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A way to remove profanity II

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I was in the Marines for 8 years. Profanity was used quite often. Although I try not to swear much now days, I think the profanity does add realism to the game. Same thing when watching a realistic war movie, you will hear alot of profanity.

The more "realistic" a game/movie is, the more apt I am to purchase it.

My 2 cents

Edited by rothy

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People swear and putting walls up everywhere can be a dangerous thing.

Oh gosh I'm bleeding... Oh gosh that hurts... doesn't sound 'realistic' to me

I can understand people not wanting the profanity in game, but I'd hate to see dev time wasted on this...

At least not for 5 or 6 patches. Or until the game and its features work for everyone.

+10 ABSOLUTELY... do not waste ANY time fixing this when there are far more important things to fix................

Edited by lockie1976
spelling :)

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People swear and putting walls up everywhere can be a dangerous thing.

Oh gosh I'm bleeding... Oh gosh that hurts... doesn't sound 'realistic' to me

... then you would choose to have it enabled I'm guessing.

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please do not panic good sir but it appears that we seem to have gentlemen of the opposite faction using firearms to shoot bullets at us, we should immediately take cover.

good sir i seem to be bleeding profusely from the general area that a bullet from the enemies firearm has penetrated my torso.

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Um. Do you also find it hilarious for someone to ridicule a "suggestion" thread in a forum entirely dedicated to "suggestions"?

Again, because I apparently have to repeat the same thing over & over, it's not for offense. It's for preference.

Didn't think I was ridiculing anyone, I just made the options clear.

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At the post above me.

Have you ever considered that most people do not have the required knowledge to make such changes to the game?

As for the rest of the thread, I'm astounded at some of the idiotic replies in here. The topic creator presented his case in a well thought out and polite manner, yet he is ridiculed for it.

While I don't think it is the number one priority for this game right now, I would not object to the inclusion of an obscenity filter.

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Ok, here's what you do: dive into the modding bit of this forum, unpack the sound packs and edit out all the unneccesary cussin'. Then repack the thing, generate a key for it and release it as CleanArmAMod. Presto, instant internet fame for an evenings' work. The time spent heating up electrons over this issue could have been so much better spent making this mod. Also, I endorse the samuel l jackson mod. Someone needs to get crackin on that m0therfrakker immediately.

ps. i agree that its utterly insane to blast the thread starter for wanting to clean his game up. to each his own. as the man said, i heartily disagree with what you are saying, but i will give every last drop of my blood for your right to say it.

Edited by schurem

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I would want this aspect of ARMA2 addressed last, after all other issues have been dealt with.

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I was rather appalled by the replies that Kawilder got when asking if it's possible to remove profanity in ArmA2 (Original thread.). As the thread was closed because a suggestion could not be inferred, I'll post a direct suggestion:

Can a future version of ArmA have the ability to turn off all unnecessary voice samples? They don't add anything to the game IMO and it's only an extension of being able to tweak the graphics, blood etc to taste.

It doesn't make me feel big or tough to play a game with profanity, in fact it rather annoys me. However, as a lot of other people seem to think that it's rather a good idea, maybe there could be some amount of choice in the matter. I know the game has blood, death & injury, but you know, it's my choice about how I play & what I experience. I'd like the opportunity to lose the swearing please. I enjoy the tactical nature of the game I've done the armed forces thing, it was fun, but I'd like the game at least able to shut it off thanks :)

Please, lets keep the discussion, if not the language, at adult levels please :)

Hear hear. I'm no prude, and I know that servicemen swear like, to coin a phrase, troopers :), but we really do need to be able to turn it off.

I was disappointed with the original thread too. There was far too much immaturity there. Swearing == mature necessarily.

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Maybe BIS could remove all of the violence from the game as well.

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Swearing is godsend. It is good. It's human expression. A rogue form of art if I may say so. Swearing was given to us by our fathers and we must teach it to our children.

Swearing enriches our language and expresses real feelings that no other way could express.

Animals growl to each other too. Can you say it's not swearing? My damn dog cusses at me sometimes. Oh, yeah that little bastard is very vocal. Sometimes I curse at him and I swear he curses back. He just looks at me and growls and barks like he means business. "Screw you master I just have to sniff this ass right now!"

Swearing is like a pack of meanings and ideas. I mean you can say "I am very angry because I hurt my leg and I feel a great amount of pain and possibly remorse which makes my feel very negative emotions, that I fell the need to project outwards because expressing feelings orally makes them more managable."

Or you can say "Aw FUCK my leg!" and everyone will now what you are talking about. All the feelings are hidden there inside that magical word.

I am serious. Swearing exists because it's usefull. There are some things that CANNOT be expressed without cursewords. How else are you going to express anger, hatred, dissapointment, surprise, disbelief without sounding like a soul-less robot?

Some cursewords even express positive feelings! Joy, Self pride, accomplishment, love...

Like when you touch boobies you think you to your self "Shit! I am touching some boobs right now DAMN!!" and you grin like a monkey!

Swearing isn't bad. People who don't like it are bad.

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I'd also like to hear 'Jesus Christ' used. When emotions run high, such as in battle, the air will turn blue.

I still think it's silly to buy an 18+ sim and then whine about the swearing. If you want it removed, fine, but it shouldn't be a high priority. I'd rather no time was wasted on this issue.

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Swearing isn't bad. People who don't like it are bad.

But, all I'm saying is, personal preference. I have the option of turning the blood off, but no-one has mentioned that that was a huge waste of BIS resources. I don't particularly care about the swearing, I'm addressing the superfluous voice samples. They can really bust the game at inappropriate times: swearing might well be the "big, bad grown-up" way to talk if you got a hurt leg, but I know what my section commander would have to say if I kept crying about it repeatedly while sneaking up to an objective.

But anyway, this thread has been an interesting example of what happens when an innocuous suggestion is made that seems to annoy or amuse forum readers. Very quickly the two main gripes against the suggestion seems to be:

There's brutality in the game, and that makes it ridiculous to have the option to turn off superfluous voice samples and

Its realistc and I should accept it as hard-coded, and I do not need the option to turn it off.

Neither stance really is any kind of discussion. The suggestion for the option doesn't really require such nay-saying, however some people cannot resist :)

To clarify: I don't care about the swearing. I usually play on headphones in any case, it just annoys me that there is unnecessary work going into something I care nothing for. In my house, I do not worry about ingame killings because it's cartoon killing, it's not real, and it's obvious even to children that that is the case. And don't try to kid yourselves that it is a "simulation" of killings and death, because it is not. It is a game. A good game, one we all love and is as close to real as we would wish to get, but really. It's cartoon models falling over when their hitpoints have depleted.

However, I do care about my kids hearing swearing, because at least one of them is young enough to try to use that language inappropriately. I simply don't wish for that to happen. My kids don't necessarily watch me play, they find my games dry and boring, but they can certainly overhear. And, the swearing is real, whereas the killing is not. It's a subtle point that many people refuse to acknowledge.

I mean, all those people who insist that swearing MUST be present, I don't know if they would be as happy if their ingame avatar also decided to soil themselves and vomit, and become frozen with fear also.

Again, lets be clear, I don't mind that the swearing is there. If people like it, people like it. I'm all for things that people like. But, when other graphic options exist, why not audio too? It's not that different.

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The people swearing aren't real and is there such a thing as non-real swearing?

You'd let your young uns watch Reservoir Dogs and say "fear not, the killings aren't real kiddies." You'd only fret if it was a genuine snuff flick they were watching?

As for having the option to turn it off, no. With the amount of problems people are reporting with playing the game. Adding the Care Bear option is a waste of time and effort. As someone who has modded Arma yourself, I'm sure you'd know how to do it. There are probably heaps of Ned Flanders samples on the internet.

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To clarify: I don't care about the swearing. I usually play on headphones in any case, it just annoys me that there is unnecessary work going into something I care nothing for.

I suspect that's the feelings of the people who are being so negative: the swearing is already in the game, and the only way for it to be officially removed (as an option) would be for BIS to devote time and resources to remove those samples, or re-recording them with alternate samples.

Given that most of us either don't care about the swearing or actually like it (added immersion etc.), we wouldn't make use of the option and therefore any time BIS spent on it would be "wasted time" as far as many of us are concerned. There are plenty of aspects of the game which could be improved or modified which would actually have an impact on our game experience, so suggestions for BIS to spend time on other things are met with scorn. As if whatever we post here has any effect on anything. ;)

All that said, it might be more productive to be clearer on which voice samples you dislike. You mentioned the injury ones, which I agree seem to be a bit too frequent (or a lot too frequent). Perhaps an alternative solution would be to reduce/suppress those.

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But, all I'm saying is, personal preference. I have the option of turning the blood off, but no-one has mentioned that that was a huge waste of BIS resources. I don't particularly care about the swearing, I'm addressing the superfluous voice samples. They can really bust the game at inappropriate times: swearing might well be the "big, bad grown-up" way to talk if you got a hurt leg, but I know what my section commander would have to say if I kept crying about it repeatedly while sneaking up to an objective.

But anyway, this thread has been an interesting example of what happens when an innocuous suggestion is made that seems to annoy or amuse forum readers. Very quickly the two main gripes against the suggestion seems to be:

There's brutality in the game, and that makes it ridiculous to have the option to turn off superfluous voice samples and

Its realistc and I should accept it as hard-coded, and I do not need the option to turn it off.

Neither stance really is any kind of discussion. The suggestion for the option doesn't really require such nay-saying, however some people cannot resist :)

To clarify: I don't care about the swearing. I usually play on headphones in any case, it just annoys me that there is unnecessary work going into something I care nothing for. In my house, I do not worry about ingame killings because it's cartoon killing, it's not real, and it's obvious even to children that that is the case. And don't try to kid yourselves that it is a "simulation" of killings and death, because it is not. It is a game. A good game, one we all love and is as close to real as we would wish to get, but really. It's cartoon models falling over when their hitpoints have depleted.

However, I do care about my kids hearing swearing, because at least one of them is young enough to try to use that language inappropriately. I simply don't wish for that to happen. My kids don't necessarily watch me play, they find my games dry and boring, but they can certainly overhear. And, the swearing is real, whereas the killing is not. It's a subtle point that many people refuse to acknowledge.

I mean, all those people who insist that swearing MUST be present, I don't know if they would be as happy if their ingame avatar also decided to soil themselves and vomit, and become frozen with fear also.

Again, lets be clear, I don't mind that the swearing is there. If people like it, people like it. I'm all for things that people like. But, when other graphic options exist, why not audio too? It's not that different.

I don't think there should have been a gore option either.

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You'd let your young uns watch Reservoir Dogs and say "fear not, the killings aren't real kiddies."

No, I would not let my kids watch Reservoir Dogs. You seem to have catastrophically missed all my points. But then, that's the pattern for this thread. Ridicule or hostility, sometimes both.

And - you're against even the option to turn it off? If it's such a simple fix (as people seem to think) then surely it's a negligible loss of manpower. Unless you believe that all the devs are all working on all the other pet peeves all the time. I prefer to believe that there are teams for various aspects myself.

---------- Post added at 06:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 PM ----------

I suspect that's the feelings of the people who are being so negative: the swearing is already in the game, and the only way for it to be officially removed (as an option) would be for BIS to devote time and resources to remove those samples, or re-recording them with alternate samples.

Given that most of us either don't care about the swearing or actually like it (added immersion etc.), we wouldn't make use of the option and therefore any time BIS spent on it would be "wasted time" as far as many of us are concerned. There are plenty of aspects of the game which could be improved or modified which would actually have an impact on our game experience, so suggestions for BIS to spend time on other things are met with scorn. As if whatever we post here has any effect on anything. ;)

All that said, it might be more productive to be clearer on which voice samples you dislike. You mentioned the injury ones, which I agree seem to be a bit too frequent (or a lot too frequent). Perhaps an alternative solution would be to reduce/suppress those.

Well, to clarify the option applicability then - don't see it as blanking out existing voice samples, see it as completely removing the entire "ambient voice sample" system. So that they're not being replaced - they're being ignored. It's like removing an addon if you like. It's also like turning down the post-processing, or turning down the textures. It's a way of saving some resources.

I'd hope that that would make it more palatable and sensible?

Edited by DMarkwick

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Someone should just mix in various lines from Deadwood that are triggered by certain events in this game. Oh it would be grand.

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I'm not the kind of person who agrees with profanity for the sake of it, but I have yet to see any halfway convincing arguments for the censorship side. In particular, I remember IRL lolling at the OP of the other thread like this, who thinks it's ok to play violent wargames around his kids, just as long as they don't hear the word "Goddamn"... Sure we could have an option to turn it off, but while we're at, lets have an option to get rid of the guns and replace the tanks with ponies... You're buying into an experience, and I think swearing suits it.

Oh, and God help you if you play multiplayer...

Edited by echo1

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Reminds me of my time playing Call of Duty: World At War

So many servers that kicked me for swearing now and then out of frustration, on a game with gratuitous violence, limbs being BLOWN OFF, etc.

It's a-okay to see that sort of thing but a few letter strewn together in a certain fashion are too much?

I think people need to take a step back and realise that they're JUST WORDs.

The F-bomb is 4 letters put together that ended up meaning a certain thing to certain, and it spread.

When I say "Fuck" I usually use it in place of something like "Damn."

Does anyone have a problem with the word "damn?" Didn't think so. If you see "Fuck" to mean something worse than that, then there's something wrong with your own perception.

And yeah, the violence is fake and the swearing is real, but violence is violence whatever way you want to spin it. You're still taking part in the action of taking aim at something and shooting with an intent to kill. Yeah of course there's a line between fantasy and reality but it doesn't change the intention. You're aiming and shooting at something to kill them, to take something else's life. What's a swear word or two amongs bullets?

I mean come on..

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... then you would choose to have it enabled I'm guessing.

+1 for a good guess :)

-2 for stating the obvious :rolleyes:

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OK I'm going to start repeating myself until people actually take notice. People should note that the OP says unnecessary voice samples:

Well, to clarify the option applicability then - don't see it as blanking out existing voice samples, see it as completely removing the entire "ambient voice sample" system. So that they're not being replaced - they're being ignored. It's like removing an addon if you like. It's also like turning down the post-processing, or turning down the textures. It's a way of saving some resources.

I'd hope that that would make it more palatable and sensible?

Edited by DMarkwick

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To me the bigger problem is that the 'voices' seem to fall outside of the game world spectrum. Meaning, if my guy is crackin wise or when I tell my guys to go stealth by screaming "Everybody go silent!", the enemies should be able to hear that. So I would agree here, that the option to tell your guys to truly stfu, should result in silence and hand signals and the breaking of that silence should not go unnoticed.

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OK I'm going to start repeating myself until people actually take notice...

Good Luck with that one DM :p

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ODEN;1388665']Good Luck with that one DM :p


I hope people don't think of this as frustration. Really, this is more entertainment than anything else ;)

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