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gota admit i was glad to see this mod, partly because i love the sands map and because the ACE B-52 cant even take off on the longest runway in sands. it practically needs the insanelly long runways of the map you get with the VTE mod to get a foot off the ground. so this one is a nice change lol.

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Since when do you get a B52 with ACE?

Yeah I was wondering same thing... :rolleyes:

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gota admit i was glad to see this mod, partly because i love the sands map and because the ACE B-52 cant even take off on the longest runway in sands. it practically needs the insanelly long runways of the map you get with the VTE mod to get a foot off the ground. so this one is a nice change lol.

You mean you can't take off .... but the AI can ?! :rolleyes:

.... try 1 click on the Flaps :p

and when did ACE package the B52 lol ;)

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Hotfile download link is dead?

Sorry, all mirror updated in first post.

Thanks for the mirrors

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Anybody know the best way to build a bombing run with this lovely bird? Straight line, no manoeuvring, massive bomb drop? I am having some trouble getting the bombs to fall consistently in the same general location.

It's not meant to be super precise, but I am looking to have a special forces type mission where you have to get out of an area that is about to be carpet bombed into oblivion by 4-5 high (by arma standards) altitude b-52's.

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excellent mod sir :icon_dj:

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excellent mod sir :icon_dj:

Could be done. You would have to manually (script, initline) change the weapon loadout to GPS guided weapons from the Missilebox. Please read the included manual (RTFM ;) ) which came with the Missilebox download.

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Myke;1868264']Could be done. You would have to manually (script' date=' initline) change the weapon loadout to GPS guided weapons from the Missilebox. Please read the included manual (RTFM ;) ) which came with the Missilebox download.[/quote']

I did;) but there isnt a "addon config" file for the B52. I can load any of the weapons but not the "GPS/INS GUIDANCE SYSTEM" any ideas.:( I dont want to mess with the main .pbo

Edited by jgaz-uk

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I did;) but there isnt a "addon config" file for the B52. I can load any of the weapons but not the "GPS/INS GUIDANCE SYSTEM" any ideas.:( I dont want to mess with the main .pbo

Sorry, my bad. Thought i've added this in the readme but i was wrong.

You basically just need an addaction which calls a script which contains only this:

createDialog "glt_airgpsmfd";

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i've been trying to work my head round this, but why with CO, the B-52 works perfectly fine, flares go off, but i can only use the Harpoons? When I try to load either the unloaded or the preloaded mk82 versions, I get an error saying no config file found for gntmk82 launcher.

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What code are you trying to use?

"GNTMK82Launcher" ?

So why not use the GNTB52u : GNTB52 Unarmed ?

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i apologize if this may sound stupid, since i know nothing of coding, but how can i do that?

Edit: I don't think its the coding, but rather an incompatibility issue with ace2 1.10, because i tried using it with other mods like mando missiles and glt and they didn't give me the error "no bin.config bin gntmk82launcher" (or sth very similar to this).

Re-edit and the end of this shenanigan: No need for further intervention, i found the root of me not being able to use the B-52 full potencial. Since both your b-52 and the waves pack, wih frigates and such, theey both brought with them two separate gnt_weapons pbos. however, the one that came with waves was smaller, and for some reason the game was reading it instead of the bigger one, causing the lack of config file error

Edited by Evil_Brownie
Problem solved :D

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Just watched a pretty cool video on youtube on B-52, perhaps might help you with development or give you new ideas. Check it out:

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Hey guys, posting here to ask how I can load more and/or other weapons into the B52.

I opened the MMA reload menu, but when I click REARM it makes a noise which I assume means it failed.

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You could use it, but no need for MMA.

Place unarmed B-52 onto map in editor

In the INIT feild use commands like;

this addWeapon "BombLauncher"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B";

This adds 24 GBU12 bombs to it (6 round mag times 4).

More weapons here;


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Gnat;2218526']You could use it' date=' but no need for MMA.

Place unarmed B-52 onto map in editor

In the INIT feild use commands like;

this addWeapon "BombLauncher"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B"; this addMagazine "6Rnd_GBU12_AV8B";

This adds 24 GBU12 bombs to it (6 round mag times 4).

More weapons here;


Thanks for the reply, but I was hoping to be able to refill them with a ammunition ural or something like that. We normally use VTS to play, mostly just role playing missions bombing chernogorsk and stuff like that.

The mod is fantastic though! Do you plan on making mods like this for Arma 3?

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