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Very nice! I'll give it a try today. I'm at work right now so I can't look into it. What faction did you use for the config? USMC (I hope not!), Other or Royal Army Forces?

Maybe this thread would be interesting for you. It would help keeping your great addon compatible to hundreds of upcomming mods. This is your chance to help building up a common config standard ;)

Are you going to create some reskins? US Army? (Desert Camo, Special Forces) US Navy? Royal Army Corps Sahrani? What about a CH-46 for the USMC?

Yup its under the team "RAF"

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Hi Everyone,


The sounds will be taking advantage of the new sound engine from bis with our up and coming new release. Our main goal for this old bird was to give the players a chance to use her in a reasonable conduction while everyone waits.

Sound is very important and don’t worry, she will sound a lot heavier in the new release. If you continue to work on how the sound engine works for Arma2, we would love to get your input on this.


At the moment she is listed under USMC wide (west) with a display name of "RAF_Air". I think the thread you posted is a fantastic idea and we will make sure we follow it for the new release.


Thanks for the bug report, this one must of slipped the net, the rotor blade positions have been changed slightly from the arma release to try and simulate some static weight when stationary (bent down). I will see if i can fix this issue about the textures for the blades and cockpit.


The "get in back" command is there, however the memory point for this location was moved back from the rear of the ramp due to making her compatible with ACE parajumps. After some testing in Arma players were getting killed due to them ejecting far to close to the chopper. If you approach the rear ramp in the correct way (run up to it and not from the sides) the action menu should pop up. If this proves to be an issue, i will look about moving this closer and removing ACE2 compatibility

As for the player moving when you walk in the back, this is a common problem, you cannot just enter a vehicle and hope to stay there. Now with the attatch to command theres a lot more hope, and you can now use this command to "fix" your player/object into a position. I dont have an example mission, but check out this from Norrin. Example Missions

For those who wish to make their own skin/livery. We all agreed to give everyone the diffuse map thanks to Topas for people to edit. Providing that the readme stays the same, and individuals are credited there is no harm in making and releasing your own livery.

Texture file needs to be saved as a "Paa" and should be copied to "raf_chin47\ch47\Textura" to replace the existing one.

Download Diffuse Map

Stay tuned for a new WIP thread very soon, showcasing a brand new model and a collaborated project once again that’s made this bird so successful.

Edited by Smiley Nick

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Smiley Nick:

Wow good to hear! :) Makes me happy. And sure i got no problem with some early releases to have something to test and play with. Im just scared addon makers will over look the new ARMA2 features lol. Sounds great though, and if there is something about the sound you need to know i can try get the answer on how its made. Im trying to learn this myself as i want to start work with adding hi qual sounds to vehicles etc and use all sources we can have in ARMA2.

Good luck with the work!


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There is something else about the blades that is odd. Take a look at this shot:


See the black portions and lighter portions on the blades? These are not shadows because they don't change when you spin the blades up. It seems like the blade texture is not properly aligned with the blade 3d model.

There are a few other texture anomalies, but I don't have time right now to make screen shots:

Get in as co-pilot (get in back as mentioned by Smiley Nick above) and look at the two probes coming out the front - no textures. Switch to the pilot position and the textures return.

Also, if you go outside of the chopper at the front of it looking back and take a knee, notice how the cockpit pedals don't have textures? You can also see that the pass through from the cockpit to the back of the chopper is missing textures as well.

Edited by KaBoNG

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Are you going to create some reskins? US Army? (Desert Camo, Special Forces) US Navy? Royal Army Corps Sahrani?

The texture has been released as a standalone file to let people create whatever they need. If you're interested I can play around with it to create camoed versions; just post some reference pics of what you'd like to be done; requests welcomed :)

As for the US version - it only need according markings as the texture itself was originally intended for a US chopper and has been based off this bird. Have not seen a RAF Chinook worn out like that ;)

Anyway; as said; post suggestions and we'll see what can be done about it


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So happy this was rereleased. (well done guys:D)

And Topas can I ask for one in UN white please?

Sanders excellent peacekeepers could do with a big bird to trasport men and materials around. :)



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wow that looks awsome ill prob get it after i dunno at this time. nice work though.

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Ok I've done some tests ... looks very good, but I suggest to fix some things. The CH-47 could need some shining parts. I think modders call it specular maps - I don't know!

There are some mistakes in the ArmA2.rpt. Seems to be some p3d stuff.


The engine of the CH-47 sounds good :) Flight behaviour and door gunners are good as well :) Same for the rear ramp. Good work. I would really be happy if you keep up the work with the Chinook and extend it to other versions as soon as the rpt errors are fixed. As I said before, changing the faction config would a good idea too.

I did some research today - yet I'm just a simple player and no member of any military organization - so I hope I got some things right.

As for the textures, what about a very "used look", like show http://www.airforceworld.com/heli/eng/ch47.htm'>here (3rd picture from above)? The grey version (9th from above / MH-47D) looks pretty good too. Grey CH-47 again.

Here is a very pale CH-47F. Maybe it would be good for desert scenarios?

A green camo version you can see in the 2nd picture from above.

This picture shows a black version. At least I think so!? Or is it a very dark grey?

Civilians could use a CH-47 as well, look at Trump Airs :D Nicy Nice :D

Here's a HH-47 shown, it has a good paintjob - maybe for a navy version?

If you want to create a CH-46, you'll have to do some changes to the model as well, see here for comparison to the CH-47.

Let's pull it together. How do you like reskins of:

- very used look (rusty, muddy, dusty)

- green camo

- pale camo

- black/dark grey

- grey

- Navy white

- civilian (Trump Air look)

- civilian (a Chernarus Government version good looking like the Trump Air thingy but with chernarussian CDF faction sign

- civilian (white/blue and white/red paintjob)

I know it's a lot of work but everybody would be proud of you. You can take all the time you need to do it. Nobody is going to do some pressure.

But I think everybody agrees with me that one single Chinook isn't enough for X years of ArmA II coming up :D

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Forget about all the different paints, make use of hiddenSelections so people can create theyr own paintings as they like to. Also no need to fear someone stealing your work since your work doesn't need to be changed to do so. Your CH-47 will remain unchanged and will be a required addon for reskin addons to work.

Where i'm disappointed is the error that it throws in the arma2.rpt. Although the message about old materials seems to be unavoidable unless we get the new tools from BIS, there are quite a few which are easily avoidable:

In Vehicle: raf_chin47\raf_chinook.p3d missing cargo get in direction point
In Vehicle: raf_chin47\raf_chinook.p3d missing gunner get in direction point
In Vehicle: raf_chin47\raf_chinook.p3d missing gunner get in direction point
raf_chin47\raf_chin47_mala_vrtule_blur_proxy.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
raf_chin47\raf_chin47_velka_vrtule_blur_proxy.p3d: vehicle, config class missing
...(last two repeated times)...

These aren't hard to avoid, it just needs some focus on the work and some proper checking before releasing.

Go for "zero errors in the rpt" goal, anything else is inacceptable.

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This picture shows a black version. At least I think so!? Or is it a very dark grey?

Really would like to see the Black Version back. No Insignia , they exist I have seen them.

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Congrats guys good to see it up again !

O btw


Where i'm disappointed is the error that it throws in the arma2.rpt. Although the message about old materials seems to be unavoidable unless we get the new tools from BIS, there are quite a few which are easily avoidable:


In Vehicle: raf_chin47\raf_chinook.p3d missing cargo get in direction point

In Vehicle: raf_chin47\raf_chinook.p3d missing gunner get in direction point

In Vehicle: raf_chin47\raf_chinook.p3d missing gunner get in direction point

raf_chin47\raf_chin47_mala_vrtule_blur_proxy.p3d: vehicle, config class missing

raf_chin47\raf_chin47_velka_vrtule_blur_proxy.p3d: vehicle, config class missing

...(last two repeated times)...These aren't hard to avoid, it just needs some focus on the work and some proper checking before releasing.

Go for "zero errors in the rpt" goal, anything else is inacceptable.

Dude, thats expecting abit much...Maybe if its easy for you to fix them, post fixes! Telling them...anything else is inacceptable isn't really gonna boost morale is it...;)

Thanks again, gonna try again to land on something too small :)

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I don't think i'm expecting too much, even more as the error clearly states what is wrong. About the get in points:

Open BIS Model of a chopper in O2 and locate "pos gunner dir" memory point: 1 minute.

Open own model and insert this point: 30 seconds.

Who's able to put a working gun on a chopper should be able to do that. I highly doubt that these errors are caused due to missing knowledge but probably just because of lazyness.

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I don't think i'm expecting too much, even more as the error clearly states what is wrong. About the get in points:

Open BIS Model of a chopper in O2 and locate "pos gunner dir" memory point: 1 minute.

Open own model and insert this point: 30 seconds.

Who's able to put a working gun on a chopper should be able to do that. I highly doubt that these errors are caused due to missing knowledge but probably just because of lazyness.

Yeah that's right. He left out that one thing due to laziness. :rolleyes:

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See it this way:

The Chinook fills 17 lines of avoidable error messages in the arma2.rpt.

Ok, this is now only one addon. Think back at your best ArmA times, how many addons did you had loaded for playing? 10? 20? 100?

Now imagine each would fill only 10 lines of error messages.

I use the arma2.rpt often as debugging help for scripts and/or missions and i don't want to dig through hundreds of error messages just to find (hopefully) the ones i need.

I know that wld427 is doin addons since quiet a long time and i really doubt that i have more knowledge about addon making as he does. And he's involved in this addon so i really don't think i'm asking too much.

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Open BIS Model of a chopper in O2 and locate "pos gunner dir" memory point: 1 minute.

Open own model and insert this point: 30 seconds.

2 minutes to PBO

2 mins to start game

2 mins to realise error is still there


open config

enter the following in the vehicle section

memoryPointsGetInCargoDir[] = {"pos cargo dir"};

memoryPointsGetInCargo[] = {"pos cargo"};

in the second turrets config

memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";

open o2 and place one more vertice called "pos cargo dir"

job done :)

can't really figure out why all the hostilities are here again though. many things i didn't know what i was doing wrong until someone was able to 'show' me.

Edited by Loki

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the "zero error" goal is nothing to discuss. If you like an addon to be more than a "nice try"

of course, the tone makes the music and laziness can come from being overworked, not to talk that people do mods here for fun and free.

So: Can you please look into the errors and try to remove them?

I you have problems to get rid of them, just add the questions to this thread.

Thank you ;)


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Open BIS Model of a chopper in O2 and locate "pos gunner dir" memory point: 1 minute.

Open own model and insert this point: 30 seconds.

2 minutes to PBO

2 mins to start game

2 mins to realise error is still there


open config

enter the following in the vehicle section

memoryPointsGetInCargoDir[] = {"pos cargo dir"};

memoryPointsGetInCargo[] = {"pos cargo"};

in the second turrets config

memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";

open o2 and place one more vertice called "pos cargo dir"

job done :)

can't really figure out why all the hostilities are here again though. many things i didn't know what i was doing wrong until someone was able to 'show' me.

Open what in o2 matey?

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Open what in o2 matey?

the model

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the model

Ok thanks :)

Do you know how to add the vertice?

Also, when I try to open the model, an message pops up on the screen :(



Edited by Flarmapoint 2

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when I try to open the model, an message pops up on the screen :(

I hate to be the one to ask the most obvious question in the world... :)

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I hate to be the one to ask the most obvious question in the world... :)

Answer is: yes, it is binarized. So no chance to fix it yourself.

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I think they already know about the things you videoed. Some things mentioned is not a "bug" but feature like the glass break all over. Dashboard with lines already mentioned in this thread etc.

Good try though. ;)


Try for what?

Im just saying what I experienced from the mod.

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