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Ok guys here the complaint I was playing Metal of Honor with 20 guys with many different connection and there was little to zero lag but when I play Flashpoint you can barly get ten guys together and all have cable and it is almost unplayable. I am a huge fan of the game and will play it for some time to come but isn't there some way to correct this problem. New Mission are great but if you guys put out a patch to eliminate some of the lag, I think you would see the playing numbers double if not triple. I mean how many games have first and third person and are able to get in any vehicle on the map(as far as I know none). The game is the SH!T!!! It could just be better if the lag wasn't so bad.

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The lag problem is caused by lag molecules that are clogging your network cables. When you play OFP your computer creates an electrical field that pulses with a special frequency that attracts the lag molecules.

You need a can of Lag-b-Goneâ„¢ spray to help with your problem.

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How much rework on the netcode is there ? 10 % better 20 % better or is it just another tweak ?

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Kewl.. that is a good rumour.. let's hope it is true.

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It is no rumor. smile.gif

They truly plan on reworking the NetCode from the ground up. They will do away with DirectPlay.

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Excellent!! biggrin.gif I better put my order in now..so not to get trampled by the stampede. wow.gif

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what are you afraid of? you are OFP-trained soldier! stampede? ha!! you will override that stampede!!!

on the other hand, those stampede will be caused by other OFP-trained ppl like all of us here...so i scratch my idea above.

yeah..but it seems like Resistance will come with new netcode. so wait just 2 more months. wink.gif

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Well gee thats just friggin great. I dont know what your all happy about? Your about to take it up the butt from BIS, and say thank you! right?

This "reworked" Netcode shouldnt cost us a red cent, since thier product (OFP) which we have paid for already hasn't performed the way it was advertised to perform. In fact judging by the number of complaints, if this company was a utilities company, they would be under investigation for fraud! LOL.

But being the damn OFP junkie that I am I will continue to play. And smile while BIS sticks it up my ass.

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Bad day at the office SGT KAMAI USMC? At least they are trying. A lot of companies are releasing crap and provide no support. These guys come to this forum..hed our troubles and try and fix them. I know it is not 100% on a few items, but overall it is a bloody work of art. Open spaces, interaction with a plethora of vehicles and a game AI that allows for variables. The only area that needs any attention is the Net code and they have decided to rework it. I can list a heap of games that have crap Net code and the company do not give a rats behind about it. Or they quote statics at you... only 5 % of ppl who buy games play the on the net..etc. Also they are running a Business not a charity, they have bills to pay, food to buy. Producing a game may seem like fun to some but to others it is there livelihood and a lot of long hours and hard work. So I will support them and buy their next add-on for OFP. Don't get me wrong, criticism is great but try and do it constructively.

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From 'MY' understanding there will be an upgrade patch for Newer Features for MP when Resistance comes out. You will be able to enjoy MP with the new Netcode.

If you wish to play Resistance then you will need to buy the game. Kinda like Red Hammer if I am correct.

One difference might be that you can't play on the new WORLD that comes with Resistance. Other than that you should get the new improvements in a patch. Again that is 'MY' understanding thus far.

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Let's start some speculation on the new netcode while we are at it.

DirectPlay is responsible for two things in OFP, the actual data transport of the game engine, and the voice communications.

The data transport will be handled by direct socket calls (hopefully straight calls to WINSOCK and not the MFC wrapper-classes, which have their own set of problems). That takes care of that.

Resistance is also supposed to feature an in-game browser, and as luck would have it, UDPSoft now has an SDK that lets developers integrate ASE directly into the game. If I had to take a guess, that is what BIS will be doing -- why write it from scratch?

Now, what about voice communications? Use the Roger Wilco SDK? Something else?

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I think someone here missed the point. You paid already for a product, that is not performing to its advertised specs. Now that being said I dont care what other companies are doing, it is wrong to note the problem, and then force the customer to buy a whole new version of the game, just to get the features, you ALREADY paid for in the original. I note that BIS is more "IN TOUCH" with its customer base, and I believe that they will try to fix it without cost to previous OFP owners.

Now if Ed is right, then thats great!!! I applaude BIS. However if not then thats just bad business.

I hope it all works out good, if the net code is good to go, I will continue to buy anything OFP, that BIS throws out there. But if not. Well...I dont know. I love the game, but I hate gettin screwed.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT KAMAI USMC @ April 04 2002,09:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think someone here missed the point. You paid already for a product, that is not performing to its advertised specs. Now that being said I dont care what other companies are doing, it is wrong to note the problem, and then force the customer to buy a whole new version of the game, just to get the features, you ALREADY paid for in the original. I note that BIS is more "IN TOUCH" with its customer base, and I believe that they will try to fix it without cost to previous OFP owners.

Now if Ed is right, then thats great!!! I applaude BIS. However if not then thats just bad business.

I hope it all works out good, if the net code is good to go, I will continue to buy anything OFP, that BIS throws out there. But if not. Well...I dont know. I love the game, but I hate gettin screwed.<span id='postcolor'>

Out of curiosity, what are the advertised specs that you are talking about?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT KAMAI USMC @ April 04 2002,02:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You paid already for a product, that is not performing to its advertised specs.<span id='postcolor'>

A couple of questions:

1/ What specs are you referring to ?

2/ Why if it doesn't delivery to spec - why don't people take more advantage of the 30 day right of return, which is in the contact you agree to when you install the software.

You might want to read the agreement and look at what you agreed to, if you installed the software and didn't return within 30 days then you've accepted how it performs.


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Damn Get off the nuts.

You guys got me there (friggin geeks lmao)

You know damn well what I am talkin about. Why get so defensive? Afraid the suck ass club will kick you out if you speak your mind? lol lets have a poll. Who does not think that the net code for this game is screwed up?

Ok and then lets see a show of hands who as a paying customer think fixing it for free is the right thing for BIS to do.

Who thinks BIS should say "screw us" and not fix it?

There is no grey line here. It is cut and dried. Now of course there is no LEGAL obligation, but there is consumers choice. And when consumers get fed up with a company, that company loses money.

Unless of course all you fan boys start donating your money like old women to evangelists, for a pipe dream!

BIS is taking steps I said I admit that. What I dont want to see is: "Buy our new improved product, so you can enjoy the game the way it was meant to be played."

I dont think BIS will do that to us at this point. i just think it would be screwed if they did. If you disagree with that you either got money to throw away, your retarded, and not capable of independant thought, or you stole your copy.

There is no arguement here.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT KAMAI USMC @ April 04 2002,10:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Damn Get off the nuts.

You guys got me there (friggin geeks lmao)

You know damn well what I am talkin about. Why get so defensive? Afraid the suck ass club will kick you out if you speak your mind? lol lets have a poll. Who does not think that the net code for this game is screwed up?

Ok and then lets see a show of hands who as a paying customer think fixing it for free is the right thing for BIS to do.

Who thinks BIS should say "screw us" and not fix it?

There is no grey line here. It is cut and dried. Now of course there is no LEGAL obligation, but there is consumers choice. And when consumers get fed up with a company, that company loses money.

Unless of course all you fan boys start donating your money like old women to evangelists, for a pipe dream!

BIS is taking steps I said I admit that. What I dont want to see is: "Buy our new improved product, so you can enjoy the game the way it was meant to be played."

I dont think BIS will do that to us at this point. i just think it would be screwed if they did. If you disagree with that you either got money to throw away, your retarded, and not capable of independant thought, or you stole your copy.

There is no arguement here.<span id='postcolor'>

I bet u havent played 1.00 MP.

The netcode has been improved greatly since then.

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I havent got much to complain about what BIS does, their support to this game has been superb, and multiplayer, even with current network code, has given me some of the best gameplaying experiences ever on my life. I have nothing to complain. The new netcode in Resistance is great news, and its gonna improve the OFP experience even more.

You know it aint BIS fault if everyone cannot afford a 100Mbit connection to their home to play OFP v1.0 multiplayer ;D

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SGT KAMAI USMC please alter your tone when you post, there's really no need to make the point as you have.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SGT KAMAI USMC @ April 04 2002,10:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">lol lets have a poll. Who does not think that the net code for this game is screwed up?<span id='postcolor'>

Ok - set one up and lets vote.

But there's enough info out there to tell you that customers in general must be happy with the offering and support.

Why else would OFP be such a good seller and the "pay for" add ons are also successful.

If they weren't I find extremely strange that BI would go to the effort of developing and releasing the resistance add on later this year.

Given the potential competition from recently released GR and MOHAA, you'd have to ask why are people still playing (and buying it) if it's so bad. Surely the word would have got around by now.

Maybe what has got around is the word that BI are willingly to support and improve their product and it's not so bad after all.

OK now where is that poll?

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