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Patch 1.05 suggestions

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There are several applications and games that causes this crazy keyboard change. The only good solution I've found was to delete the english keyboard completely from the setting, and turning off the whole keyboard selection application thingy completely, once and for all.

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There are several applications and games that causes this crazy keyboard change. The only good solution I've found was to delete the english keyboard completely from the setting, and turning off the whole keyboard selection application thingy completely, once and for all.

I agree to that one. Im on a swedish keyb as well and i always remove the taskbar language changer thingy. So i never seen this prob in ARMA. :)

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what I find annoying is that say im playing warefare mode, and I have some ai scattered around the map, I tell them to move to a specific point on the map.

Do they move there? hell no, they seem to argue amongst themselves telling each other to regroup, and basically meet each other before even to start to move to the move marker.

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- improve respawnVehicle command : in a mission I made that has respawning vehicles I tried to use only the respawnVehicle command but it is lacking some other IMPORTANT features like :

*respawning vehicle when no player boarded it for some time (make it an optional parameter)

*when vehicle has damaged wheels (canMove command)

*prevent it from respawning when in respawn area/friendly territory (in specified markers areas) even if no player boards it for some time

*add a parameter that will make the vehicle respawn at its initial position with same direction, fuel, ammo, damage, init (init because this way its possible to remove some weapons to better balance both sides)

*add a parameter to choose the respawn side of the vehicle (so if some vehicles are not available on that side it can still be used)

Note:If I destroy a friendly vehicle driven by an enemy driver, I get negative score (is this a bug ? or feature ? seems score depends on vehicle model ? is it the same for unit models ?)

This is the script I used to implement some of those features :

if (isServer) then
[] spawn
	while {true} do
		_i = 1;
		_str = "VW";
		_str2 = "VWTIME";
		_veh = call compile format ["%1%2", _str, _i];

		while {! isNil "_veh"} do
				count crew _veh == 0 &&
				alive _veh &&
				(call {_res = true; {if (_veh in list _x) exitWith {_res = false}} forEach ZRSTR_BASES_WEST; _res} || ! canMove _veh)
				_timestamp = call compile format ["%1%2", _str2, _i];
				if (isNil "_timestamp") then {call compile format ["%1%2 = serverTime", _str2, _i]} else {
				if (_timestamp == -1) then {call compile format ["%1%2 = serverTime", _str2, _i]} else {
				if (serverTime - _timestamp >= GCOL_DESTROYEMPTY) then {_veh setDamage 1}}};
				call compile format ["%1%2 = -1", _str2, _i]

			_i = _i + 1;
			_veh = call compile format ["%1%2", _str, _i];

			sleep 0.1;

		_i = 1;
		_str = "VE";
		_str2 = "VETIME";
		_veh = call compile format ["%1%2", _str, _i];

		while {! isNil "_veh"} do
				count crew _veh == 0 &&
				alive _veh &&
				(call {_res = true; {if (_veh in list _x) exitWith {_res = false}} forEach ZRSTR_BASES_EAST; _res} || ! canMove _veh)
				_timestamp = call compile format ["%1%2", _str2, _i];
				if (isNil "_timestamp") then {call compile format ["%1%2 = serverTime", _str2, _i]} else {
				if (_timestamp == -1) then {call compile format ["%1%2 = serverTime", _str2, _i]} else {
				if (serverTime - _timestamp >= GCOL_DESTROYEMPTY) then {_veh setDamage 1}}};
				call compile format ["%1%2 = -1", _str2, _i]

			_i = _i + 1;
			_veh = call compile format ["%1%2", _str, _i];

			sleep 0.1;

		sleep 1;

- friendly/enemy tags depend on the unit model? : in a mission I changed the russian rifleman (east side) model into insurgent model (guer side) by editing the mission.sqm file. In multiplayer, players from insurgent side see each other with enemy tags (which in some cases leads to teamkill).

- add the isAdmin command AND/OR a way for a mission script to check a variable or a file outside the mission that contains a password only the server admin knows : if a mission contains a menu that enables players to dynamically change settings it would be a good thing to be able to choose the players who can mess around with it

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i will add one more "oh my god" to this list:


G36A has 200 m lower fire range than AKS74U in this "military simulator" :(

BIS gave in A2:

SVD 300 meters far better than M24, while in real PSO1 and SVD is accurate and good for 600 meters max (real soldiers say, not gamers armchair commando like)

M24 is accurate and deadly for 800 meters and more

SVD from soldiers' expirience 500 meters (poor optics, poor mount sensitive to hit etc.) , rifle is good , but optics slows it's possibility

BIS gave AKS74U and AK74 balistics equal - it is wrong

BIS made G36A worse range for 200 meters than AKS74u - total misunderstanding

and funny - AK74 without optics allows AI to fire more than modern and high quality rifle like G36 ???

AK74, AK74SU and other AK - 600 meters in config for "single" mode

G36 - 400 meters for single mode ????

M24, M40 - 1000 meters max, SVD 1300 ???

AKS74U and M4 SPR equal fire range ??

is dispersion of AKM/AKMS and M4 are almost equal - i cannot say, need real american soldier to say whether AKM/AKMS has almost the same accuracy as M4

Edited by vilas

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*OFF TOPIC (reply to vilas, otherwise ignore)*

My understanding is that it depends largely on where the AK was manufactured (and its service history)... if you get one which has been dragged around Africa for 50 years, which only gets serviced when it stops working and uses unmatched/random replacement parts, then.. you'd be doing well to hit a car at 300m, let alone a human, on the other hand, one made in the last few years by one of the better manufacturers can certainly compete with ARs at shorter ranges (up to 300m)

Beyond 300m the drag on the larger 762 round causes the bullets to 'fall out of the air', meaning that the drop increases dramatically making ranging very difficult and thus the functional accuracy also fall off rapidly (you may know the curve like the back of your hand, but its tricky to estimate ranges 'that' accurately).

This is why the AKs are typically rated as having an effective range of 300m, whilst the AR15s are rated more like 500..600m

Bottom line tho.... given a quality AK, its down to the shooter, the flatter ballistic trajectory of the 556 round makes it easier to shoot, but not technically more 'accurate'

.... However, i have had a bit of a dig into how Bohemia do their ballistics, arma2 uses a single coefficient value for all bullets, thus... all bullets behave pretty much the same, so... dont expect this behavior to be demonstrated in arma2 in the near future (even VBS2 only has a single coefficient per round class, not the tables of coefficient vs velocity required to do that type of accurate ballistics plotting)

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okay, balistic simulation is not possible here

but if this game has big words "battlefield simulator" than how the hell AKS74U ironsight with 20 cm barrel is 200 meters range better than G36A ??? with scope ?

it is the same nonsense like making M113 more powerfull than Abrams

in next patch BIS should apply:

- 300 meters for AKS74U as they did for M4 family

- if AK74 has 500/600 meters max, than G36A with scope should have the same , like M16 ACOG, for f** sake G36A cannot be worse than AK74U short barrel subcarbine at longer distance

AI will kill you from 500 meters by AKS74U (shorty) while not even open fire from G36A :O

- if M40/M24 has 1000 meters max, than worse SVD should have max 900 not 1300

average for SVD and M24 is the same, i would prefer making M24 mid range ca. 550 and SVD 450 , for god sake M24 has 10x scope and SVD 4x and it is very sensitive for shakes and etc according to real soldiers who claim on SVD and pray Sako (Polish army)

Poland equipped some SVD in 6x scopes to make it usefull for 800 meters, while BIS made max range for AI 1300 meters with PSO1

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I have to agree with Vilas on this one. Almost. Even though in real life SVD can reach all the way to 1200 meters, you would have to use a special ammo. This ammo was never exported by the Russians, so most people never really used in in world conflicts. Any pro sniper will also tell you that 4X scope is better than 6X because it tends to shake less. All the high magnification scopes are harder to use because they shake the image way more than smaller, closer range scopes. SVD was made as an assault sniper rifle, meaning on the go. To have a high magnification scope on it meant less control of the image (too much shaking) for a sniper in the moving squad. They now changing their policy and introducing SV-98 dedicated sniper rifle with higher magnification for those snipers that hide and move slower. 4X POSP scope exist in two versions: close range, with rangefinder for up to 400 meters and longer range, with 1000 meters rangefinder. So you see, the SVD can be used for up to 1000 meters, but I do agree with Vilas that in the game some guns need to be twiked. SVD is fine IMO. The AK-74U has a terrible acuracy in real life, it is more of a pistol than an assault gun. It's good for close range, not long range. However AK-74, that uses 5.56 round, is acurate enough. I don't know how it compares to G36, never fired the G. AK-74 in the game is a little too acurate, but it's a list of the problems for Arma2 now. So maybe increasing G36 parameters a little will do the trick here.

My main issue with this game's fire fight is a f... grass and AI with x-ray vision! I don't even know why I am in this game. AI fights the AI through the grass and I can't see anyone. They kill me so easily and I don't even know where they are shooting from! If this game calls itself an ULTIMATE simulator, it probably refers to how much fun the AI has playing this game, cuase I sure don't enjoy this kind of gaming. This is an example of going too far with effects and forgeting the actual gamer. Please fix that.

Another issue I have is locking guided missles on Avenger AA defence vehicles. How in the hell do I do that??? That vehicle is not "lockable". The only way to fight it is to attack with non-guided munition. Everybody knows it's a suicide for rotary wing. I just can't figure this one out. It's very easy to do against the Tunguska, in fact too easy. Tunguskas are "lockable" and are too stupid in this game. They engage with gun fire the long range targets instead of missiles. SO, this ultimate simulator is a funny thing guys. USMC gets almost indestructable air defence unit, when the Russians get a retarded easily targetable AA. Balance?

My last complaint is about the controls. I am used to the selecting my squad guys and giving them orders from previous OFP and Arma. I already know which number does what for prone commands, hold fire, watch directions, etc. Now when I select a unit and give him an order, it stays selected afterwords. Wtf is that for? It ruins everything that we learned from the last 10 years of ging commands. Why changing a thing that wasn't broken??? Now I have to watch the soldier icons to make sure I diselected them before giving order to a next guy! How stupid is that! Please remove this "innovation", it's useless and only hurts the gameplay that we all so used to. No need to invent a bicycle when we already have one that works fine.

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okay, balistic simulation is not possible here

but if this game has big words "battlefield simulator" than how the hell AKS74U ironsight with 20 cm barrel is 200 meters range better than G36A ??? with scope ?

it is the same nonsense like making M113 more powerfull than Abrams

in next patch BIS should apply:

- 300 meters for AKS74U as they did for M4 family

- if AK74 has 500/600 meters max, than G36A with scope should have the same , like M16 ACOG, for f** sake G36A cannot be worse than AK74U short barrel subcarbine at longer distance

AI will kill you from 500 meters by AKS74U (shorty) while not even open fire from G36A :O

- if M40/M24 has 1000 meters max, than worse SVD should have max 900 not 1300

average for SVD and M24 is the same, i would prefer making M24 mid range ca. 550 and SVD 450 , for god sake M24 has 10x scope and SVD 4x and it is very sensitive for shakes and etc according to real soldiers who claim on SVD and pray Sako (Polish army)

Poland equipped some SVD in 6x scopes to make it usefull for 800 meters, while BIS made max range for AI 1300 meters with PSO1

I agree with you 110% it seems BIS was rushed, I assume and flaked on the total realism of all weapon stats, my friend from the Armed Forces said the same thing the first time we played Arma2, these guns shoot nothing like in real life and some of these weapons are plain wrong. :p

BIS should look into them, alot of weapons seem like after thoughts to BIS, G36 Aimpoint, Pistols, MP5, SVD

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yes, changing menu of units is stupid, like people before - me to want OFP/Arma1 command system

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I agree to that one. Im on a swedish keyb as well and i always remove the taskbar language changer thingy. So i never seen this prob in ARMA. :)

Actually, I have done that too... Guess I'll just have to learn to live with it. It's not that big of a problem.

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alt + shift and keyboard is reloaded, so what the problem

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The problem is that it stays English in Arma2 but Swedish in windows.

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ZSU-23-2 on Ural platform has model bug: when you look through the sight and try to turn to right side, your figure closes the sight.

Many buildings and objects do not coincide with ballistics calculation. You can see aims round a corner of some building but your bullets hit the corner if you shoot.

In my opinion: this mod should be integrated into core of game.

Edited by Starshina(RUS)

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Many buildings and objects do not coincide with ballistics calculation. You can see aims round a corner of some building but your bullets hit the corner if you shoot

geometry LOD , fire geometry LOD bigger than visual LOD

i cannot be fixed without reworking in oxygen all those models

there is also opposite error too

some units shot to my troops and i see enemy fires in building while my soldier hides near corner

so enemy AI see him but cannot kill him (through the building)

those things are errors in models

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@Tophe: Remove the english keyboard completely, then shut down the keyboard app once and for all. You should never get into that trouble again. Unless you have desires to use english keyboard in other apps/games.

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UH-1y : Laserdesignator. Enable it, so you can use it do designate targets for the jets ( or even arty!).

Seems like it might be a good idea to give the laser designator in the venom batteries? :rolleyes:

All needed for the laser on the uh-1y to work, is to add a laser battery, so that might be usefull for the next patch. Might also be usefull to have a visual clue when in the sights, for if you're designating or not ( out of scope you have one )

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- Replace Kord minitripod by Kord for sample missions (Singleplayer/ Scenarios/ My missions/ New mission/ 03 : Defender/ Opfor)

it is impossible to shoot above the fortifications because of the minitripod.

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- Replace Kord minitripod by Kord for sample missions (Singleplayer/ Scenarios/ My missions/ New mission/ 03 : Defender/ Opfor)

it is impossible to shoot above the fortifications because of the minitripod.

BIS use GODMODE! :dancehead:

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Taking the fact that if a friendly runs over your landmine you have placed you become an enemy target would be nice. nothing worse than immediately becoming wanted by both sides of a war.

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- Please mark lines in the "Target" menu by different colors! If solder see the target, let this line be green, but targets out of solder's line of sight SHOULD BE gray! I want to be sure, that my AI-guy will not run for hunting somewhere.

- Marker for moving should has 3d-shape in 3d view. On the plain landscape is very easy send personnel in wrong position far away, only due to the 1 degree elevation error. And make it sticky to the corners of buildings, please.

- By the way, bunkers and depots have a "position spots". Why don't add same spots to the corners of the buildings? I am driven mad watching how AI-team in the "danger" mode go prone in the middle of the street.

- Please, add simple team interface for usual Squad Commander. In the editor I add 47 riflemen to my squad. How to command this horde? Have you ever seen how 47 boys in wedge formation tried to move to the north from Utes airfield? It is disaster. Why not to separate them not in 5 colored teams, but NAMED teams, and command the teams through Control+Space. Like a Field Commander?

- Don't mark solder with zero ammo by red color! Mark his gun icon red. I dont want to sent corpsman to him, to find that corpsman has not healing option in 6-menu.

- Some civilian cars has "boarding area" on the driver's side only! It is not possible to board such vehicles from the passenger's side.

- Try to play as a civilian (man) in the editor, and add any women to your team. Add empty civilian car. Order her to board the car as a passenger. Watch it! She will sit on the ground inside of the car. You may drive the car. Don't ask me what is going on under the car during motion ;o)

Edited by EchoTango

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What about this:

Vehicles that can repair. When you get for example a flat tyre on your repair vehicle - you need another repair vehicle to fix it. Would it not be great to be able to get an action to fix anything messed up on such vehicles? Since they have all the tools and spare parts in the vehicle itself.

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Hi Everyone,

I think it's the good place for my request (i hope BIS team read it :P)

(And i apologize in advance for my low level in english, i will try to be clear)

Well: i would like talking about the "gun's pocket" -(is it the good word?)- On all units with handguns, we can see the gun's pocket on the right side, but EMPTY! :(

So my request is simple: Would it be possible, when a units have this place for a gun, to see the handgun in?


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Request about Armory camera again. :)

1. It is very shivering (usually, when vehicle moves very fast).

2. Is it possible to make some simple "spectator interface" to change cam position (or switch a few cam positions) manually?

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