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Why not both? (and the humvee above is greek, was just poking at the windows)

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you got awesome models just nicer textures

NICE !!!

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Im still debating on what cab to go with for that truck. Either the old Armored cab or the new one or maybe the new armored cab? But I haven't really worked on it. As you can see it looks odd.

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ah man i am not a picky dude i just want an fmtv that can resupply refuel and and all the other arma trucks can do if it looks close enough to an fmtv like that pic i would be happy to drive it plz release a beta soon btw i am craving for some fmtvs

Edited by W0lle

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Some improvements for the MATV interior. I'm still trying to find some good reference. But i think this will work for a game based model. Until I find better pix of the interior



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Good to see you are still working on MATV, thanks NZXSHADOWS! :bounce3:

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holy molly i am going to jiz my pants love the inside and plz release a fmtv with next pack of mraps keep up the great work :)

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Are you going to be making different variants for the M-ATV?

MK-19, Troop Transport, etc.

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Currently I have 4 variants of the MATV in the works for a different sim title. Which I will port over when I think they are ready. They are un-armed version a MK-19, M2 and M2 CROWS. Thinking about adding in a Ambulance version. But other than that I don't know what i will do or add later on.


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Those look awesome. Can't wait to ride around in them if you do decide to port them over.

Are they also getting the ability to open and close doors?

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I really hope that you will port them to ArmA2 NZX, please! :bounce3:

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I know we've got ArmA 3 coming, but it'd be nice if we could get an OPFOR version (like the ArmA 3 one). It'd be more like the unarmed one you've got for VBS2 and like the top-right vehicle in the reference pic posted by PurePassion. But great addon. Can't wait for the interior to be finished.

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Those asshats. Sadly, I've seen quite a bit of this happening all over the modspace. If anyone remembers the old Firearms mod for Half Life, the new Firearms Source Mod was made by a totally different group of people who took the work of the FA1 guys and released it for the new engine. I think they might have come to some kind of understanding in the end, but I knew there was a lot of attempted legal action a few years ago that went no where.

Nevertheless, please don't let this disrupt your already excellent work. I mean, look at it this way, if it wasn't good, they wouldn't have stolen it ;)

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I looked through their pictures, some bits from this also look familiar...


I love how the guy says to "send him the model" so he can compare them. Sure, I'd send him the 3DS source file for the model.

not. FPDR

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I have a feeling he's gonna continue to deny about it......

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I looked through their pictures, some bits from this also look familiar...


I love how the guy says to "send him the model" so he can compare them. Sure, I'd send him the 3DS source file for the model.

not. FPDR

"IT´S A TRAP!" :D:D NZXSHADOWS, thank u for the great work , i had a lot of fun with this addon.

Edited by Foxhound
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What can you do? If you ever meet him in the flesh just punch him in the eye, kick him in the nads and then steal his shoes, running away laughing like a madman and screaming "How does it feel now that the shoe's on the other foot!?"

In all seriousness I hope one person's douchebaggery doesn't convince you to stop modding, your vehicles are darn good.

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yeah, he'll probably deny it to the bitter end, and if he had the option he'd of had you muted/blocked/banned from commenting on the page to silence you.

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No need to send the model, just a bit of wireframe, regardless of how similar a vehicle is no wireframe will ever be EXACTLY the same, if the two match up then you have your answer.

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Well the image I left on that site should say it all. Im sure it has some of BIS model geometry in there aswell. Hmmm... map making sounds pretty fun right about now... Here is the pic if you guys want compare aswell.


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I've thrown in my .02 cents on the guy's mod page. I'd say we troll the guy till he goes out of his mind. Otherwise, please don't give up NZX! If you do, he wins, terrorists win, Hans Gruber wins... you get the idea ;)

Besides, I'm dying to use the M-ATV...

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Nevertheless, please don't let this disrupt your already excellent work. I mean, look at it this way, if it wasn't good, they wouldn't have stolen it ;)

MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY! Imitation is the best form of flattery, or something. :p Besides, they are modding that for what? MoW? Is that "Modern Warfare"? Consider the source. When the kiddies grow up they will understand hard work a little better. ;)

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