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Allow shooting from the hip when running?

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I'm sorry, but I don't want to see anything remotly like the OFP video above. There's nothing closely realistic or immersive in the show given there. Fun, probably. In the spirit of the game? I don't think so (ofc, again, subjective opinion)

what I'm sure, you'll NEVER see this kind of behavior, assault movement, done in this way IRL. Maybe in bad holywood movies, bud that's all

Maybe a mode with a slightly higher walk speed and weapon raised but moving more than the current fire-on-the-walk movement would be better. But not the kind of joke presented in OFP vid above. Way to demonstrate how not to do it, tbh

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It took effort to disable that function.

Wrong. Since they made new animations anyway there was no extra effort spent in NOT making an animation for shooting from the hip when running. ;)

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Irl i CAN disassemble my Diemaco C8A1, and throw parts towards the enemy, and use the barrel as an stick.

Should that be added into the game?


YES!!!! But only if you can play the good old "HUMILIATION" sample when you kill someone using that method.

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That video was pretty funny actually :D

But honestly, I don't think it would really change anything at all, I don't think I EVER managed to kill anyone while running and firing. I never even used it except for once where I tried to go Rambo with an M60 (didn't work :D). The only time I'd ever even try it would be if I desperately need to put down suppressing fire AND get to cover, other than that there is no point, as I said, killing anyone with it is impractical. I don't think you'd see anyone using it to try and kill people, at least, not for very long :)

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Hard to find a good example on youtube, but

at 2:34 shows shooting on the run is definitely far from a fantasy. As a side bonus, it shows you how much cover the real world has compared to Arma 2.

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You'll notice the guy is actually trying to aim while moving (fast walking instead of running, btw), and absolutely not like the run anim of ArmA2 or the anim used in the OFP video above. The guy is jogging as fast as he can (ie, not really fast) while raising his weapon and trying to aim at his best.

like I said above

Maybe a mode with a slightly higher walk speed and weapon raised but moving more than the current fire-on-the-walk movement would be better
to mimick what your video shows

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Yeah but ... it shouldn't be accurate, but it should be there. I hate not being able to fire my weapon while jogging, which you could do in real life. Especially for CQB. Sure, standing is much more accurate but ... but ... but ... still, I want.

BF2 it's over thataway ----->


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BF2 it's over thataway ----->


Say BF2 and you win the argument. NOT.

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You can use a gun in BF, why don't we take those out too :D

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You can use a gun in BF, why don't we take those out too :D




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Here's how I see it, making it possible to shoot from the hip or not is only a matter of creating animations, they made animations for NOT shooting from the hip so it would take just as much effort for them to have made animations for shooting from the hip (jogging).

If it's possible to fire from the hip in real life I see no point in making it so you can't (above), it's like CSS (yeah - I know) - you try to make people play tactically by forcing them and it all goes balls up. If you could bunny-hop in ArmA2 [and it was done realistically] nobody would use it, why? Because you'd be killed just like in real life. In ArmA2 you are able to team kill, yet soldiers don't [usually] do that, would it improve the realism to remove friendly fire just because that's the way it's supposed to be done?

In my opinion it all comes down to whether it's effective or not. Read the following comparison:

Company of Heroes and Men of War.

- In CoH you are awarded points based on how much territory you control - a player who controls double the area will have roughly double the points and therefore will be able to field roughly double the forces, usually winning.

- In MoW you are awarded a fixed amount of points, what you do with those points determines the outcome of the game. You don't HAVE to capture territory, but it works in your favour if you do - if you sit in a valley and try to defend only it you will be surrounded and either shelled to death or killed in the ensuing crossfire.

In my opinion MoW is much more enjoyable, it doesn't force you to take ground, players do it of their own free will because logic - not a bunch of programmers or a "gameplay mechanic" - dictates what is effective and what is not.

It is the same with this, if firing while running/jogging is implemented properly and realistically then [like you say] people won't do it, though I still think that even in real life there would be circumstances where it could be beneficial - not in killing people but solely for the purposes of providing yourself with covering fire while you move to hard-cover.

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BF2 it's over thataway ----->


Hi all


Kind regards walker

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Simply put : NO ONE will EVER pull the trigger of a weapon while running around waving it absolutely everywhere around but forward (which is basically what you see in ArmA2 run animation). It would be mindbogglingly (:p ) stupid.

If people want to shoot on the move, they begin to try aiming forward, realise they can't aim, slow down a bit, shoot in the general forward direction (see Galzohar's movie above), which is NOTHING like the current run animation in ArmA2 (and is not done while running/dashing IRL either)

IRL, as a soldier, you simply don't do things that have 80% chance to hurt a friendly and 2% chance hitting an ennemy, ie press the trigger while your weapon is pointing on your left (if not toward your back) without you seeing where exactly, because you're running.

Take the current aim-while-walking animations. Replace the run with a faster jog, make the gun move more accordingly, making the aim wobble a lot, but still pointed forward. And that's it

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The movie I posted isn't exactly the best example, but it's the best I could find. Notice that overall in the entire movie they seem to be running a bit "slow", looks like they lack some motivation to do the drill properly ;) Shooting in the same way shown in the movie is possible while running quite a bit faster than the speed you see in the movie, but definitely NOT possible at the Arma 2 current running speed. Some speed in between walking and current "jog" (which is almost a sprint really, you can even see that "sprinting" isn't that much faster than "jogging" in-game) would be great.

Nobody with sense in his mind would really shoot from the hip. At least not assault rifles - machineguns are a different issue, as they both allow more leeway with spray&pray (and adjust aim based on visible hits without having to reload), and are simply too heavy to hold up at the shoulder for more than a few seconds. Heck, M240B would require some decent skill (not to mention strength) to aim in the standing position, not to mention walk around with it shouldered... M249 is not exactly easy to shoulder either, but at least it's more than possible. For assault rifles though it's generally always better to at least bring them up to the shoulder before firing, as it takes very little time and is much much more accurate than hip shooting (both while running and standing) even if you don't take the time to use the sights.

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There have been countless times in OFP when shooting while running came in handy.

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Were referring to real life and how to properly simulate them in game, not about usefulness of certain techniques in existing game(s).

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Erhh, I give up.

Its better to give up on these forums then explain to the idiots because especially if you play pvp everything is like erm battfiled 2 is that way -----> and this is not counter strike source.

For such a milsim < lol game I have no control over my character cars with ai are drink drivers, dumb as hell or aimbots? My grandad loves the game its that slow. What I cant shoot when i want??? Oh yeah im playing arma 2 the most realistic simulation ever!

How long have they been making games full of bugs?

Dont feed the co-op players.

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This has seriously nothing to do with coop vs PvP. Quit your ranting

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This has seriously nothing to do with coop vs PvP. Quit your ranting

Then your blind read all the posts again. Also read more posts and you will see the same answers from co-op players again and again (not all) but most so quit your ranting m8.

When did I say co-op vs pvp im just stating co-op players are bias against pvp players as they want different things.

Edited by [-DST-] Anth

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So because some1 makes a derogatory comment about BF2, it becomes a PvP vs Coop argument?

I'm no coop player, I don't want hip-shooting either. Go figure.

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No not argument just pettiness. But back to topic its more realistic to have the control to shoot when you want. I see no problem with putting it on on the game I play as it would enhance the game and make it safer to run from building to building as. (cqb)

Edited by [-DST-] Anth

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Instead of concentrating on useless arguments (which is just feeding the trolls, tbh), leave them make their "funny" comments and it would be better to answer proper concerns about hip shooting :)

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