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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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It seems that the black background of the right toolbar is missplaced there, but everything else seems to be in correct positions. Have you changed your monitor aspect ratio or something related to resolution? Anway the position is quite weird as the background is displaced a bit down and right, not just only to the right.

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resolution is set to 1920x1080 and aspect ratio is 16:9 i will go and check to see if the problem lies there

edit : set the ratio to 4:3 (normal) and it didn't help, maybe its a problem with the resolution AND ratio i will check asap

edit 2 : i set the resolution to 1024 x 768 and ratio to 4:3 and it din't help either

Edited by supergruntsb78

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Thanks supergrunt, it sounds like something OA specific, but then having only one black background affected is a nonsense. Hope to have OA installed for this weekend, then I'll try to find a quick fix for that black rectangle.

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supergrunt, got OA (not patched yet) and I have no visual issues with the console.


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I didn't have it either. I'll double check just to be sure though.

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Is he running a different interface size? It's supposed to be set on "Normal".

Anyways Mando, I wrote you on MSN with a couple of issues I found. One seems to be OA related and the other is just a general bug.

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I've been trying to figure out what the different values in the setup files do, and I'm at something of an impasse. Could someone give me the function and purpose of the following highlighted sections of code?

[["Ka52Black", "Ka52"], [color="Red"]1[/color], "[color="Red"]sight[/color]", [color="Cyan"][4], [4][/color],[color="Green"] 15, 15, 0[/color], [4,3,-2.5], mando_missile_path+"huds\mando_hud_ka52_gunner.sqf", [color="Red"]0, 0[/color], [[[color="Red"]-7[/color],"VikhrLauncher"]], [color="Red"]0[/color]]execVm"mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by_type.sqf";

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I've been trying to figure out what the different values in the setup files do, and I'm at something of an impasse. Could someone give me the function and purpose of the following highlighted sections of code?

[["Ka52Black", "Ka52"], [color="Red"]1[/color], "[color="Red"]sight[/color]", [color="Cyan"][4], [4][/color],[color="Green"] 15, 15, 0[/color], [4,3,-2.5], mando_missile_path+"huds\mando_hud_ka52_gunner.sqf", [color="Red"]0, 0[/color], [[[color="Red"]-7[/color],"VikhrLauncher"]], [color="Red"]0[/color]]execVm"mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by_type.sqf";

Got this from that line of code:

_planetypes    = _this select 0;
_position      = _this select 1;
_weapon        = _this select 2;
_maxmissiles   = _this select 3;
_actmissiles   = _this select 4;
_maxflares     = _this select 5;
_actflares     = _this select 6;
_maxecm        = _this select 7;
_firingpos     = _this select 8;
_keyscript     = _this select 9;
_hudopenh      = _this select 10; // Ajuste X de hud
_hudopenv      = _this select 11; // Ajuste Y de hud
_missileidx    = _this select 12;
_hudtype       = _this select 13; // HUD type

So I believe:

1. Driver = 0, Gunner = 1

2. Sight Type (Must be declared somewhere, take a look at the AH1Z compared to Mi24)

3 & 4 are HUD related for max and current missiles, but I don't think they have a PHYSICAL limitation effect.

5. Max allowed Flares

6. Current flares

7. Max ECM Usages (0 = off)

correct me if I'm wrong.

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Thanks, but I still can't figure out what the values after "huds\mando_hud_ka52_gunner.sqf" do.

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Mando, just in case you didn't get my message on MSN, I'll re-post what I found so far:

1. Flares/Incoming Missiles have no warning/effect in Operation Arrowhead. I was flying around with an f-35 yesterday and saw 5 missiles coming towards me on my tail, but I didn't get any warning and my flares did nothing to stop it.

2. Shift+Click on Map (Making marker waypoints) doesn't work after using the mando TV guided system.

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Hey Mando,

Just realised you now include a script suite with your download, I haven't used mando for a few months so it's nice to see.

One question I have (as I don't want to make my mission many mb in size) is how can JUST the javelin system be added to the mission? I know how to enable only that via init.sqf when the full mod is being used, but the individual script option would be fantastic.

Thanks in advance :)


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Is he running a different interface size? It's supposed to be set on "Normal".

Anyways Mando, I wrote you on MSN with a couple of issues I found. One seems to be OA related and the other is just a general bug.

nope interface is set to normal

i got OA patched to 1.52 btw

EDIT !!!!! : half way there finding the problem !!! at this moment it seems to be mod related , when i start OA completly empty no problems, with mods the problem starts again, so now the hunt for conflicting addons can start

maybe somebody with a long list of addons and no problems can send me a list of what they got (no ACE as i dont use it) so i can compare my list with that list and find the problem faster ..

Edited by supergruntsb78

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Boy, do I feel like a tool. Mods, please delete this post; I placed it in the wrong thread. :/

Edited by Xeno426

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GossamerS, it seems there is a critical bug with OA (not sure if fixed with sme patch). The correct parameters returned for incomming missile are:


ammo class


But with OA:


ammo class

target again

So the fired missile is not detected by nearestObject command, as it looks for nearest fired missile at target position, not ar firer position.

Xeno426, the parameters following the controller script are

_hudopenh = _this select 10; // HUD X offset in screen coords relative to 0.5,0.5

_hudopenv = _this select 11; // HUD Y offset in screen coords relative to 0.5,0.5

_missileidx = _this select 12;

_hudtype = _this select 13; // HUD type (0 complete, 1 map only, 2 targeting only, 3 only quantities of missiles and flares)

rexehuk I was about to realease a new version with size greatly reduced, but then OA was out so I'm trying to include support for OA systems first.

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....so I'm trying to include support for OA systems first.


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_missileidx = _this select 12;

_hudtype = _this select 13; // HUD type (0 complete, 1 map only, 2 targeting only, 3 only quantities of missiles and flares)

Is the _missileidx handled the exact same way as in the regular setup files, i.e. a missile found in the mando_hud_miss_params.sqf file would be -(missileidx+1)? Heck, I'm having trouble understanding the purpose of that whole [[-7,"VikhrLauncher"]] line. Some vehicles list more than one weapon on that line (like the Su-25), but their hud file lists even more weapons.

And what does "map only" mean? The map screen you can get by pressing "F2" while in a TV mode?

Edited by Xeno426

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hud type has effects depending on the controlling script used by the main hud script. With A2 the main controlling script by default is mando_missile_hud.sqf and for this one the values are as follows:

0: Everything is displayed (aiming circle, RWR, target data, etc)

1: Only RWR is displayed

2: Nothing is displayed

But you can create your own HUD handling script and then use this argument at will for your own setups.

The missile array is an array with positive values indicating missile indexes to be used by virtual missiles. Or an array of arrays, each one with a pair [-[miss idx + 1], "weapon name"] if you are going to use BIS weapon launchers.

But since I added a function to calculate the idx used by any weapon, this value (when using bis weapons) might be set to -1.

If you are interested into creating your own systems, send me a PM.

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Is there a way to just use the air support console in script form. I have used it using MMA and MMA_XEH addons.

I have a mission where I only need the console and I would like to use the script version so folks don't have to worry about getting the addons.


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Nomadd, support console usage from script suite is the very same as with the addon, you only need to follow the MMA setup procedures described in the online help and inside the included pdf file: includes (.h) in description.ext and MMA initialization from init.sqf.

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Good news everyone!

Dwarden has reported it fixed on the bugtracker for version beta 72035, just gotta sit tight till we get that version.

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Yay! It's nice to know that even though BIS made such a silly mistake, they got right on top of it.

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Yay! It's nice to know that even though BIS made such a silly mistake, they got right on top of it.

They better or i will include them to my signature :nener:

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