CameronMcDonald 147 Posted October 11, 2010 You'll eventually make me want to reinstall it Dude, playing through Resistance at the moment. Tis still awesome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Herr_kalashnikov 10 Posted October 11, 2010 An oldschool player here to started and was amazed by the OFP demo and played the franchise ever since. I play it pretty irregular, sometimes not playing for months. But i know i always get back to it and still getting alot of fun out of it. I miss the days games actualy had a lifespan of a couple of years instead of weeks/months. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ultimateflashpoint 10 Posted October 11, 2010 I started playing OFP since the demo disc was released by PCGamer and since then, I have bought several copies of the game. You just can't beat a classic. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suchy_ 10 Posted October 12, 2010 Also started when OFP demo showed up. Now replaying it via CWC Rearmed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TomatoArden 0 Posted October 12, 2010 I wouldn't really say im an operation flashpoint veteran since I only started with the GOTY edition, but Im still here playing Arma 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tzvetoslav 0 Posted October 13, 2010 For me,all BIS produced titles are more than just games.And I continue to convince myself in that with every newly released garbage *caugh* I mean,game made by those other greedy companies.And I don't think we'll see any game that comes close to the ArmA series in the near future in terms of pure functionality and also,SUPPORT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
carlostex 38 Posted October 14, 2010 I remember playing the bomberman nission for OFP back in 2001 when the game was still brand new. I remember placing the satchels hiding in the bushes, waiting for the tanks.... When the tanks came i thought this is gonna be epic.... I detonated the charges, only 1 tank was alive so i took him with the LAW... Then up the hill to snipe the hell out of that village... Body counts were rising and as i was feeling invincible i died!!!! Then kill cam comes up and shows that a soldier shot me from behind... I was like: OMG this is amazing. The AI was incredible at that time. Somehow he went up the hill without me noticing sneaked behind me and shot me dead. Since then some many ours spent on BIS games.... Please BIS!!! Keep improving Arma 2 so that we can still have a better and better experience... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mortal-K 0 Posted October 15, 2010 Yep still playing. I remeber ordering flashpoint, as it was the first computer game I had ever mail ordered. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricM 0 Posted October 15, 2010 (edited) I remember following the first screenshots of Flashpoint 1985 : Status Quo when still in development in 1999/2000 and even before it was named OFP:CWC.... I remember this screenshot of a hind through binocs hovering over a forest and thinking : Damn, that's photo realistic ! Now if you see the model ot the hind in OFP compared to the one we have now, it's laughable, but by the time it was photo realistic to me ! Edited October 15, 2010 by EricM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom_48_97 523 Posted October 15, 2010 Don't forget the mini trailers :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
h - 169 Posted October 15, 2010 (edited) OFP and OFP:R are always the first games I install on my PC system whenever I get a new one. It's really a ritual almost, the game is so absolutely awesome it's undescribable. When I get a chance I play CWC and Resistance campaigns, but I mostly enjoy the SP missions "Battlefield" and "Clean Sweep II".. Also it always works, it's funny, OFP and OFP:R still work like under Win7 but games like Thief III and the last Hitman do not :rolleyes: So I guess BIS guys know how to code.. ;) Edited October 16, 2010 by h - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D.Sloane 12 Posted October 16, 2010 i played every bis game including OFP when it first came up. my online gaming adventure started with ARMA2, unfortunately, i didn't own the original copies of the other games because they didn't sell those in Turkey. when arma 2 came up, my gf was in Italy at that time and she bought it for me :) after that i bought expansions and stuff through steam. OFP was a big fun for me. especially the editor. i played with it long hours, sitting infront of the editor , trying to solve it(i wasn't aware scripting or other stuff. internet wasn't very popular here at that time. i was at beginning of a teenage life too :) ). now i grown up, still playing bis games :) this time, original copies ofcourse :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rommel 2 Posted October 16, 2010 I originally got a burnt copy of OFP from my mates, we all played it a LAN once, and I was hooked. I then went out and bought the GOTY edition; and haven't looked back since; getting ArmA1 on the day it came out, it was in German :P; then ArmA2 the day it came out (if not before hand?); and Arrowhead a few days before it came out (review copy), as well as two copies thereafter. I think it comes up to 7.5 years that I've been playing now... ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azza FHI 50 Posted October 17, 2010 hey rommel :-) haha. well as for me i started opflash when it came out. best game for its genre/time. didnt play multi till towards the end tho, it was all bout creatin massive battles with the editor lol. thanks bis! ps. codemasters tried and failed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigWolf 0 Posted October 17, 2010 I actually own the Original OFP with all the expansions, plus the GOTY edition, just to save install time It is 1 of only 2 games I've ever brought twice Also got ArmA1 and expansion, and ArmA2 just lacking the ArmA2 expansion, which I'm hoping to rectify shortly Remember the original OFP being amazing when I first played it, especially the mission editing First mess around was me in a cobra mowing down 200+ infantry haha, talk about slow motion action mind you, especially with a 32MB TNT2 powering my graphics lol, Of course, that pushed me to learn basic html and scripting, which then gave me an interest into building websites pushing me into web programming as my main career choice So, quite literary, OFP changed my life for the better Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bigmik 10 Posted October 19, 2010 Been playing since the beginning and have enjoyed each installment. The mods are great too. Just signed up on this site, but for years traveled to the many community sites. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bionicman 0 Posted October 19, 2010 Hi everybodyI was wondering if old OFP Veterans are still playing BIS games. Saw some names which were present in the OFP days. See a lot of new ones. Even I'm not very active but I'm following curiously what's going on in the community. Yeah things have changed over the years, but I'm still here. would be nice to receive some feedback from the "oldies" I'm still playing and I must admit I can't get enough, playing for 8 years straight and never getting annoyed. Tried Lot's of different FPS but in the end I'm always coming back to the BIS games. Greetings to the best community in the world. regards nettrucker p.s. my nick is nettrucker, my real name is Michael, but you can call me fan boy.LOL!:D Howdie, yes, I guess, there are many people having played OFP and ArmA ever since these games were released. Although, I haven't been active in the community at all, I monitored all the activities in the forums and fanpages. Beside I spent countless hours on these games :-) Cheers Bionicman Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
buliwyf 4 Posted October 20, 2010 I play OFP/ArmA/ArmA2/ArmAOA nearly since ten years now... i really love this genre... thank you BIS guys! :dancered: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lilwillie 47 Posted October 28, 2010 Still playing.. You can see from my join date it is from the beginning. I still have each and every game still loaded on my PC's. My older PC I still keep alive because it has OFP and Arma running on it. I bought a new PC specifically for Arma 2. Never thought of leaving the games. It is THE only FPS style game I play. I've tried others but they fail in comparison to the realism BIS has given us. My first PC with OFP loaded on it is in storage. It is like the holy grail of games to me. Someday I'll fire it up again and see those first missions I played. I still have the OFP demo loaded on my very old work PC which is out of service, collecting dust but once in awhile I hit the power button and play it. I don't have time any longer to be apart of a clan/squad/group but I was for a few years when Arma was out. I miss it at times but life takes priority. Since OFP and my joining the forums I've bought a house, had two kids, own a business, watched my oldest son grow up and become old enough that he is now playing Arma on my old PC while I play Arma 2 on mine. He dabbles in the editor and makes his own little battles. He is 8...some may think he is young to be playing a game so realistic but considering what he can see on the news and his uncle has seen combat in Iraq this is a way to educate him on what war is. I've tried making maps....addons...scripts but am not very good at it. I download so much from the community that it would take pages to thank them for their efforts. I'd love to make a map of my area I live in but don't have the skills or time. I take breaks from gaming during the warm months and dive back in during the cold months. You can see I am not active in the forums. 172 posts as of today....But whenever I feel the need to get some good gaming in BIS games are the first choice. I do look forward to another 10 years of BIS games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites