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Kinda of a stupid one i got here, ive managed to change almost all the weapon sounds in my mod apart from the m119 & d30 cannons. My config looks all ok but even after trying this and that nothing seems to make them stop using the default BIS sounds... Am i missing something? Is there a hidden config lurking somewhere? Its doing meeee head in :banghead:

    class M119 : CannonCore {
	    sound[] = {"\WarFX_Weapons\cannon\m119", 1, 1, 200};
   class D30 : CannonCore {
		    sound[] = {"\WarFX_Weapons\cannon\d30", 1, 1, 200};


Edited by Opticalsnare

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need help .cpp not work have default sound

class CfgPatches


class HiFi_M134


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.1;

requiredAddons[] = {"CAWeapons"};

version = "2010-09-04";

projectName = "test";

author = "Konrad";



class Mode_FullAuto;

class CfgWeapons


class MGun;

class M134: MGun


class LowROF: Mode_FullAuto


sound[] = {"\test\M134_S2",db15,1,1200};

//soundBurst = 1;


class HighROF: LowROF


sound[] = {"\test\M134C_S4",db18,1,1200};

//soundBurst = 0;




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anohter question HOW to let the apache main gun M230 shoot burst ??

what i have to change in the config

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hey all,

I'm looking at making custom fire sounds for 2 weapons both mg's.

I've been able to replace the sounds on someone elses mod to test out my sounds but now i want to make it its own mod.

Please dont think I'm retarded or anything but I'm having a hard time actually understanding what exactly I need to do this and understanding the MST and what i need from it.

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On the subject of sound, could you guys read and vote up this?


I think everyone who has an intrest in this thread would like to see it.

BigPickle, making it your OWN mod is actually very easy, all it requires are a few changes to the config.cpp (which is usually fine to copy over and edit). Once you do that you add a $PBOPREFIX$ (or binarization tools do it for you) and point your sound files to the directory in ur mod where you're storing your sounds.

If you need help, ill do so on skype (username: rexehuk) as only a month or so someone helped me achieve this.

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Ok my main problem is sounds seem to not play sometimes, then they do play its kinda odd.

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Pickle - problem of the config files. If volume is set too low sound wont be played if there is a differend sound in the scene with a much higher volume config value. Kinda complicated system. Not much you can do.

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ok thanks buddy, I really need to get my own config sorted out when i get chance.

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Ok my main problem is sounds seem to not play sometimes, then they do play its kinda odd.

As megagoth mentioned BUT also make sure your audio file is encoded properly... too many times have I accidentally selected STEREO and spent 4 hours working out why my mod has now broken due to sounds I accidentally re-encoded (it plays silent).

Get yourself a sound that WORKS, then go through replacing with your custom sounds, it cuts down on time consuming troubleshooting.

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Just an observation but I'd strongly suggest people do not Binerize sound addons until final release version. The reason I say this is, its alot easier to open and edit .cpp files while your workin on your sound mod. Also I'm not actually sure it would make that much of a difference in terms of performance unless the sound mod was a total conversion (IE lots of configs and thousands of sounds.

Also, if you want to add a burst mode to a weapon that doesn't have it by default you need to look at a weapon that supports such a mode and copy the layout. This is how the HiFi GAU 8 burst modes came about... Just messing around :)

I wish I had more time to help some of you guys but sadly I don't right now. If you have some juicy info, share it on this thread, because thats what its for.

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I might have found a way to add distant sounds to weapons and explosions. Im still testing atm but distance sounds on one of my test weapons is working.

It might be possible to add differnt sounds based on distance from the weapon/explosion like

- first person sound which is only heard at very close range

- third person sound which can be heard up to 20m away which will then fade out into a 200m sound which then fades out into a say 400m & 600m and so on...


I know this is a big thing for sounds and im well chuffed with myself hehe :P il keep you posted on how this works out atm its working quite well but theres a problem with the pitch

Can anyone help me work this out with me?

I need to stop it changing pitch


I know its quite an old post, but could you show a working cfg example of it (like how to define the other sounds for a weapon) please?

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Is there any way to look at the scripts of all of the Vanilla sounds for weapons? I am interested in uploading Sonic Cracks, Bullet Hits, and Ricochets. I am not fond with how you guys turn your cfg files into pbo's either lol

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I know its quite an old post, but could you show a working cfg example of it (like how to define the other sounds for a weapon) please?

Sorry your have to wait till i release the mod.

Is there any way to look at the scripts of all of the Vanilla sounds for weapons? I am interested in uploading Sonic Cracks, Bullet Hits, and Ricochets. I am not fond with how you guys turn your cfg files into pbo's either lol

All addons are packed into .pbos as thats the games official container for mostly all files.

Edited by Opticalsnare

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Looking forward to it, OS. One thing you might be interested in:

I once tried to achieve the same using the "reload" (not reloadmagazine) sound to simulate distant shots. Works quite good, but crashes the whole sound engine after some seconds of intense firefight, mainly because of enemy MG's. ;) Might depend on hardware though. But keep that in mind and propably decrease the probability of MG sounds to 0.50 i.e. if possible.

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Sorry your have to wait till i release the mod.

All addons are packed into .pbos as thats the games official container for mostly all files.

ah, i know... but how would I open them to see the contents??? I have BITools.

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So are we all going to be able to reap the benefits of your new system or do you intend to copyright the system in question ?

I only ask because I'm interested in what you have done in terms of advancing the sound engine. I would understand if you chose to keep it to yourself since you've spent months making it :)

Either way your call, I can't wait to hear what you've done :D

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So are we all going to be able to reap the benefits of your new system or do you intend to copyright the system in question ?

I only ask because I'm interested in what you have done in terms of advancing the sound engine. I would understand if you chose to keep it to yourself since you've spent months making it :)

Either way your call, I can't wait to hear what you've done :D

Me neither. ;)

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I think it would be selfish to keep it all for myself. Yeh i have spent alot of time working on it but its pretty simple in design and i dont see why i should be greedy and not let others explored or advance the setup further, afterall most of the help came from the community and other people who were willing to share their knowledge, without that freedom of help non of it would have been possible. So therefor its more like a gift to the community from a old sound fart. :)

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Your a Top bloke mate. nice to hear ! Looking forward to seeing & hearing what you've done :)

Nice to have someone like yourself in this community, your a dying breed mate, also.. nothing wrong with us old farts, we could teach these young ones a thing or too I'm sure ;)

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Hey guys just wondering how would I make a sound mod requiring a sound to be played every now and then whilst firing your weapon. (something along the lines of "get some" being said whilst firing an mg every now and then)

EDIT: Might have a talk with Wolfrug on his awesome RUG DSAI mod. (the kind of mod I want to make)

Edited by CptDavo

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Your a Top bloke mate. nice to hear ! Looking forward to seeing & hearing what you've done :)

Nice to have someone like yourself in this community, your a dying breed mate, also.. nothing wrong with us old farts, we could teach these young ones a thing or too I'm sure ;)

Haha ^^ you're talking like you're 80. :D But I agree totally...

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