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Kinda lame that you guys didn't even let him show or compare the models and just swarmed in...

The models were compared, the level of detail was overwhelming evidence for everyone here, and the MODDB.com staff.

Google M1151 Humvee and look at the images. Then tell me how many you see with the exactly same Cupola, Antenna array, concertina wire on the hood, and a Rhino Arm? These were very specific details that were unique to NZXSHADOWS Humvee, which were all used on a lower poly (thus modified) Humvee model used by Vora_bat.

Giving him time to adjust the models and compare the wire frames will only give him an audience to show off tampered evidence and confuse the masses.

Not to mention he has been caught using stolen Arma content in the past, as well has using models and animations he took from retail games, namely Modern Warfail 2. His reputation precedes him.

And finally, how is it that he has three complete mods loaded with content (models, animations, textures) within 2 months? Two whole months to come out with this level of content. It takes months, if not years for a mod team (which until recently was just HIMSELF) to develop from scratch that amount of content. NZXSHADOWS spent months upon months working on his M1151 model alone, it is impossible for one man to create the same model from scratch, along with every other model, texture, animation, code necessary for a complete mod all in under two months!

Now that justice has been, we can all get back to the way things were, i.e. eagerly awaiting the next update from NZXSHADOWS!

Edited by TheRev709

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Oh boy will this never end?? FPDR

Whats the point of making an addon when you basically just steal everything?! I thought it was about the process of making it and the good feeling you created it on your own...

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In the link Pliskin put up, some Russian guy compares the 2 models, and even though they look exactly the same (with polys shaved off to create Vora_bat's version) he says that his screenshots prove that the models are different, and the thread goes on with people saying they should demand a public apology from BIS and ModDB, and that the people who caused the mods to be pulled (I'm guessing the handful of people from the BIF, including Placebo) should be IP banned from ModDB.


Sadly, this is another fork in the road that points towards most* Russian gamers being shitheads and thieves.

*Not all. I've just seen this sort of behavior in many other games over the last decade*


Apparently Vora_bat thinks that we (the people who posted on ModDB about the humvee) are members of a competing Men of War mod who registered under fake names to bring his mod down.

Another Russian said...

Fucking Europeans, heifers snickering. vora bat endorse wholeheartedly.

& several people claim that because the suspension isn't modelled on Vora_bat's version, and because the textures are different, there is no possible way they could be the same model.


Edited by Darkhorse 1-6

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They are trying to use those pictures to prove vora_bat's innocence.

Problem is, they've used the Arma 2 model for the comparison, not the Arma 1 version. :rolleyes:

In NZX's picture comparing the two models, look at the barbed wire on both of the hoods and try to find any differences between the two. You can't because they're the same. At the very least, he stole parts off of NZX's model.

Edited by Ballistic09

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Kinda lame that you guys didn't even let him show or compare the models and just swarmed in...

Nothing lame about it, he's released and had to have deleted at least 4 or 5 mods now for MOW that used stolen addons either of from us or from community members.

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Then why aren't we providing any photo's of the Arma1 version. (I would but my disk is not currently with me)

If they want to provide proof them all the better but if that proof is incorrect then it's our job to rectify that.

Also this may be an opportune time to bring this up, primarily direct at Placebo. If a user creates content here, and someone asks if they could use that content in a mod for a different game and the author gives permission would there be any legal issues?

Edited by NodUnit

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NZXSHADOWS already provided a picture comparing a pic of his original model, and a pic of Vora_bat's model of the same angle. Vora_bat then took pics of comparing the wire frame model from the Arma 2 (tagged NZXSHADOWS) and the Arma 1 version (tagged as Vora_bat) to throw people off.

Edited by TheRev709

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That's what I mean, closeups and wires of the Arma1 model from us.

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I'll leave all that up to NZXSHADOWS, its his models and projects. I'll simply advocate his case and support him in any way I can :)

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Oh god, any russian guy could kindly post the evidences in their forum? He is so cynical that I doubt this would work anyway...

What if everybody uses the '! Report member' over his avatar at http://www.moddb.com/members/vorabat/? ? Would this make any effect?

Edited by [GR]Operative

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I think moddb deleted his mod now that thats over lets get back to the topic at hand nzx up armored cars and truck so how are those m-atvs and humvees and my favorite fmtvs

---------- Post added at 04:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:41 AM ----------

and make sure you have a woodlan camo for fmtv's and m-atvs

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deadpool, I want it to end, but they are providing their our photos and, if nothing is done, they will end convincing the mods at moddb.

In fact, he is showing a rendering that he claims was made prior to all this. I want to see if it was made before NZX model release.

And the worst part is that everybody in their forum really believe in him.

Also, they are watching this thread and some of them think we are russiophobes or racist. This made me lol hard.

Give a look in this http://live.cnews.ru/games/index.php?showtopic=71240&st=100

Also, vorabat released a recovery file for comparison.

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I pointed out yesterday that the barbed wire and M2 were identical on both models, and now in todays "proof" images the barbed wire is changed and the M2 is completely gone... :rolleyes:


Old (smaller model)

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Technicly a few of the comments made here could come off as racist, not naming any names but watch what you say.

Here's the thing, not only could it be NZX's but with it being Arma1 BI assets were used, for one if this mod was developed for a game where vehicles are just scenery pieces then why is the under carriage modelled. Why are there floating faces where the light refelctions would be on the BI model since A1? Why is the grill 3D when for that game it would make more sense to be 2D, why aren't the headlamps rounder? Why do many pieces match up in EXACTLY the same place? Why are the screws even on the doors when in a game like this it would be more sensible to have them normal mapped, same for the front intake.. if he changed the gun to be lower poly then would it not make sense to make these things 2D to save on polycount when they are of less importance?

There is also the question to think about in terms of what makes it "yours". If you take a persons model and make your own in reference from it with a lower polycount and perhaps a few changes then is it technicly yours? Even if you are blatantly copying many aspects.

Edited by NodUnit

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The first pic comparing NZX (bigger, in the center) to vorabat (smaller, bottom left corner) models really reveals all the similar (or rather equal) details.

The barbed wire really calls my attention. Also, look at the right rear-view mirrors, exactly the same. All the windows are exactly the same. The windshield wipers. Also the IBIS Tek bumper. Damn, the similarities are so many, what coincidence ;)

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I realise that but at this stage words alone won't do, they will come off as simple accusations.. more to the point if this is indeed the Arma1 model then that means it's not only NZX but also Bohemia's assets. It didn't catch my eye at first but looking at this image. http://img.gameru.net/img/79dd1.jpg

Why does the lower body break away the EXACT same way as the sample model. breako.jpg

Link with the model http://www.mediafire.com/?7mmut0uf1eykuok

Edited by NodUnit

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Technicly a few of the comments made here could come off as racist, not naming any names but watch what you say.

I agree, watch what you guys say and don't lump this Vora_bozo in with a whole population of people, he is far from a representative of his people.

Here's the thing, not only could it be NZX's but with it being Arma1 BI assets were used, for one if this mod was developed for a game where vehicles are just scenery pieces then why is the under carriage modelled. Why are there floating faces where the light refelctions would be on the BI model since A1? Why is the grill 3D when for that game it would make more sense to be 2D, why aren't the headlamps rounder? Why do many pieces match up in EXACTLY the same place? Why are the screws even on the doors when in a game like this it would be more sensible to have them normal mapped, same for the front intake.. if he changed the gun to be lower poly then would it not make sense to make these things 2D to save on polycount when they are of less importance?

Exactly, it is clear he has stolen/copied/modified NZXSHADOWS' content. If we can get a Russian speaking/reading compatriot to help deliver this argument to those other guys forums where they're posting this so called "evidence" please do.

There is also the question to think about in terms of what makes it "yours". If you take a persons model and make your own in reference from it with a lower polycount and perhaps a few changes then is it technicly yours? Even if you are blatantly copying many aspects.

If you took Michelangelo's statue of David and added some paint and a leaf in front of his crotch, is it really yours?

Edited by TheRev709

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Certainly not.. so I'm a bit confused, in this photo the doors clearly have the emergency crash handles or whatever you call them http://s002.radikal.ru/i199/1107/d8/a30d5c212eb4.jpg

..but in the recovery they are gone, speaking of which why is this is a recovery with missing pieces? If you are working on something for a mod you should be saving 2-3 backups often to avoid corruption of files and loss of parts just a word of caution for all those watching, in fact five backups wouldn't hurt.

The UV's are...well they are confusing to say the least, mismoshed in all directions. I will say this however, there were pieces shaving off clearly for poly saving BUT one thing concerns me above all else is under the hood, on the sample model if you check under the hood you will see a box-like shape, it's here too but why? If you look at it from all angles but below it is barely if at all visible.

The model itself is rather..confusing with the way things had been layed out, the latches on the hood were removed as was the bevel yet the window plates have several chamfers as opposed to one, and the doors amount leads to the same (and odd choice considering the headlamps being ignored for their roundness) also where did the gun shield go that was a strong comparison point and it doesn't help any appearance of innocence when things are removed for any sake.

I'd love to compare but I don't have NZX's model..which brings to mind something else, did you ever release your source models or would the pbo's need to be more or less hacked?

Edited by NodUnit

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Vora_bat clearly says that his 3D Ripper isn't working with ArmA, and that he's not at home, on the russian forum. He's using that as "proof" he didn't do what we are accusing him of, atleast within his group.

I love the fact that in the recovered model the barbed wire is different from the "finished" model he showed earlier.

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3D ripper? I hope he was just using that as a term and not the program itself, it's one of those less than smiled upon programs.

If NZX didn't release any source models and encrypted the game files into the MLOD format then vora would be breaking the EULA, that's why I asked. It's why you don't see people modding others work aside from textures and only in model if they have given permission and provided the source model. So the fact of having it in the first place would spell trouble.

Unless of course I'm just remembering incorrectly.

Edited by NodUnit

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Well thanks to those who gave support. An the model was compared an action has been taken by the staff over at MoDB.

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He posted 8 images comparing both models. His model is a direct copy, just with smaller polycount. I hope he get what he deserves. Keep up the good work NZX ;)

EDIT: Omg, those dudes really think we are from a rival mod for MoW. 'Shattered Lands' they say. Lol, I did not even know such modification existed and even MoW!

They will require apologies and explanations from mods at Moddb. What a joke.

They think thatm just because some details (have been changed) are different, Vora is the author, but they don't see it does include BIS copyrighted assets.

Edited by [GR]Operative

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there's always a chance of Vora posing as another person to "agree" with his own sentiments.

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