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Winter Pomegratskaya

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I am pleased to inform you about the release of Winter Pomegratskaya.

version beta 0.2


Winter Version of Pomegratskaya, an ArmA II Winter map.

for small team PvP/TvT missions : DM, TDM, CTF, AAS, C&H ... . It's NOT a Warfare map !

Some facts about the Pomegratskaya project.

It's based upon my my 1st map "Pomegrat" released for ArmA I

Pomegratskaya was built as a Norther European version covered with forest, the first step to get a "Winter Pomegratskaya" map.

The map is built with PvP in mind, but AI are doing well on it as far as I have tested ...

Some facts about Pomegratskaya Island :

Of course, the overall shape of the island is based along the "Pomegues et Ratonneau" islands near Marseilles.

As on the model you can find here and there remains of military equipments, some of them centuries old.


On this map, two islands linked by a long seawall are making a nice place for an harbour.

- On the northern part there are 3 "modern" barracks, one near the harbor and 2 ruins of barracks from an other era, the Zadrovie village and the harbour.

The north part is having also a factory/sawmill in the middle of plantation.

A large telecomunication mast is set on the highest point of the map.

A very special set of buildings is to be found at "Karantin", these ruined buildings are what was left of a 18th century quarantine hospital when the plague was infesting this area.

- On the southern part there are an airstrip and a "modern" base near it, 2 "disused" ruined barracks and 3 places used since the 18th century for naval arty batteries.

In the middle of the southern part the village "Stary Cyelo", is only ruins around a ruined castle.

*Known issues :

- The main issue for AI is the long seawall between the two parts of this island,

- Winter ground textures are basics, it lacks winter vegetation and clutters.


v alpha :

- Initial internal ADO release for test purpose

v beta 0.1 Modifications :

- Config : zoom values modified,

- Added details in Zadrovie village and harbor,

- Added small base and ruins in the South part.

V beta 0.1.1

- Modified are south of seawall,

- Added footsteps sound.

V beta 0.2

- Config : modified "rough" on snow,

- Modified Karantin area,

- Modified walls in Zadrovie.


ADO Floosy for his tutorial and help,

ADO Corsair83 for his tests of the various shapes of the runway ... and his videos,

ADO Floosy, ADO Corsair83 for the Alphas testings,

and all the

Clan ADO http://www.clan-ado.fr/


Mirror on Armed Assault.info:

Download Winter Pomegratskaya v0.2beta [7 MB 7z]

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Thanks, I love winter scenery. I hope you also port your Sbrodj island.

Lets hope BIS or somebody will release winter vegetations.

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Thanks !

In fact the map is ready in this release state for a while, but I was looking for a way to get winter vegetation without any success.

That's the reason of the beta state release !

Of course Winter Sbrodj is on the working bench, but it will not be released in a final state until I get some winter vegetation, I don't like the feeling of the large flat white fields and wastes.

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Good job. I like it. It looks pretty nice with the dark green fir trees IMO.

What is funny that my HMMWV broke down a few times as the terrain

is quite rough at the coast. That is very good for PvP. :)

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Good job Old Bear. ;)

Well now our community needs a general Snow Surface class so we can add snow footstep sound to the surface.

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and another one :D

Bear :D

you gave us island with atmospheric castle

now first winter island ? am i right ? first Arma2 winter island released (Namalsk is multi climate and winter on mountains)


great, now let addonmakers do winter vehicles, troops and etc.

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I really like the design of the island and I love the snow underfoot and the scrunching it makes. Even with green trees and stuff the atmosphere is really coming together well, it's got a very serene vibe to it. Can't wait to drop bombs all over it. :yay:

Is there any chance though of releasing a summer version of the island with grass underfoot as well? I'm thinking it'd be cool to have a setting that can change dramatically between summer and winter for campaigns and such like.

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Can't use this for some reason when I load up ACE2 with it as well =/

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