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Mark XIII (DayZ)

HiFi - Single Sound Modules (Weapons BETA released!!)

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Simon C

Good work as usual Mark, accommodating everyone in your addons. Some more feedback: The GAU-8 sounds are very, very awesome. Last night during the long Co-Op session I was in, there were several night-time A-10 strafing runs on nearby enemy positions. It was quite possibly one of the best ArmA 2 experiences yet in my book. One small thing though, the sound of the rounds impacting on the ground, are you planning to enhance those too? I'd love to see that. Keep up the good work.

Ok mate first up..I wanna say alittle sorry, I was pretty harsh with throwing the wiki at you, especially with the RED highlighting...LOL anyways, glad to see you back here :)

Right to answer your question regarding hitsounds?

I've done them, I took what I had in NA, what I'd not long done for ACE replacement and worked up a nice amount of 30mm GAU hits. These are actual hits I've captured from vid sources. Messed up, but most of my captures come from british vid footage.....(Keep your heads down lads eh..).

Maybe if afew things happen, then hifi gets back together you'll get to hear them ;)

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Hihi - With my 5.1 setup the desk shakes very, very slighly with this baby firing bursts at Chedaki T34's :yay:

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Hihi - With my 5.1 setup the desk shakes very, very slighly with this baby firing bursts at Chedaki T34's

slightly....damn I'm not doing my job well enough then....expect an extreme addition !

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may i just ask why is this in 'completed' addons when it's beta ? :) ...

May I just ask why Arma 2 was released as a final version, retail. When it's clearly Beta state?

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Hehe, don't worry Mark XIII - If I crank the volume up a bit I could probably wake the neighbour on the top floor with a few two second bursts :p

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may i just ask why is this in 'completed' addons when it's beta ? :) ...

Because that's where alpha/beta go ;)

May I just ask why Arma 2 was released as a final version, retail. When it's clearly Beta state?

Trolling will get you nowhere, well other than infractions, stick to the topic, or if you cannot post something relevant find another topic please.

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small update.

Robalo is kindly looking at tidying up the configs once again and hopefully adding some stuff to make it run along side Vopmod.

Speaking of which, I've just finished my 1st wip of HiFi_VOP_A10. This is a collaboration between myself and vo2. who has suggested I use some of his engine sounds.

I've been tweaking the following sounds today.




I think vo2. and yourselves are gonna be very happy with what I've done with his A10 sounds. Not gone over the top, they still sound like vo2.'s I've just extended the loops somewhat and added some addition sound. I plan to release these with the rest of my A10 sounds (startup etc) because they sound great together :).

Well, thats all I got for you atm, so next release you should get 4 addons





or something like that...

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Hi, 1.2 is here....Please we need it testing and we need MP feedback :)


Notes from readme..

2< HiFi A-10 Thunderbolt sound replacements

Hifi A10

Featuring 10 all new sounds



New throttle sound design (testing this out, requires feedback)

Hifi VOP A10

Featuring 3 new sounds from Vo2. edited by Mark XIII (Thanks to Vo2. for the sounds)




The several other sounds are taken from the HiFi A10

2< HiFi GAU 8 Avenger sound Advancements

GAU Burst

Featuring 8 authentic HiFi'd GAU sounds

2 new burst modes replace the new A2 'autofire'

1 second burst = 4 sounds

2 second burst = 4 sounds

GAU Auto

Featuring 8 authentic HiFi'd GAU sounds which are different from the Burst version.

1 new burst/auto mode replaces the new A2 'autofire' while retaining the 2 second burst feature.

1 second burst / Auto = 4 sounds

2 second burst = 4 sounds


To use the additional GAU Auto or HiFi Vop A10, locate them in the Disabled folder within the addons folder, then move them into the addons folder (which then enables them). Do NOT forget to move the GAU8 Burst & regular HiFi A10 pbo's that where originally in the addons folder into the disabled folder before running the game. You must use only 1 GAU8 and 1 A10 pbo at a time else it will not work.

Ok, there it is let me know the score :)

Edited by Mark XIII

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Small problem: All the PBOs except the Vopsound one are missing their config files. Not had chance to test it in game, so I can't be sure, but I imagine this would create problems? Apologies if I'm being stupid, I just wanted to have a look how the addon worked. :p

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they what ? :(




shame on me...

Edited by Mark XIII

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they what ? :(

Yep, just triple-checked it. All the sounds are there, but not a config file in sight. Unless I'm being an idiot and missing something that's right in front of my eyes, not unheard of. :p

EDIT: It happens mate, I've managed to put folders into the addons folder instead of PBOs before. Wondered why the addon wasn't working, took me 5 minutes to work that one out. :D

Edited by Simon C

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Umm, so that's why I was thinking I'm hearing no change.. Damn.

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Its ok, cole an I are on it like a rash....voodoo all around today, seriously everything was in place when I uploaded I just checked...LOL

Well, no matter few minutes everything good again :)

AND..Thanks Simon, glad you decided to have a look around, else that could have been a TOTAL FAIL ;)


Ok I'm gonna test then hopefully upload...I hope this works coz our time is running out for uploading today :(

Edited by Mark XIII

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Hope you manage to get it uploaded tonight. I for one am really looking forward to it:)

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Yeah, actual working 1.2 version is up, weeh. Glad that signing is over for some time again :D

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Great job Mark!

Time to check it out. Slept all day woke up now - new job and yeah... sucks the life energy out of me. :D


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Ha, I guess no posts means I got something right :)

So far I'm not happy with the volume over distance levels with 1.2. I had changed a fair few times but due to rushing I released the wrong parameters. I mean 1.2 should sound ok, but the new parameters make the A10's sound much better from the ground.

For anyone willing to play offline and tinker with the config settings to see what I mean try this:

class EngineLowOut {

sound[] = {"\xiii_hifi_a10\A10_Ext_Engine_Low", 45.2387, 1.0, 500


class EngineHighOut {

sound[] = {"\xiii_hifi_a10\A10_Ext_Engine_Idle", 25.2387, 1.0, 2000


class ForsageOut {

sound[] = {"\xiii_hifi_a10\A10_Ext_Engine_High", 40.2387, 1.0, 4000


With these setting it sounds quite nice from a ground point of view. The A10 can be heard from more 'realistic?' distance away and the low end sound coming in right at the point the aircraft is nearly over you.

I hope you are enjoying the different versions too, I've been abit busy myself and haven't managed to give them a thorough testing. We're hoping 1.2 solved the double burst sounds and cleared up any loadout problems too but let me know about any issues and we'll try sorting them out.

hmmm now what can I change next...

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Ha, I guess no posts means I got something right :)

So far I'm not happy with the volume over distance levels with 1.2. I had changed a fair few times but due to rushing I released the wrong parameters. I mean 1.2 should sound ok, but the new parameters make the A10's sound much better from the ground.

For anyone willing to play offline and tinker with the config settings to see what I mean try this:

With these setting it sounds quite nice from a ground point of view. The A10 can be heard from more 'realistic?' distance away and the low end sound coming in right at the point the aircraft is nearly over you.

I hope you are enjoying the different versions too, I've been abit busy myself and haven't managed to give them a thorough testing. We're hoping 1.2 solved the double burst sounds and cleared up any loadout problems too but let me know about any issues and we'll try sorting them out.

hmmm now what can I change next...

I've made the change, it works really well. It gets quite loud just before you see it, then even louder as it passes overhead. Very nice to listen to. Best served with a large portion of GAU-8 fire. :D

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Awesome then, well thats a confirm change for 1.3 :)

I have something else up my sleeves and typically its heap more work but I'm aiming for a 100% self contained addon.....I'll let you think about that :)

Ahhh, you know what would be cool, seeing the said volume changes in a flyby video...now that would be great, any takers ?

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Sorry should have said thanks but I have been too busy listening to the sound of the GAU-8 pasting metal on top of the Enemy Tanks in Domination! :ok:

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I installed 1.2 and all my sounds work in multiplayer and no weird ammo hickups, woo!

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Awesome. General question; Can I put all sound mods in the same folder ('SoundReplacements' for example) All pbo's from Trackedvehicles, VOP1.2, Helisounds, HIFI A10. Do I need to disable any pbo's to make these sound mods work together nicely? Or is it better to keep them in seperate folders so I can force a load order?

Thx for your hard work, much appreciated

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