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Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?  

69 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes

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No worries SNKMAN, I was just curious. I have a feeling that the next version is going to be super.

---------- Post added at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------

Please leave by the nearest window !

When will noobs realise that asking when something is going to be released will NOT get it released quicker!

Either shut up or make your own addon so we can pester you.

Why don't you take it easy. Didn't you notice the fucking SMILEY at the end of my post? I've been following this thread since day one and I have a ton of respect for the amount of work SNKMAN has put into this and have supported this mod since day one. I was jokingly asking for an update. Maybe think before you post something stupid like that next time. This is a thread for a mod, not a new game patch and besides, I'm not the type to moan and complain about release dates unless I paid for something and the devs owe us a patch. I didn't pay for this mod so I'm not expecting anything. My post was just that, a request for an update on when the next version might become available as they were being released quite frequently in the past - thats all. Anyway, who cares.

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Thanks for the prompt reply, SNKMAN. :rthumb:

Might I just add that the community surrounding this game is pretty awesome as a whole!!

I'll be trying out GL4 for the first time in a few moments.

Keep up the good work!

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Got a problem with friendly fire!

My own units keep shootin at me:mad:

It wasn't that way all of the time.

Did some search but couldn't find answers.

I'm playing on the "Podogorska"Map and any how I connect Player via "GL4:System-Module" or not they shoot me and my men.Sooner or later...

These "crazy" units are synchronzied with "GL4 Static" or with "GL4 Custom".

Is it related to the map?

There was no such problem on other maps (Tschernoruss) - not that I remember!:confused:

And no matter if I disconnect my Player from "SOM Module" or not,it doesn't change this shootin.

Any ideas?

Help very welcomed :)

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I have got an issue with the AI artillery in GL4, SNKMAN.

1. The time from spotting through the enemy to the strike is definitely too short. Sometimes its just some 15 - 30 seconds after being spotted which is unrealistic.

2. The time lag from spotting to execute the artillery strike should be adjustable in the userconfig. I mean this is my suggestion...:)

3. Im not sure but the AI reaches with their artillery spots which are unrealistic. I.e. when between me and the artillery there is a hill or even a mountain, they still can call in an artillery strike and get me...:( Is the trajectory calculated correctly? Is the enemy AI really shooting the rounds from the artillery, or does the bombs just rain down from heaven? :D

4. Also I think not every enemy AI unit should be able to call in artillery. Maybe only officers and vehicles? Sometimes there is just one soldier in the woods that spots you calls in artillery..and the mission is over.

Right now with these setting some of the missions are not feasible. Like the mission brewed chaos in Seal Team Six 2.

Still I dont want to disable this feature since it is realistic.

Really looking forward to the next update of GL4. Really hoping you will include the friendly AI reinforcement auto init. I badly need it, since the AI is very very hard on mercenary, with ACE2, GL4 and VFAI. :o

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. The time from spotting through the enemy to the strike is definitely too short. Sometimes its just some 15 - 30 seconds after being spotted which is unrealistic.

2. The time lag from spotting to execute the artillery strike should be adjustable in the userconfig. I mean this is my suggestion...

3. Im not sure but the AI reaches with their artillery spots which are unrealistic. I.e. when between me and the artillery there is a hill or even a mountain, they still can call in an artillery strike and get me... Is the trajectory calculated correctly? Is the enemy AI really shooting the rounds from the artillery, or does the bombs just rain down from heaven?

Yes, i can confirm this. Tested with Enemy and a few Friendly squads and they hit only me with arty. Maybe arma 2 issuse?

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Can it be, that the VSS Vintorez is not silenced for enemy AI? I used it from quite a distance, and the first shot really seemed to stir up everybody.

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First off, manys thanks to SNKMAN for the continued work on Group Link! And also to those here who help support the project!


One minor'ish issue I'm running into, involves enemy AI planes. When placed on a runway/taxiway normally they just do the taxi/takeoff thing. But with GL4 loaded, they shut down thier engines and just sit there. (even with things to do)

While perhaps a welcome scenario compared to the default BIS process, this is breaking some things in my flight missions. Only occurs with planes, not helo's. Helo's takeoff and start flying thier dynamic waypoints with no problem.

I have tested this in various ways trying to troubleshoot. So I've done away with everything else. This appears to be the default operation with @CBA;@GL4 loaded. Expected operation with no mods.

My understanding (probably the real issue), is that I should be able to use the Custom Module to define what groups are initialized by GL4. Those that aren't sync'd should not be initialized under GL4. This being regardless of implementation method. Is this correct?

Any insight to whats going on would be excellent.



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And I also have a few more questions for SNKMAN...

I set up the mod per your instructions, for Special Effects only, no AI enhancement.

It seems to work very well. I noticed some new arty sounds I had never heard, as well as some new dirt clods flying around. Very nice indeed.

I'm gonna have to play with this, minus the WarFXParticles mod, so I can better see what the specific effects of GL4 are...but they seem to play together nicely.

My question:

While using the GL4 mod in singleplayer, I've noticed when I get minorly wounded, I now have a "First Aid" option in my action menu, to heal myself. I'm assuming it's part of this mod, as it's never happened without GL4.

Can I disable this "heal" option, while keeping the GL4 Special Effects?

At this point, I'm only looking to enhance game atmosphere, not actual gameplay.

I went through the userconfigs...saw nothing about it.

Is it a part of the blood effects?

Also, I didn't notice much in the way of camera shake/blur (near explosions) while using the mod. I was under the impression this was part of the effects...

maybe I'm thinking of ACE2?

Is the "shake" tied at all to the head-bob setting? I have mine very low, though not all the way off. Could this have something to do with it?

Thanks again!

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My own units keep shootin at me

Did you synchronize frendly A.I. with the "Group Link 4: Static" / "Group Link 4: Custom" module?

If yes then that's the reason.

The "Group Link 4: Static" / "Group Link 4: Custom" modules should be synchronized with enemy A.I. only.


The time from spotting through the enemy to the strike is definitely too short.

Yes true. I will increase the artillery request time.

Also I think not every enemy AI unit should be able to call in artillery.

Again this sound's good.

But currently i'm not sure if i should go too deep in detail with the artillery.

May you will see this in any other ( not the next ) version.

Is the enemy AI really shooting the rounds from the artillery, or does the bombs just rain down from heaven?

Nope enemy A.I. do not shoot really. The artillery shells are spawned at a given position.

If i would make it that artillery would really fire then there would be a artillery impact every 5 - 10 seconds, becouse the artillery would need to reload.

Yeah sometimes A.I. got some magig tricks to spot through mountains and buildings.

Really looking forward to the next update of GL4.

Currently my last tests are running. So prepare yourself for a new kick ass release very soon.


That's not a ArmA 2 default weapon? Right?

Sorry don't have all weapons in my head currently.

If not then you need to add the weapon class to the suppressed weapon list in the "GL4_Global.sqf" settings.


But with GL4 loaded, they shut down thier engines and just sit there.

Yes that's becouse Group Link 4 will use them for Airstrikes.

So they wait for a airstrike mission. :)

Ah that's really something stupid...

I will make planes without waypoints use the "Airstrike" feature only so enemy A.I. planes with waypoints will do what they was supposed to do.

Thanks for pointing me on this. ;)

@Ben Endless

While using the GL4 mod in singleplayer, I've noticed when I get minorly wounded, I now have a "First Aid" option in my action menu, to heal myself.

Sure not a problem. ;)

Open "UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Local.sqf"


    // GL4 Bleeding FX:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if the "Bleeding FX" feature should be used.
   // Note: The "Bleeding" feature requires the "Blood FX" feature.
     // GL4_Local set [5, False];

Disable the feature by removing the "//" in front of the variable "GL4_Local"

    // GL4 Bleeding FX:
   // ==============================================================
   // Choose if the "Bleeding FX" feature should be used.
   // Note: The "Bleeding" feature requires the "Blood FX" feature.
      GL4_Local set [5, False];

Also, I didn't notice much in the way of camera shake/blur (near explosions) while using the mod.

Yes Group Link 4 use a shake feature which makes your screen shake given to which distance of a explosion / shell impact you are.

The closer you are to a explosion / shell impact the more your screen will shake.

It nothing have to do with your ArmA 2 settings it's just something to simulate the power after something big was impacted very close to your position.

Edited by SNKMAN

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All the greate things of the world only happend becouse someone is doing more then he has to do. ( Hermann Gmeiner )

Nice quote mate ! Do you realise he's talking about you also ;)


REALLY looking forward to see what new goodies your adding this time. You always give us clues but there's nothing like actually playing one of your new releases... :)

P.s.. No luck on the radio backpack model :(

P.p.s.. GL4 FTW !!!

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Holy crap, that was a fast answer!

Kudos to you, SNKMAN.

This game, these mods, and more so this community impress me, yet again!

Many thanks. :)

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Hey Mark :)

Thanks. Yes quotes like this are all over some room's where i'm working at and every time i read them i think how true they are. ;)

No luck on the radio backpack model.

Not a problem the feature is already finished and working nicely. ;)

So in the next release you will have it.

It's called "H.Q. Radio" ( Headquater Radio ) and it add's a real damn greate atmosphere.

Yes it's one of the goodies no one know's so far. :p

@Ben Endless

Your welcome. :)

Edited by SNKMAN

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oops...for enemy AI only??? :o

O.k. thx Snkman know I see!

You just made my day... ;)

That's gonna be a hell of a fight! :cool:

Danke sehr nochmals


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Wow mate you work like a trooper and thats excellent news, thanks for considering the idea in the first place ;) I hope the folks like it :D


Mate, if you find anything in the latest HiFi you like and can use, just pm me. Or if you need anything soundwise making up, again I'm just a shout away ;)

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I will make planes without waypoints use the "Airstrike" feature only so enemy A.I. planes with waypoints will do what they was supposed to do.

Most excellent Sir, thank you. :)

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@SNKMAN, one suggestion though...

Is it possible you make friendly AI check their rear BEFORE firing a backblast weapon like RPG? So if there is a friendly behind them, they will just switch back to primary weapon... hows that? too much friendly kill due to backblast.

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Is it possible you make friendly AI check their rear BEFORE firing a backblast weapon like RPG?

Even better if, instead of switching weapons, the soldier carrying the back blast weapon would move slightly so there were no friendlies in the danger area :)

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Jesus! Tell us more about the HQ Radio thing!!!!

You can find out what it it's pretty soon by yourself. :)

Is it possible you make friendly AI check their rear BEFORE firing a backblast weapon like RPG?

Yes i just have to find a good way but it should be possible of course. ;)

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You can find out what it it's pretty soon by yourself. :)


I hope that means that we will be having a good weekend :-):D

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Haa... You are pretty optimistic. Right? :D

Well we will see. ;)

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Dear community,

after more then 1 month of hard and intensive coding and testing im pleased to release the next version of Group Link 4 Special FX Edition.

Many new ( requested ) features was added and a lot of already available features was fixed improved and enhanced.

This version again is in W.I.P. stage becouse i still have so much to do but so far everything should work like it was supposed to do in single and multiplayer.

So take your time and have fun while exploring and discovering the latest Group Link 4 Special FX Edition.

Like always feedback is very welcome. :)


Group Link 4 Special FX Edition v.1.1.75

What's New:


Fixed: Event Handler "Fired" "Hit" and "Killed" was assigned twice by each player.

New Feature: Force ( Move ) which force units of a player group to ignor everything around them and just move to the position of the group leader.

Added: Settings to ( UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Global.sqf ) to enable/disable "Force Move" feature.

New Feature: "Helicopter High Command" which will give a player the full control over helicopters used by friendly A.I.

New Feature: "Enemy A.I. Simulate Dead" which makes A.I. if hit by a bullet randomly simulate dead.

Added: Settings to ( UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Global.sqf ) to enable/disable/change settings of the "Enemy A.I. Simulate Dead" feature.

Changed: "Group Link 4: Friendly" module to "Group Link 4: High Command Reinforcement".

Note: The "Group Link 4: Friendly" module do not exist any longer! If you had used this in a mission then you have to set up the friendly A.I. Reinforcement by using ( synchronize ) the friendly A.I. with the "Group Link 4: High Command Reinforcement" module.

Enhanced: Enemy A.I. "House Search" feature.

Added: Recruit monitor script which will remove the "Recruit" user action in case that the user action was assigned to a player or units of a player group.

Optimized: "House FX" feature by reducing amount of publicVariable. ( Multiplayer )

Optimized: "Crew FX" feature by using the "createUnit" command instead of publicVariable. ( Multiplayer )

Optimized: "Explosion FX" "Wrack FX" and "Burning FX" features by reducing amount of publicVariable. ( Multiplayer )

Added: Debri Fire FX

Added: Settings to ( UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Local.sqf ) to fine tune the "Dubbing" feature settings.

Optimized: "Weapon Impact FX" are not used any longer if the bullet was impacted nearby "Man" class.

Enhanced: Enemy A.I. react to all kinds of "Smoke" ammo which was dropped 50 meters within to their position.

Changed: "Radio Chatter" Volume Keys. Default: Volume Up = Num - Key 8 | Volume Down = Num - Key 2.

Fixed and Enhanced: Several parts of Group Link 4.

New Feature: "Artillery High Command" which will give a player the full control over artillery used by friendly A.I.

Added: Setting script ( UserConfig\GL4\GL4_High_Command.sqf ) to disable/enable/change settings of the "High Command" features of Group Link 4.

Added: Settings to ( UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Core.sqf ) to enable/disable "Default" ( C.B.A. ) initialize of Group Link 4. By default True.

Optimized: "Default" initialize of Group Link 4. Through the new setting of "GL4_Core.sqf" the "Default" initialize of Group Link 4 will be done without any slow down which means the "Default" initialize will be finished within 1 second after mission start.

New feature: "H.Q. Radio" which gives Radio Communication in audible kind between units of a players group and H.Q.

Enhanced: "Artillery FX" feature.

Re-Wrote: Enemy A.I. Artillery and Enemy A.I. Airstrike features into functions.

Info: All new settings are marked with ( New ).

Added: New Utes Intros. My first setp with cutscenes. If you don't like them remove the "GL4_Intro.pbo".

Added: Flyes are now randomly flying over dead bodys.

Re-Wrote: "Skill Array Types" settings/values.

Enhanced: "Smoke Shell" throwed by enemy A.I. will fly in a more realistic direction and angle.

Improved: "Friendly A.I. Reinforcement Request" now use Map - Click to transfer the target location. This means after a friendly A.I. group was requested you will be able to choose the target location by Map - Click and send multiple friendly A.I. groups to multiple target locations.

Enhanced: "Enemy A.I. Debug Markers" and "Player / H.C. Markers" are customizable in "Type", "Size" and "Color".

Changed: Marker "Types" from "Arrow" to "Dot".

Changed: Only planes without waypoints can be requested by enemy A.I. to fly a "Airstrike" mission.

Added: "Weapon FX" Grenade / Rocket / Missile "Impact FX Stones" and "Impact FX Sparks".

Added: Church "Night Ambient Light".

Re-Wrote: "ReadMe.pdf" and "Features.pdf".



Copy the "@GL4" folder into your Armed Assault 2 root directory.

Drag the "UserConfig" folder from "@GL4\UserConfig" in your Armed Assault 2 root directory.

Special Thanks:


To all users of Group Link 4 which had requested features and reported bugs.


Group Link 4 Special FX Edition v.1.1.75 ( speedShare.org )

Group Link 4 Special FX Edition v.1.1.75 ( 2Shared.com )

Edited by SNKMAN

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Wow. List of changes looks amazing. thanks SNKMAN!

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Heya mate,

The readme makes this look awesome, however I'm not having any luck with the link you put up for downloading. :(

Could you check it ?

Thanks mate :)

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Try again 2shared.com works just need some time sometimes. ;)

I already tryed 10 other file hoster but they all sucks...

2shared.com was the only one where i could upload the file successfully.

Edit: Found another working file hoster.

New mirror should be up in 5 minutes.

Edited by SNKMAN

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