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How many Add-On makers are still active?

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How many Add-On makers are still active in ARMA2 from the OFP days?

Im big fan of all BIS game series, and always loved the talented people and teams making good Add-on's. Those wore day's when new thing's were flying out on front pages every few hours to download.

But can't see those peope work any more in any of Arma1/Arma2 only few MOD's left and fist full of Add-On makers. Not trying to say that they aren't good. They are significant factor in BIS series.

I don't know what I missed since I was "out" from scene for a while.

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Many mod teams still exist, such as the guys behind WGL (who now make ACE), and the FDF team, and the CSLA team, and some of the individual addon makers are still around, such as Gnat, Rellikki, and Jackal, to name only a few. However, there are also a lot of newcomers doing amazing work as well.

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Lots and lots and lots. Check out the modding forums for all the stuff WIP and released.

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More than I even know about :)

Things are definitely much different compared to the ofp days, but certainly not for the worst!

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I just hopped that some good Add-On's from OFP will be ported to Arma1&Arma2 with proper credits of course. I know that is not so easy to port old .pbo files to Arma2.

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How many Add-On makers are still active in ARMA2 from the OFP days?

11 and 2 on hold

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As you're looking in the wrong place it's no surprise you can't see many ;) Moving to A&M: D

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Thank's *Placebo I wasn't sure where to put this question.

I'm realy missing RHS Studio; T-54,..T-90 tank's. BAS chopper's, Nashe Oruje helicopter's one of the best ever. And many more or les needed Add-On's. New addons are just coming out to slow, but in the end is worth waiting.

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Do they atempt to remake their russian tanks into arma2?

Oh man you have nooooo idea ;)

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To give you a little overview what happened in the OFP/ArmA/ArmAII modding scene:

- Read Armaholic.com and ArmedAssault.info every day.

- Check this forum in the section Addons and Mods complete every day.

(Im sure you will not be able to try out every addon which is already released.)

Most of the Mod teams are still there. Sometimes in a new combo or under a new brand. OFP were the haydays, then ArmA brought a lot of disappointment to the community and now since ArmAII, the community is gaining new members.

The biggest difference to OFP times: A lot of mods/addons are compatible with each other now. Thanks to brilliant XEH/CBA addon. (Big applause to Solus, Killswitch and Sickboy)



- GL4 (former Group link 2 and 3)


- CAA1



- P85

- BWMod



















And a lot of addon makers, scripters, config gurus, utility makers are still active but the list is too long to write it here.

My summarizing opinion is: since ArmAII we have matured Mod teams and Addon makers together with a lot of talented newcomers. The biggest advantage is: A lot of people base their work on already gained science and research through all the years since OFP. IMHO the speed of evolution of new addons is by far quicker than in the OFP days.

Enjoy ArmAII!

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SBP Team is still around, since 2001 ;) maybe some OFP players remember us from the NatoSoldier.com domain we once had.

Our current A2 projects:

- Isla Panthera 2

- Isla Duala

- Molatian Army

- Afrenian Army

- SBP Slovenian Soldiers (old & new camo)

- SBP Croatian Soldiers (new camo)

- FN F2000 Rifle (all versions)

Previous work from guys in SBP:

- SMG MGV-176 (OFP)

- Ex-Yugo weapons pack (M70AB1,M70AB2, M72, zolja - OFP, A1)


p.s. I would gladly sign NDA papers in order to get new BIS tools ;)

Edited by IceBreakr

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Oh man you have nooooo idea ;)

Sounds like they have a suprise coming for an OPFOR fan like me ;)

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Still have onging projects ;)

But also unfortunately (or fortunately for the bank account) have RL issues to deal with too.

- Frigates

- Submarine, revision

- Footmunch planes

- Sands revision, (desert island)

- Several civilian light planes

- B52 revision + a Eastern block bomber

- Several other "different" addon in early development

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Nice to see so many talented people still active. I'm just having so much sentimental memories from OFP day's. I agre that Arma 1 was bad for Add-On's since some incompatibility.

But now it's time that Arma2 surpasses all previous two game's.

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Thank's *Placebo I wasn't sure where to put this question.

I'm realy missing RHS Studio; T-54,..T-90 tank's. BAS chopper's, Nashe Oruje helicopter's one of the best ever. And many more or les needed Add-On's. New addons are just coming out to slow, but in the end is worth waiting.

Bit more patience and a tsunami of RHS stuff will come down on you... seriously, few long developed projects slowly come to a end and should be released very soon including things for all kind of tastes.

About the Nashe Oruje helicopters... well you got them by default in ArmA2, the Mi-8s for sure, and im sure some of the other helis also come from DPS who was head of Nashe Oruje back then.

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To give you a little overview what happened in the OFP/ArmA/ArmAII modding scene:

- Read Armaholic.com and ArmedAssault.info every day.

- Check this forum in the section Addons and Mods complete every day.

(Im sure you will not be able to try out every addon which is already released.)

Most of the Mod teams are still there. Sometimes in a new combo or under a new brand. OFP were the haydays, then ArmA brought a lot of disappointment to the community and now since ArmAII, the community is gaining new members.

The biggest difference to OFP times: A lot of mods/addons are compatible with each other now. Thanks to brilliant XEH/CBA addon. (Big applause to Solus, Killswitch and Sickboy)



- GL4 (former Group link 2 and 3)


- CAA1



- P85

- BWMod












You can add CAA1 to the Not Active Anymore section unfortunately. Kju retired and stopped work on most of his projects from what I've seen and heard. He did give us one of the best gifts us ArmA 1 & 2 players could have asked for though. The ability to play our old missions on an improved engine, better graphics +FPS, not to mention all of the other work he did, like OFPIP, PROPER Projects, and the rest.

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It's not just that all addon makers left ;) , it also has to do with the increasing difficulty of creating addons.

Creating addons for ArmA takes more time as you would need to create higher poly models and adjust rvmats. With ArmA2 even more normal map stuff arrived.

Think of that GTA developer who said it would have taken a designer of GTA3 about 3 days to create a car while it took 2 weeks in GTA4.

I think we have fewer "single" addon makers now than there were in OFP, but more "studios" in comparism to single addon makers.

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Since ARMA 2 will probably be around for a while as BIS is taking a break from ARMA series and Carrier Command is there next project we should see alot more addons than armed assault.

If we get what we did in OFP we should all be very happy chappies

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It's hard to create new addon's for Arma 2. Especially for me since I' lost my knowledge that I' had back in OFP day's... I' also miss some "how to make" tutorials to create Arma 2 Add-on's.

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