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I cannot target anything after 1.5, flying in chopper and tab targeting not working.

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After gettin 1.5 (i regret i did) i cannot target anything while flying. AI does not use hellfire missiles, and when i try to give command to attack tank, it says sorry i cant and does not engage, same thing with pillboxes.

Mods i have:

ACE2 - 1.95 version i think.

All HIFI sounds

WARFX explosion effects

Anyone else have this problem? Please help!

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Those damn retards at ace team, they removed the alt tabbing, cause it would make it too easy to kill with longbow. I'm uninstalling that shiet, watch some videos of that chopper, it can drop some serious hurt in a matter of seconds. Give me back my tab targeting....:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Those damn retards at ace team, they removed the alt tabbing, cause it would make it too easy to kill with longbow. I'm uninstalling that shiet, watch some videos of that chopper, it can drop some serious hurt in a matter of seconds. Give me back my tab targeting....:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

They're retards? Wow, well I'm sure you can be lead developer of ACE3.

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Those damn retards at ace team, they removed the alt tabbing, cause it would make it too easy to kill with longbow. I'm uninstalling that shiet, watch some videos of that chopper, it can drop some serious hurt in a matter of seconds. Give me back my tab targeting....:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

If you don't like a mod, just don't use it. You didn't pay ACE a cent for that product so don't expect anything. You paid for the stock ArmA2 game, so stick with it. By the way, they did the right thing removing the tab targetting. This is a realism simulation game, not some arcade game and in real life, you need visual on the target and laser on it in order to target, not hit some corny tab button. I hope some moderators here gave you an infraction for that language by now.

Just an after thought... who is more retard? the maker of a "Retard" product or someone who CHOSE and WILLINGLY use a retard product?...mmm... i wonder...

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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if you are gunner in the copper you lock a target with the MG and then you select helfire and then you have still the lock so you can shoot it ... not that hard :D

And there is nothin wrong with ace , just more realistic !

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he has troll in his name for a reason.

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They removed crosshairs for rockets, so pilots now CAS by what, drawing a marker with pen on their LCDs?

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Those damn retards at ace team, they removed the alt tabbing, cause it would make it too easy to kill with longbow. I'm uninstalling that shiet, watch some videos of that chopper, it can drop some serious hurt in a matter of seconds. Give me back my tab targeting....:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

+1 infraction for flaming. Keep the discussion civil, please.

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This is a realism simulation game, not some arcade game

And yet BIS make the game with TAB, realism???

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And yet BIS make the game with TAB, realism???

The choice is yours, which one you like it better and which one you wanna use. The stock Arma or ACE ;)

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Those damn retards at ace team, they removed the alt tabbing, cause it would make it too easy to kill with longbow. I'm uninstalling that shiet, watch some videos of that chopper, it can drop some serious hurt in a matter of seconds. Give me back my tab targeting....


Just use your brains and search solutions...Let's imagine you're the pilot...you see targets...you press "2" on your keyboard which funnily enough will bring out the "targets" menu...press the number which has an enemy tank written next to it....voilá, you have'em targeted...even works with ACE2 mod...

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Those damn retards at ace team, they removed the alt tabbing, cause it would make it too easy to kill with longbow. I'm uninstalling that shiet, watch some videos of that chopper, it can drop some serious hurt in a matter of seconds. Give me back my tab targeting....

Um, we fixed it in the latest update. Have a go ;).

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Those damn retards at ace team, they removed the alt tabbing, cause it would make it too easy to kill with longbow. I'm uninstalling that shiet, watch some videos of that chopper, it can drop some serious hurt in a matter of seconds. Give me back my tab targeting....:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

thank you...one less prick to worry about

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I must appologize my behaviour, i have been on drunken rampage for few weeks now. Sometimes when things dont work in personal life, it's easy to lash out at the internet.

My humble appologies to ace team, how ever i still dislike the change. I currently play warfare with ace mod and the choppers feel very gimped. Also, i have some problems destroying a pillbox with apache and few other choppers.


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So is this the case with the "vanilla" apache too? I'm having issues with getting lock (not target, I can still tab over to the target) on armor targets with the hellfires. It works fine with an AI gunner though.

I do have ACE installed, but it's setup as a mod.

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I knew that arma isnt really a fully simulation for vehicles but the gameplay is still great. I just think that TAB targeting is really arcadish....I did play a very nice helicopter simulation game some weeks ago..watch the video and you will see the difference lol.

Ka-50 Black Shark

Video how to target/aim in not even full realism mode


want to see the start up only ...(full realism mode)


In this simulation almost every feature, button or stick has a function like in real life....arma 2 is for sure a nice game but the vehicle options and features are still far from sim games.

If you really want to see how fighter helicopters work if its flying or targeting, radar features, countermeassures, altitude to avoid/lower radar detection and so on you have to see this....fantastic game.

Edited by oxmox

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That DCS Black Shark is the flight sim of all sims. I have had it a few months now. It would be nice to see DCS make the AH1 version of this.

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You only need to take a brief look at the manual to understand the depth of the simulation.

Arma can never achieve this, and nor should it attempt to. But I'm all for making "high training stuff" become more advanced and requiring slightly more dedicated personnel, than the regular grunts.

And yes, I consider myself a regular grunt on the Arma battlefield.

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