM start as a Delta Force guy with the new weapon anyways in stead of the Czech guy with the M4? :)

I recommand you to use the Team Switch Key ( T by default), what ever you do you will open the GM interface

Edited by L etranger

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I don t have the gun and other objects for the ado, hexagon and ace addons in the logistics crates (only 10 % of guns/objects are present). I don t have group for Ado and Heaxgon units. I don t have man and lot of land/air units for ace in the menu.

Sometime, i can t give order to units, the left click doesn t work and countdown go to 0.

Tested on the RC1 and the co105_vts35_oa_210707.Zargabad.pbo on a local host and dedicated version, the problems are same.

Thx for the new version l'etranger, but we can t use it for the moment with theses bugs :'(

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I don t have the gun and other objects for the ado, hexagon and ace addons in the logistics crates (only 10 % of guns/objects are present). I don t have group for Ado and Heaxgon units. I don t have man and lot of land/air units for ace in the menu.

Sometime, i can t give order to units, the left click doesn t work and countdown go to 0.

Tested on the RC1 and the co105_vts35_oa_210707.Zargabad.pbo on a local host and dedicated version, the problems are same.

Thx for the new version l'etranger, but we can t use it for the moment with theses bugs :'(

A bug prevent the mission to load addons if some addons are faulty. This is fixed for RC02, about groups , hexagone addons don't have group config, so you wont have group for Hexa in VTS. The VTS mission now read everything from addons , if the addons are incompleted or buggy, it could fail the VTS. But i'm working to fix all case of error that could come with faulty addons :p

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First of all: Great work L etranger. I´m playing VTS since beta 6 and i love this tool.... and my clanmates too :) Thank you very much for this VTS!

If i remember it right, there was the possibility to see the AI Classnames on the GM monitor. I cannot see this anymore. Do i have wrong settings or did you cut this out?

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rc02 available :

-fixed issues with some addons breaking the mission init (thanks to Sekra)

-fixed resistance and civilian objective not displaying correctly for thoses side

-Populate functions are now run on the server side

-Added a parameter to select on wich technical side, addons are read (server or gamemaster)

-spawning on dedicated server now have a visual feedback for GM

-Improved delete function to clean group and reduce max group limit obtention.

-GM interface improvement

Armaholic mirror:

- Virtual TrainingSpace 3.5 - OA Co-105 RC02

vts 3.5 release candidate 2

---------- Post added at 11:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 PM ----------

First of all: Great work L etranger. I´m playing VTS since beta 6 and i love this tool.... and my clanmates too :) Thank you very much for this VTS!

If i remember it right, there was the possibility to see the AI Classnames on the GM monitor. I cannot see this anymore. Do i have wrong settings or did you cut this out?

You mean on the mini map ? i don't remember so far, but rc03 or 04 VTS will have a different icon on minimap to display vehicle (dot for men and something else for vehicles).

Edited by L etranger

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Looks great and seems to work fine, except one thing: My beloved ACE MagicBox is gone again! :(

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Looks great and seems to work fine, except one thing: My beloved ACE MagicBox is gone again! :(

Let's concentrate on the big stuff first please! Can you tell that I couldn't give two hoots for your MagicBox?

Improved functionality is the way to go. Thanks for all the hard work L'etranger and Gonza.

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hi guys

i try vts rc02 but i have problem

whatever side i choise (us;ru;tk...) i have only group or base that it

i restore rc01 for playing .

Merci les gars pour ce super outils ,je vous supporte depuis le debut a+

see you

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