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howcome my FLIR system not work at all situations ??

there is no option for FLIR whatever I am commander or gunner

and once I was in M2A2, I can see the FLIR system pop up when I rolled my mouse. after that, I switched back to driver, and get to battlefield. but then, I can't get the FLIR option anymore .... And I think I've got some problems about FLIR now, it does not appear in my options most of the time somehow.

Hope I can get a solution for this. And I've edited userconfig already.

Thank you

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Hello everytime i change ace_clientside_config.hpp for Balacava or whatever item i use i edited for When i want to check for update and there is new one out the ace_clientside_config.hpp becomes blue so it says update avaiable which is not its edited but it sees as so is there a possibility to remove that ? its annoying i have too tick them off all the time

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Morning all!

Great to see everyone following initial instructions have everything mostly successfully running :)

Once the software is configured, the mods are insanely easy and fast updated isnt it ? :D

ok thanks but still get

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Please use the lazy method atm, there are known issues with web-client atm: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/six-arma-updater/issues

try running the update a few more times, sometimes it connects to a repository which isnt yet upto date.

The mirrors are always in sync :) There have been issues with the suite though that prevented normal operations.

They have been resolved, and others are tracked.

Hello everytime i change ace_clientside_config.hpp for Balacava or whatever item i use i edited for When i want to check for update and there is new one out the ace_clientside_config.hpp becomes blue so it says update avaiable which is not its edited but it sees as so is there a possibility to remove that ? its annoying i have too tick them off all the time

Change the correct files then and not the source files. Correct files are in Userconfig\ACE. :)

Edited by Sickboy

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The only thing I'm annoyed about is the US army soldiers using M16A2s. So I tried editing the weapons layout but now that I did, the soldiers are removed from the game even though the pbo is in addons folder.


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i have learned how to fight that "cannot display page", press F5 button A.K.A. refresh and it should load :)

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howcome my FLIR system not work at all situations ??

there is no option for FLIR whatever I am commander or gunner

anyone ??

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Hello everytime i change ace_clientside_config.hpp for Balacava or whatever item i use i edited for When i want to check for update and there is new one out the ace_clientside_config.hpp becomes blue so it says update avaiable which is not its edited but it sees as so is there a possibility to remove that ? its annoying i have too tick them off all the time

You are probably using our Kellys Yoma AddonSync to update.

Userconfig is being shared and they are the default ones. You'll need to untick the file if you want to keep your custom .hpp

OR put a tick on ACE ACEx and CBA on the left panel..this will exclude userconfig folder from updating

This will be like this for the whole week and I'll remove the userconfig from update next week. If anyone needs the default configs they will need to copy from the .rsync folder.

Edited by Cross

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You are probably using our Kellys Yoma AddonSync to update.

Userconfig is being shared and they are the default ones. You'll need to untick if you want to keep your custom .hpp

This will be like this for the whole week and I'll remove the userconfig from update next week. If anyone needs the default configs they will need to copy from the .rsync folder.

no I am using Six-updater and the glasses system works fine

but I don't know how FLIR not working

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no I am using Six-updater and the glasses system works fine

but I don't know how FLIR not working

if you look at it carefully he didnt respond to You.

Even if i could turn FLIR on, it was just a big white night vision, so no need to go overjoyed on it :)

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If i got CBA before shall i delete the folder before installing?

rename. @cba_old

@kenex..I wasn't answering you..see the quote ;)

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Could a kind dev please tell me where I can find the config entries (the "muzzle" part) for the m4 socoms ? I need them for rearm script and "unit" selectweapon "whatever" doesn´t work with weapons with M203s. Thanks in advance! :)

Any takers?

I depbo´ed the socom pbo but the config.bin doesn´t contain much information :p

I also tried it with getArray for the muzzle entry but all I got was "M4_muzzle" (this is a standard BIS weapon IIRC).

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Does ACE have a steerable chute that I can use in place of using BIS HALO? Or does ACE2 have a similar method? I need it for my mission, updating one for ACE2, but the only jump method I've seen using ACE2 doesn't allow me to steer.
Currently not. As a fast workaround use the BI scripts in your mission (air2.pbo, HALO, don't forget to change the folder names inside the scripts) and change to displayAddEventhandler.

Not true.

The TC-5 Parachute is steerable, and should be in most transport aircraft, like the Osprey.

To use, grab one, and when the aircraft is in the air use the jump out action.

You'll now be in the HALO animation awaiting pulling the rip cord.

Doesn't need any scripts at all.

---------- Post added at 10:57 ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 ----------

can someone explain what the different letters in magazines mean? for example




The T is tracer, but what are S and B?

SB is Special Ball, which is the standard ammo.

T as you say is Tracer.

S is a special magazine automatically used by the silenced M110 to actually be silenced, since in arma how silenced a weapon is is determined by the ammo, rather than the weapon.

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Even if i could turn FLIR on, it was just a big white night vision, so no need to go overjoyed on it :)

It was white to me too the first time. When i did it the second time in another mission - it worked.

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if you look at it carefully he didnt respond to You.

Even if i could turn FLIR on, it was just a big white night vision, so no need to go overjoyed on it :)

In reality it would be better than a Night Vision, because you could look throght smoke for example. Don´t know if it is in ACE this way. It will be in OPA

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Is there any installer with both ACE and ACEX content for the dummies like me?

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Hello Solar

I made every step u mentioned but for me it doesnt work :( still freezing on @cba dunno why. and its weird cuz ruby gems has been uptading normally. just fuckin @cba...

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would some1 be able to tell me the round parachutes classname? i had a quick look at the classname list b4 work but couldnt see it there, may of missed it but..



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What files should you have in your Six updater Folder?

I will tell you what ones.....

First of all, do NOT download the standard ACE CORE file... it doesn't update

Download this one...

Ace Core

http://armaholic.fr/arma_2/modules/ACE.rsync.7z (Comes up as invalid, please goto here first): http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8602

Then scroll to bottom of page and click on that download link called: rsync folders: ACE.rsync.7z mirror 1

THEN, follow this step, "RENAME the zip to @ACE" then press enter.

Then put that file in the Six-updater folder


ACEX from:


Then just put that zip just how it is in the Six-updater folder


Do not worry about the @CBA folder, it is best to let the Six updater download it, itself.


For the web interface steps on how to first install Ace so it can update the folders, please use the read me until I can be bothered writing a Tutorial lol

---------- Post added at 11:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:28 PM ----------

Hello Solar

I made every step u mentioned but for me it doesnt work :( still freezing on @cba dunno why. and its weird cuz ruby gems has been uptading normally. just fuckin @cba...

Hey dude...

Delete your @CBA folder out of arma 2 dir and out of your Six updater dir.

Delete the .pid file

Then follow the steps on my last post about which Ace file to have... should work then.

Edited by Solarghost

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ok thanks but still get

Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Open a web page first,

And then follow this process, I got the same error.


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