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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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Yes, you need both (an the mando missile init). mando_setup_full.sqf configures all the default BIS systems (plus some specific ones like Mykes F16 and Ebles's F14 and F4). mando_setup_ace.sqf configures some specific ACE units as Su27, AH1Ws, adds AGM-114L mode for AH64 ...

If you want use mando gun, then you need to initialize it too separatedly.

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Yo ,thx for the updates Mandoble.

We enjoy playing with your Missles on our Server everyday .

Some Quesstions left so far....

ATGM & TOW Vehicles :Rockets mostly move hard down to ground before the start to fly corectly.In Editor at the same Place no Problem.any idea ?

Tunguska :still that i can act as Commander and give Targets with Key2 to my Gunner. shouldnt it be that i need to lock them with Tab first ?

I have two Custom Vehicles in my init.sqf,first one work 2nd wont.can you help me with that ? i guess i do something wrong...

//////MANDO MISSLES////////////////////////////////////////////////

// Wait for Mando Missile addon initialization

waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"};

waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done};

if(isServer)then{[] execVM "mando\initmando.sqf"};

[["vil_bradley_a6"], 1, "vil_usveh_st_Launcher", [8,0], [8,0], 0, 0, 0, [0,-1,0,2], mando_missile_path+"huds\mando_hud_avenger.sqf", 0, 0, [[-1,"vil_usveh_st_Launcher"]], 2] execVm"mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by_type.sqf";

[["x_Su25_Ins"], 0, "", [4,6], [4,6], 10, 10, 0, [4,3,-2.5], mando_missile_path+"huds\mando_hud_su25.sqf", 0, 0.05, [[-7,"x_R73Launcher"],[-6,"x_Ch29Launcher"]], 0] execVm"mando_missiles\units\mando_assignvehicle_by_type.sqf";

x_Su25_Ins spawns in game but without Mando.


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Greetings from South Africa :)

Excuse me everyone if I am being a complete idiot. I am very new to scripting in ARMA2.

I cannot seem to get this script to work. I have gone through the following process...

1)Install all the mods to my Addons Folder

2)Created a mission on my favourite map (Afghan Village ported to ARMA2)

3)Gone to its folder in ARMA/My Documents/missions/Afghan.afghan_village

Pasted the mando folder in there along with the init and description files as its a new mission and did not have such files.

4) Load the mission in the editor and I have tried adding ALL the gamelogic files.

5) Re-save and load the mission.

Nothing is working, I'm getting no option for the airstrike console.

I have also gone back, followed the PDF as best I could and re-created the init and description files from scratch with no luck :(

I do however keep getting a message at the top right of the screen stating a Null Unit has been provided?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Edited by Cabbs

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Muecke, mando_hud_su25.sqf uses the global array of common weapons (call compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers (mando_missile_path+"huds\mando_hud_miss_params.sqf")); ), it doesnt use these provided by the calling script ([[-7,"x_R73Launcher"],[-6,"x_Ch29Launcher"]]), so you would need to create a mando_hud_x_su25.sqf that uses these x_R73 and x_Ch29.

Cabbs, follow next stepts

1 - Create a new mission from the editor, add there the MMA Init and MMA Full gamelogics and a soldier ranked "CORPORAL" as player, give a name to the mission and save it.

2 - Open the folder of that mission and create there an empty text file named init.sqf

3 - Open init.sqf and inisde that file add the following text:

// Wait for Mando Missile addon initialization 
waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"};
waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done};

  while {!alive player} do
     Sleep 1;
  ["MMA Air Support Console", {rank player == "CORPORAL"}] execVM"mando_missiles\mando_bombs\mando_giveme_console.sqf";

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Didn't see an answer about this but is it possible to add High Command comtrol for the airborne troops. In case you don't what HC is:


basically it lets you hit shift+space and then you(player) can control where HC sync'd groups move via click on the map. It's a great system for moving around reinforcements.

Basically you just need a small bit off code to make spawned groups use the HC module.

Or I could do it my self for my missions but I can't figure out if and what the MMA spawned airborne group is named. I'm not too good at sorting through code.

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I've been wondering how to do this as well Manzilla. I could envisage deploying a full FOB using mma,but I'm not totally sure how to implement this.

Perhaps Mandoble could help :)

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It shouldn't be too difficult to do. If I knew the airborne group's names I think there'd be a way to do it in the init or via script with:

player hcSetGroup [group]

Then I could HC away!!! ;)

Another fun thing would be if we could choose what the airborne group does. For example, in the MMA Console options we could choose between "join High Command" or "Patrol via UPSMON". The latter would set the airborne group to patrol an area using Monsada's upgraded UPS script.

http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91696 <- this thing kicks ass.

This could probably be done with a trigger or something when the airborne group spawns but I'm not quite sure how to do it.

Edited by Manzilla

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You guys dont like to read my excellent docs :p

You can define code vars triggered when the corresponding mission starts that receive the group of the crew of the planes/choppers and the group of the infantry group used for reinforcements or for airborne assaults. Later today or tomorrow I'll try to add some more example missions with specific customizations for the console, hope this will help.

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Thanks Mandoble! Example missions are great for the hard-of-thinking :) (or is that just lazy ?)

@Manzilla - when you make your mission PM me a copy too mate :) I do love UPSMON and agree that this would kick ass in conjunction with MMA !

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You guys dont like to read my excellent docs :p

You can define code vars triggered when the corresponding mission starts that receive the group of the crew of the planes/choppers and the group of the infantry group used for reinforcements or for airborne assaults. Later today or tomorrow I'll try to add some more example missions with specific customizations for the console, hope this will help.

It's not that I don't read them, it's because I don't really understand a lot of the stuff. It often looks like a foreign language to me. I figured it'd doable but I dont' even know where to start.

That will help tremendously, thanks.

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I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong here in getting the F15 MK82 to be the Carpet Bomber? I am able to do this with any Single Pilot Aircraft like the F16 MK82

Here is what I am using in the variables for the F15;

mando_airsupport_type_cb = "f15e_mk84_mesh";

// Carpet bombing custom code global variable for AV8B

mando_airsupport_carpetcode =


private["_plane", "_targetpos", "_widx"];

_plane = _this select 0;

_targetpos = _this select 1;

while {(([getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 0] distance _targetpos) > 2000) && (alive _plane)} do


Sleep 1;


if (alive _plane) then


_widx = [_plane, "RKTF15E_mk82_6Rail"] call mando_weaponindex;

for [{_i=0}, {_i<6}, {_i=_i+1}] do


_plane action ["useWeapon",_plane,gunner _plane, _widx];

Sleep 0.4;




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If that is a F15E you need to create the gunner, add to the group and move him into the plane (a good place to do it is just before the while). Also note the current code was calibrated for AV8B aproach speed, F15E will be probably faster so you will need to start dropping bombs earlier (> 2500)

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Ok is this the code I would need?

_gunner = _group createUnit [_utype,[0,0,30], [], 0, "FORM"];

_gunner setCombatMode "RED";

_gunner setBehaviour "AWARE";

_gunner setRank "PRIVATE";

_gunner moveInGunner _plane;

if (!(_gunner in _plane)) then


deleteVehicle _gunner;


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Howdy, quick question just to be sure when I last read the instructions I wasn't seeing things, but the Mando keys are not able to be bound to mouse or joystick buttons correct?

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Vengeance, you might try this:

mando_airsupport_carpetcode =
  private["_plane", "_targetpos", "_widx", "_gunner"];
  _plane = _this select 0;
  _targetpos = _this select 1;

  _gunner = (group driver _plane) createUnit [typeOf (driver _plane),[0,0,30], [], 0, "FORM"];
  _gunner setRank "PRIVATE";
  _gunner moveInGunner _plane;

  // You might want to change 2000 by something higher or decrease the sleep between actions, F15E is faster than AV8B
  while {(([getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 0] distance _targetpos) > 2000) && (alive _plane)} do
     Sleep 1;

  if (alive _plane) then

     _widx = [_plane, "RKTF15E_mk82_6Rail"] call mando_weaponindex;

     for [{_i=0}, {_i<6}, {_i=_i+1}] do
        _plane action ["useWeapon",_plane,gunner _plane, _widx];

        Sleep 0.4;

  while {alive _plane} do
     sleep 1;

  deleteVehicle _gunner;

Steakslim, to use a Joy just map your preferred keys to joy buttons, if your joy doesnt support this then look for several freeware drivers that allows you to do that for any existing joy.

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Mandoble, could you please add more single player functions to you excellent mod? I mean when I use AH1Z as a pilot, I can use any weapon I want including the tv guide hellfire camera. But when I use KA52 as a pilot, I cann't use the tv camera to guide the missile, I have to be the weapon pilot to do so and then loose control of the heli. Can you make all heli and fighter control somewhat like that of the AH1Z, so a single player can control everything in the pilot cockpit? Thanks!

Edited by xy20032004

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All you have to do is add the camera control in the init.sqf file for the Kamov. Put the heli on autohover before you fire then :)

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xy20032004, you want these cameras just in the Ka52 or are there any other particular cases you might list here?

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Thanks for the quick reply, Mandoble. I spend most time playing SP mode, fighting against AI, creating my own quick missions, so if possible, I prefer all BI made and some good MOD fighters and helis have this function automatically once I enter the pilot cockpit. Being a pilot I can use any weapon at will and in the same time I can cotrol the aircraft. At present, AH1z and AH64D, glt_f16, have all the functions. I have not tested all aircrafts made by BI or the community. At least KA52 is one I know. Although this function is not "real", but anyway this is still a game, right? Thanks a lot!

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Ok, I will add the cameras for Ka52 pilots (enabled as long as gunner is not human). Anyway Ka52 has access to all the weapons from the HUD, so using cameras there will not add any big advantage to the pilot.

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In a mission that I have been tweaking to include your air support console, I have tied the console to the ACE_PRC119 to effectively simulate communication between the ground-pounders and the flyboys. Unfortunately I'm relatively new to scripting, so I had to piece together my efforts from what I could find already floating around out there, and came up with the following code which worked wonderfully for this purpose:

["Request Air Support", {"ACE_PRC119" in weapons player}] execVM "mando_missiles\mando_bombs\mando_giveme_console.sqf";

The ACE2 guys have now updated the PRC119 to three separate types:

ACE_PRC119 - Green



I would like to know how I can add the "ACE_PRC119_MAR" and the "ACE_PRC119_ACU" to my init script so that a player who picks up any one of the three will find the console in their action menu?

Edited by Terror Wolf

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["Request Air Support", {("ACE_PRC119" in weapons player) || ("ACE_PRC119_MAR" in weapons player) || ("ACE_PRC119_ACU" in weapons player)}] execVM "mando_missiles\mando_bombs\mando_giveme_console.sqf";

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