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-=SARMAT=- Studio presents: WIP screenshots of the new project "Wings of Russia".

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The russian still use the outdated czechoslovak L-39 for trainig? Why not buy the L-159, we have plenty of non-used one wich no-one want to buy

We've started to produce our own Yak-130 trainer:)

The point is that they post lots of stuff, and the quality stuff is always imported from some other source, but they don't mention that anywhere in all of their news, suggesting to everyone that they made it themselves.

Port itself is a work. At least a lot of ports from OFP to ArmA1 or ArmA2 (even with little changes) are named here as "great work", "nice", "good stuff" etc (no matter of their quality), just because people who made them spent their time on it. So why not to praise some other ports the same way? Especially if this ports become good addons. BTW, I remember exactly, that SARMAT's architecture pack readme states that part of it is port from "Stalker" game.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
It seems that you want them to have stolen the models... If they prove that they just modified free 3d models will you make a public apology to the SARMAT team?

IF they prove to have been ported with permission then yes, no problem.

I'd honestly prefer to find they have learnt from past events. But as in my original post, they look like FS ports. Given Sarmat's past history of porting stuff without consent of the original authors its not such a leap of imagination to suspect a repeat performance.

Edited by RKSL-Rock
crappy typing.

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It seems that you want them to have stolen the models... If they prove that they just modified free 3d models will you make a public apology to the SARMAT team?

sure seems that way

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Guest RKSL-Rock
sure seems that way

Something does seems a bit fishy given your own comments, but your signature explains a lot. Loki and I have already had this debate. I simply just don't believe theft is morally or legally acceptable even if it just porting models and claiming credit. Its still stealing someone's hard work no matter how you spin the justification or the scale of the "crime".

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The STALKER stuff was not stole, STALEKR developers said it themselves that their models can be used anywhere for non-commercial use.

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Something does seems a bit fishy given your own comments, but your signature explains a lot. Loki and I have already had this debate. I simply just don't believe theft is morally or legally acceptable even if it just porting models and claiming credit. Its still stealing someone's hard work no matter how you spin the justification or the scale of the "crime".


not as interesting as your Sig , Jealous or want the glory ?


ok im done

Edited by rstratton

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seems your own signature has alot to tell. were you (ROCK) planning on making these and are now upset?

Whatever happened to the accuser proving his side. Anyone can make an accusation. I could say you like little boys. But i would have to prove my claim.

Innocent until proven gulty.

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humm it went real quiet all of a sudden.

Edited by EMERY

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the silence is the calm b4 the storm, and its gonna be a nuclear hurricane i predict

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Well, it seems like they have been proven guilty before. Thats why people are asking for their comments, not hunting them.

We havent seen any proof one way or the other. Also I cannot read from the "witchhunters" any claim that they are stolen either, they only want the authors answer.

The only witchhunt sofar in this thread is the one on the ones wanting to know the truth (whatever that thruth is).

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I doubt Rock would be jealous, christ he's made stuff for BI. The man has skills and has no reason to be jealous or worry about how well his work will be received.

I got no problems with ports and to me quality isn't the ultimate issue. I just like to see people willing to spend their time, however much that may be and in whatever capacity, to bring content for total strangers to use. Good peoples.

That said, it is disheartening when people don't give credit even for something as simple as Freeware. Giving credit where credit is do, even in the most minute of instances, just seems to me to be the respectful thing to do. That's just the way I was raised though and if others see it differently that's cool.


It doesn't really seem anyone has accused them of stealing.

Edited by Manzilla

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My impression is that accusations were flung from the very first reply. The guy just put some pics in for a WIP.

I do play FSX alot and do have hundreds of freeware/shareware models. These models are free to do what u want with except profit off of them. Last time I checked no one was selling a mod for ARMA or ARMA2.

I'm just saying that anyone can make an accusation; hell look at the list of projects on RKSL studios webiste. Are they all original? Are they making each model from scratch, I tend to doubt it.

Anyway this thread was started as a WIP..let the guy make his stuff for ARMA2 and unless you have proof that this is stolen , quit complaining.

Just because this guy is making something on someone elses to do list, does not prevent the person from going ahead and doing with whatever tools are avaialble

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hell look at the list of projects on RKSL studios webiste. Are they all original? Are they making each model from scratch, I tend to doubt it.

:confused: That's ludicrous. Check his background, the guys a modeling machine.

Edited by Manzilla

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Guest RKSL-Rock

not as interesting as your Sig , Jealous or want the glory ?

Oh not at all. That is more of a wish list as stated right at the top of the page. Whats your problem?


Judging form the number of replies while I went out for dinner it doesn't seem so.

Thank you for actually reading our posts. Seems Loki's fan club seem to be reading new and interesting things into what was actually said.

Actually thats not true in most cases. All the commercial addons and quite a lot of they amateur planes clearly state they cant be edited or ported without permission. Reskins as ok since they don't affect the original so some of th classic OPF/ArmA problems never arose in the FS Community.

Oh every model is 100% original model made by me or members of our team. I've been making FS and ArmA/OFP addons for over 10 years. I have a huge back catalog.

Well said.

Edited by RKSL-Rock

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Rock go ahead and find a Freeware/Shareware mod maker for FSX that explicetely states you are not allowed to use this, and i will find hundreds that give the permission to do with what you want on the download page.

Keep in mind i'm talking freeware/shareware mods..not the commercial pay for versions.

---------- Post added at 02:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 PM ----------

Originally Posted by RKSL-Rock

Something does seems a bit fishy given your own comments, but your signature explains a lot. Loki and I have already had this debate. I simply just don't believe theft is morally or legally acceptable even if it just porting models and claiming credit. Its still stealing someone's hard work no matter how you spin the justification or the scale of the "crime".

Like I said from my first post in this thread. The proof should come from the accuser not the other way around.

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I'm not sure why someone wouldn't want to mention "credit to so and so for this model". Even if it's free to use with out restrictions and the author doesn't ask for any credit to be given a simple shout out seems to be the courteous thing to do.

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well... i was finished when i post my 'good job with the planes'..

but my name has been used twice.. and people still talking nonsense.. on all sides...

1. no accusations of theft?

We're grateful when somebody actually MAKES something, not just steals it from some other game and ports it, like SARMAT is prone to do. The quality of artwork presented in some of their addons was very varied, from excellent(which was proven to be a port) to average, which was theirs and I like the effort, but I only wish they hadn't used ports.

and this one...

I simply just don't believe theft is morally or legally acceptable even if it just porting models and claiming credit. Its still stealing someone's hard work no matter how you spin the justification or the scale of the "crime".

as per my 'fanclub'... lol i'm not these guys momma.. nor do they speak for me.

i don't personally agree with their approach to the situation of very strong accusations of guilt being level right out of the gate in this thread. not do i agree with those on the other side.

i'll say it again... hate on both sides of an irrelevent argument in someones WiP thread over and over and over... is killing the community..

and if whoever of you can not see that point of view.. well screw it.

done with this.. and stop using my name unless i say something.

loki out

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Rock go ahead and find a Freeware/Shareware mod maker for FSX that explicetely states you are not allowed to use this, and i will find hundreds that give the permission to do with what you want on the download page.

Keep in mind i'm talking freeware/shareware mods..not the commercial pay for versions.

Hey if its freeware then there isnt a problem. I know some shareware producers that ask you to fully credit them if you modify their work. Either way, its a simple courtesy to credit the original source. Its not like its any real effort.

Like I said from my first post in this thread. The proof should come from the accuser not the other way around.

Show me where i accused anyone? I merely said "Yep, looks like Flight sim ports to me."

And given the public history of permission and credit issues with Sarmat - either correct or incorrect i asked the question: "have you got proper permissions this time?"

I made no accusation just asked for them to clear up the situation.

The only accusations in this thread are the ones coming from people with a grudge to settle with me. Don't listen to them, read the original posts for yourself.

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Thsi whole thread got out of hand as soon as the accusations started showing up. For me just having someone take the time to bring these models into Arma is worth it for my enjoyment. No one is profiting here. So leave the guy alone, and let him port his stuff over, unless you have absolute proof that these are stolen.

Whether or not he gives credit is up to him and his conscience.

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I don't necessarily see that as being an accusation, more of a statement regarding what happened in the past. Could be though. But I admit, I can't know what the actual intention was. Admittedly, I was talking about Rock specifically but I didn't make that clear. My apologies

Whether or not he gives credit is up to him and his conscience.

Well said, that about sums up my thoughts.

Edited by Manzilla

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Rock even your question is accusatory in itself "have you got proper permissions this time?" Read it out loud to yourself and tell me you still think that doesn't sound like an accusation in the form of a question.

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I accused because there's strong evidence they haven't changed their ways. Until I see otherwise, I'm keeping my doubt. If they prove that they made the models and textures then I'll apologise, until then, tough luck.

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What evidence?

---------- Post added at 03:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 PM ----------

If there is "strong evidence" then i would like to see it and then I will STFU. Until then these are just accusations that are not warranted in a WIP thread.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Rock even your question is accusatory in itself "have you got proper permissions this time?" Read it out loud to yourself and tell me you still think that doesn't sound like an accusation in the form of a question.

Yes you can read it like that but in the full context:

"Considering the history of Sarmat - have you got proper permissions this time?"

A context which include a huge furoe about permissions with each release i dont think it was an unreasonable question. It certainly wasnt intened as an accusation. Its just been taken and twisted that way by others.

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