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Demolish of body parts [Feature request to BIS]

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In case of death or wounding for example by explosions or great caliber amunition it will be detach extremities.

o Arms

o Legs

o Head

The blood loss will be get the victim finaly to death. But in subjection of the grade of wounding, he have more or less time for

fight further - like he can - or get a kind of heal by a medic.

The loss of a bodypart should be in combination with crying like here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91048

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Ah yes...splatter mod. Although it might be realistic, i don't see the need of more gore in the game. So personally i would vot -1 for this one.

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Ah yes...splatter mod. Although it might be realistic, i don't see the need of more gore in the game. So personally i would vot -1 for this one.

NOT Gore oder simple blood. Wounding is a essencial part in military. Arma2 isnt a shooter - you dont know it? - it would be a too simple thinking!

I wrote rellative exactly what i mean. If you cant understand or read this, iam sorry.

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I wrote rellative exactly what i mean. If you cant understand or read this, iam sorry.

I think its somewhat rude to point a finger at others, while your own English is quite bad.

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I think its somewhat rude to point a finger at others, while your own English is quite bad.

Also, please stop making so many threads, put all your suggestions into one nice post instead of filling up the forums with multiple discussions.

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there is already a mod that has this its called slx if you only want this feature keep slx_wounds.pbo and delete all the other addons

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No way in the stock game. Let a mod handle gore, something I can refuse to download.

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On the other hand, ArmA 2 isn't a medical simulator, nor is it a gunshot wound simulator. Taking a shit in the woods is an essential part of military life, but that doesn't mean it must be modelled in a sim game that focusses on combined arms combat.

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Ah yes...splatter mod. Although it might be realistic, i don't see the need of more gore in the game. So personally i would vot -1 for this one.

- 1

me too, doesn't help with tactical gaming which I prefer personally

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You guys are really fascinating.

I dont know if you have noticed but if you shoot someone in the head you pop his fucking eyeball out.

How is that less worse than a leg being torn off, apart from the wound being bigger?

Next to that, if it is added as an option i cant see how anyone could reject it.

Because it's an option it means you dont have to play with the gore, and the people who do like it can play with gore.

Who are you to decide?

Personally, torn off limbs are a part of warfare.

Many soldiers don't just get killed but get maimed for life, and to me it would be a lot more immersive to see soldiers drive onto an IED in OA and after the blast to see a soldier lying on the side of the road missing a leg.

Now that would instill a moment of true drama for me, because it feels so more realistic than just having a body with a few specks of blood on it after such an impact.

And to be honest i'm also getting tired of the view many people have (granted, not that shown in this thread. Yet.) that people who 'enjoy' or want gore in a game are sick.

War is sick. I want to immerse myself in that sick world, to make me think.

That's what sims do for me: they make me reflect on the real world.

It's not without it's reason that i've read All Quiet on the Western Front 4 or 5 times now, even though it's the most depressing book i've ever read.

You can look at gore and feel it's there to give sick people a hard-on, or you can look at it like something 'educational' for lack of a better word.

And if it's an option, who's to complain?

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You can look at gore and feel it's there to give sick people a hard-on, or you can look at it like something 'educational' for lack of a better word.

And if it's an option, who's to complain?





After all this is about selling as many copies and make money in the first place.

And yeah, I can enjoy ArmA2 without the need of flying gore and limbs and exploding heads. For those who are into that there are 'better' products available. ;)

We had those blood 'n gore discussions countless times in the past months.

Edited by W0lle

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Maybe because a lot of veterans play this game and have no desire to relive the worst parts of being a soldier.

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You guys are really fascinating.

I dont know if you have noticed but if you shoot someone in the head you pop his fucking eyeball out.

How is that less worse than a leg being torn off, apart from the wound being bigger?

It would require new models, rigs, animations, and a whole new system. There is a lot of difference on the technical side of things. The currents wounds are simply textures.

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Next to that, if it is added as an option i cant see how anyone could reject it.

Because it's an option it means you dont have to play with the gore, and the people who do like it can play with gore.

Who are you to decide?

Who are you to demand it?

Another poster mentioned that there are veterans that play, yet wish not to relive that level of detail. I'm one of them, know first-hand what claymores do to what used to be a human being.


You can look at gore and feel it's there to give sick people a hard-on, or you can look at it like something 'educational' for lack of a better word.

Highly recommend seeking mental help and having real-life access to any weapons take away now.

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i'd personally like to see the charecter get hungry or tired than shed loads of blood n gore.

you know after running across a field thats 2 mile long, wieghted down with gear. yes its implimented now where he needs to grab his breath before he can aim right, but also if he gets hungry......army's don't march on empty stomachs after all!

so there should be a rashion pack in the rearm station or something. the ability to take a drink. etc

also female soldiers! after all they do exist and are just as curagous and strong as thier male counterparts.

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I would recommend to continue/concentrate this - my personal opinion: disgusting - discussion over those subjects here:


or here


And perhaps BIS should open a general thread for this under the subject: "Adult Non-Tactical Feature Requests"

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Just more strain on FPS IMO

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as long as it doesn't take away from more pressing issues, I wouldn't mind. It would be nice to have a little extra confirmation of a incapacitation/kill @ 300+ meters when you see their arm/leg fall off and blood trails. Now I don't think it should happen every time; just a small percentage with larger caliber weapons (7.62mm and above).

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Gibs is completely unecessary eye-candy, with lots of design trouble to get it to work properly. Absolutely zero need. Enough with more variation of wound-textures if absolutely necessary.

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I wouldn't mind seeing dismemberment, or at least "red mist". Of course, I'm not suggesting it be used as a Quake styled gib-fest, but being hit by a sabot should do more than put some blood on your arms ;)

Then again, there is the problem of censorship ... and trust me, living in Australia will show you just how irritating censorship is ...

Granted, there are more pressing issues, like proper armour penetration, countermeasures and generally more "tech", which I think would help out more than this.

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I strongly agree ! This guy got right point. I want to see limbs cutted with 20 mm gunfire , guts coming out of bloody crack in stomach, realistic looking death agony animations, like you open cannon fire from gunship at infantry man below , and after smoke coming out you see him crawling without legs (just a bloody left-overs with rags instead them) , and you say to yourself "aha.. you attempted to my precious life with Stinger, now you paying for this, how you like this, huh?" Also good feature would be totaly splatered bodies.. I mean after heavy artilery, you see left-overs of body hanging on sime kind of tree branches or bushes .. and you couldnt think it was body, you think "it looks like a damn pieces of rope with parts of clothes attached to it.. oh damn I was wrong" .. I mean serious shit , and screw those pussy-countries like Germany and Australia (those keep banning games attempting create 1% of this I told) - this is war game, game for big angry boys seeking for total virtual battle realism, and you , Bohemia , can be pioneers of this implementation!

Edited by Peonza

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The problem as I see it is for example, if you walk into a claymore in ACE2, you'll be looking like a swiss cheese.. Take a grenade to the leg and u can't walk.. What, is a splinter gonna help a partially blown of leg? I don't think so.

You can download SLX mod, there you can shoot of limbs.

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