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Hurtgenwald (WIP)

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id like to show you first pictures from the map im working on at the moment. It will feature the area around Hurtgenwald and Schmidt. I begun with the map with WW2 setting in mind.

Since Arma2 gave me autum plants i can not finish Omahabeach at the moment. The Battle for Hurtgenforest began oct. 6th 1944 and ended about five months later. You will find a mixture of dense forests and plains with nearly no tree at all. The higher parts of the map will have snowtextures since the winter came early in 1944....

At the moment i have only roads and a big part of the plants finished...

the buildings are yet to come...

If anybody is interested in betatesting, pm me :)

suggestions, comments and tips are always welcome...





have fun

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wow omg im obsessed with this area...as it was a part of the bloodest battles in ww2 but in so unknown because it was a battle that was technically never won, as it lead to the great battle of bastone"battle of the bulge" if you need any help info or anything else please let me know....i even know the exact movements between the gernman and armerican armys..i will make a alsome mission pack for you too(when i get a2) i also have a family member that served there(hint why i got so involved in it)!

p.s. to explain this more to ppl, i could if you like later on i can write an existence article on its history and even the entire military part of it! including the movements of troops\battles.....main objectives of both militarys...why its an important objective, and how its outcome changed the course of the war....long live the 28th..and many other divisions who fought there including the unknown accounts of the 101st's actions in hurtgenwald....and not to forget the germans as well..who in which tons of german medics saved the lives of many, many americans! i hope u includ hill 400, and the "great look out tower" and its suroundings pill boxes...also i would suggest to any one wanting to know more about this area and its battles watch the movie "when trupets fade" its a few guys from the 28th who took it upon them selves to take out german 88's on the hill...over looking the forest! good luck and sorry if im stealing your thread..i just take alot of interest in this, and im so happy you are making this..as soon as i saw the a2 map..i automaticly saw....the hurtgen forest...as im sure you did too!

i may also beable to provide u with pics..i will have to see what i have tho!

Edited by soldier2390

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Nice atmosphere. I like the look of the water and rocks and dead timber.

I want to go fishing ;)

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This will go great with P'85 and/or CWC rearmed.

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some more info...

Terr.grid: 2048

cell size: 5m

Terr. size: 10240

segment size: 512

here some pics of the featured area:



stay tuned...

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Excellent map Beton.

Onve we have released i44 for arma2 this map will be very good for missionbuilders or warfare games :)


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Names on the map are spelt wrong... You should use the proper german spelling including accents to add to the realism... Seeing that it's just a picture, you shouldn't have a problem with character map. Just a suggestion ;) Otherwise, looks amazing thus far.

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I know the correct spelling...:)

Of course its not a problem to exchange ue with ü. I just thought it would be better to not use Ü anywhere in the game at this stage, especially in the config as i didn´t want to run into problems.

On the other hand i thought Hurtgenwald was better known than Hürtgenwald by the english speaking community.

So its not a big deal to change that before release...

But thanks for sharing your opinion:)

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Looking forward to seeing this region in game, especially since your maps are well put-together :)

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How about airports? Maybe can you put a clear area where it's possibile make a german airport? Thx :)

Maybe the usa marines in future can get a carrier! :)

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How about airports? Maybe can you put a clear area where it's possibile make a german airport? Thx :)

Maybe the usa marines in future can get a carrier! :)

buddy you do know this is of the "WW2" era, not of this area in modern times! also the usmc didnt fight in the europe campaign, well actually they did but not many records of them, as they mostly fought in the pacific campaign! also for realness i dont think adding a airport would be cool,as there was none in this area, but maby one way of in a corner would be acceptable as there would need to be some way to have planes in a mission!

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