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Operation Arrowhead: The questions and answers thread

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No sry i did not read the whole thread... Really? If this is the truth this would be okay :) But why does not W0lle knows about it?

Edit: if you mean this:

"To what degree do original ArmA 2 and OA interact? For example, can OA units be used in ArmA2 and can Arma 2 mods be loaded in OA with copying them all to a new directory?

W0lle: As said by Ohara: ArmA2 content can be used in Arrowhead with no problems."

This means for me that AO is able to load any addon for arma2 without modification. But i can't read from it that it automatically loads the official vehicles, chernarus and so on...

Edited by telejunky

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I know about this don't worry and by now everyone who read the comments from Ohara in the previous thread should know that, too. ;)

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How funny it would be to have on your target line something like:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA2 Operation Arrowhead \arma2oa.exe" -mod=@ArmA2

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No I had no chance to play it this time, simply because there was only one PC for presentation (and my crappy gaming skillz are everything than representative) :D.

With the aircraft HUD actually IAHDSS is meant.

Hi Wolle,

Thank you for answering.:)

Could you tell us alittle of how it looks in regards to the new features you saw....?

Edited by p75

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Hi Wolle,

Thank you for answering.:)

Could you tell us alittle of how it looks in regards to the new features you saw....?

Well there was not too much to see and tell. Arrowhead is not as complete as ArmA2 was like last year as I seen it.

FLIR and Lasers I haven't seen in action but the flashlight and it really made me like WTF. The buildings are really well made as you can see in the screenshots, most of them if not all are enterable and give you a true middle eastern feeling.

Other than that I haven't seen much of the features. You need to realize that most of the time there was just a scenario running which shows a flying Apache or Chinook for the press.

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Well there was not too much to see and tell. Arrowhead is not as complete as ArmA2 was like last year as I seen it.

FLIR and Lasers I haven't seen in action but the flashlight and it really made me like WTF. The buildings are really well made as you can see in the screenshots, most of them if not all are enterable and give you a true middle eastern feeling.

Other than that I haven't seen much of the features. You need to realize that most of the time there was just a scenario running which shows a flying Apache or Chinook for the press.

Thank you for the impression!!! The screenshots look simply amazing, .....:)

Edited by p75

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Well there was not too much to see and tell. Arrowhead is not as complete as ArmA2 was like last year as I seen it.

FLIR and Lasers I haven't seen in action but the flashlight and it really made me like WTF. The buildings are really well made as you can see in the screenshots, most of them if not all are enterable and give you a true middle eastern feeling.

Other than that I haven't seen much of the features. You need to realize that most of the time there was just a scenario running which shows a flying Apache or Chinook for the press.

Do you know if you'll be able to target stuff using the IHADSS? Because i believe in real life pilots are able to target tanks etc by just looking at them. Atleast you can do that in Enemy Engaged. Or if it'll be something thats implemented?

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Do you know if you'll be able to target stuff using the IHADSS? Because i believe in real life pilots are able to target tanks etc by just looking at them. Atleast you can do that in Enemy Engaged. Or if it'll be something thats implemented?

In relation to this, I hope that the IHADS is slaved/linked to the TrackIR as this would simulate the real life AH-64D very well.

To the poster above, yes, that is how it works. Both Pilot and Gunner can use the IHADS for target selecting.

Edited by p75

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The circle closes. I love that BIS uses the word Operation as well hehe.

system should kick any other games thermal ass. :D

EDIT: W0lle:

but the flashlight and it really made me like WTF

WTF - crap, or WTF thats awesome!



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Sounds like Arrowhead is going to use the full potential of the engine.

uh, side question: do the middle eastern enemies yell "Allah ackbar" before blowing something up? :colgate:

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What do they say about OpA here? (German) I posted and made a time comment. Cliky. :)


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Nothing we don't know already: That ArmA2:OA has been announced, no release date known yet and that it plays in central asia (which depends what you define as central asia though).

Edited by W0lle

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Will it have proper physics implementation for units/corpses (ragdoll) and/or vehicles?

Will walking in and shooting from cargo positions be possible?

Will the hitpoint system for tanks be changed for some real penetration values?!

Jennik: I wouldn't expect such huge changes in the game engine without making completely new game instead of the datadisk, though so complex and huge.

What still no armor penetration system for vehicles? Same system from 2001.

Will the terrain resolution be higher, feature micro terrain details?

Jennik: There were instects and mushrooms in A2, so what would you consider to be more "micro"?

How about rivers, streams, drainage ditches, ground depressions etc. Generally more detailed landscapes.

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uh, side question: do the middle eastern enemies yell "Allah ackbar" before blowing something up? :colgate:

I'm sure that you will still be allowed to use voice com in MP if you feel that you must take the name of god in vain while playing. Seriously though. I hope that BI will avoid all such ethnocentric stereotypes when they've now chosen to open up a new part of their game world. I think they've been fair and unbiased so far and hope that the same policy will apply in the future as well.

Personally I cannot wait until I get a chance to climb onto those rooftops, armed with an outdated RPG and wait for the next american convoy. My point is: If the game is supposed to attract non-westerners it has to portray all sides with a certain dignity. Portraying the OPFOR/Insurgents as bomb crazy automatons with satchel charges hidden udner their Burqa's hardly accomplishes that.

How about rivers, streams, drainage ditches

These would be very welcome, if they could be modelled within the present engine imo.

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What still no armor penetration system for vehicles? Same system from 2001.

How about rivers, streams, drainage ditches, ground depressions etc. Generally more detailed landscapes.

So you have nothing good to say?

Why did you post.

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rivers would be nice, with very weak and dangerous looking bridges for people.

The ones that look like they're about to break just when you step on them. :oh:


nominesine: I didn't mean it as an insult or anything like that. But for realism sake, it (imo) should be there.

Edited by Cole

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Damn, I missed the opportunity to ask my question :(

Will we, at last, be able to download addons directly from game servers, and auto-restart our game? This is the biggest thing missing in ArmA2 now, in my eyes

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So you have nothing good to say?

Why did you post.

He made a very valid observation.... in ARMA2 the world is nice but all those things are missing that would be very welcome in an Expansion we pay for...

I welcome the expansion but so far it looks like new campaign, units, sides, map/area but we have not heard anything about new engine enhanacements.... better physics, performance improvements etc...


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Release date

W0lle: When it's done

Jennik: Exactly

It would have been good to have that mentality with the core game too, and Armed Assault before it for that matter. I call bullshit.

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I didn't mean it as an insult or anything like that. But for realism sake, it (imo) should be there.

No worries. I didn't take it as an insult. I merely think that the ability to shout Allah Akhbar (or recite the lords prayer for that matter) is rather mission specific. It's not something that should be automated by the game engine. Imagine that you are playing an Opfor saboteur in a stealth mission versus another human player, do you still want to shout Allah Akhbar when you detonate your carefully placed satchel from a hidden location? ;) Adding custom made sounds to specific missions is fairly painless for any missiond designer as it is.

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He made a very valid observation.... in ARMA2 the world is nice but all those things are missing that would be very welcome in an Expansion we pay for...

I welcome the expansion but so far it looks like new campaign, units, sides, map/area but we have not heard anything about new engine enhanacements.... better physics, performance improvements etc...


As they stated it's datadisk

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So you have nothing good to say?

Why did you post.

Postcount +1

I welcome the expansion but so far it looks like new campaign, units, sides, map/area but we have not heard anything about new engine enhanacements.... better physics, performance improvements etc...


I see, working FLIR, lasers and flashlights are no engine enhancements.

No one promised you above for ArmA2 hence you can't come up and say it should have been included there.

It would have been good to have that mentality with the core game too, and Armed Assault before it for that matter. I call bullshit.

And I call your post spam, as nothing else it is.


Don't worry, it surely wasn't the last chance to get some answers before release.

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