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Trial by Fire

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the mission isn't even fun, you kill some random troops in Strelka, and then the cobra sometimes destroys the APC, and then you shoot a little group by the airfield and you go inside a hanger and the mission ends.

It would've been better if they had a few tanks you had to destroy or sneak past.

Yeah I finally got to beat this mission today, lost 2 guys but the others were smart enough to get behind a brick wall when the APC was shooting. :)

I really hope BIS, makes more longer/higher quality official missions, I havent finished any other scenarios because chernarus is bugged to death on my computer no matter what settings I have. I heard the 1.05 patch is taking alot of problems out so hopefully I'll be able to decide.

Have you tried any of my seal campaigns. I've made them with lower end machines in mind if that's your problem. I never completed the main campaign due to how horrible chernarus runs for me. I've got some really good missions on Utes and I've kept away from the major towns is chernarus to improve performance.

Edited by Sick1

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Guys its simple.

Neutralise the Insurgents in the town. Then head up the road to where the Russian UAZ is, next to it there is a Russian Ammo crate with Metis-AT13s RPG7s and RPG18s. The BRDM will come along the road that runs to the Lighthouse.

You have 300metres to shoot it with the Metis launcher.

Its simple :)

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Have you tried any of my seal campaigns. I've made them with lower end machines in mind if that's your problem. I never completed the main campaign due to how horrible chernarus runs for me. I've got some really good missions on Utes and I've kept away from the major towns is chernarus to improve performance.

No but I will start downloading more missions now. I see alot of awesome looking Community made missions the problem for me is if they're built with Coop in mind then I will suffer, seeing how my friends are never around to play anymore :(

So I got to deal with the idiotic AI that won't listen to me!!


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Guys its simple.

Neutralise the Insurgents in the town. Then head up the road to where the Russian UAZ is, next to it there is a Russian Ammo crate with Metis-AT13s RPG7s and RPG18s. The BRDM will come along the road that runs to the Lighthouse.

You have 300metres to shoot it with the Metis launcher.

Its simple :)

Yeah if you can race up there fast enough this is the best method. I hate this mission.

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It's strange how people can have such different experiences with this mission. I've run it about a dozen times, and only once did the air support not knock out the enemy APC.

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No but I will start downloading more missions now. I see alot of awesome looking Community made missions the problem for me is if they're built with Coop in mind then I will suffer, seeing how my friends are never around to play anymore :(

So I got to deal with the idiotic AI that won't listen to me!!


Na bro, my campaigns are single player mostly. I don't know if there coop compatible. You will like my campaigns.

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i had zero problems with this mission. i tried it both ways, frontal assault and flanking. the apc gets blown up by the cobra easily before it even touches the boundary of the village.

the second method i tried was to engage the squad down the road with my machinegun, get them to take cover, then as my team closes in, i go around the left of the village where the helicopter is and kill the remainders from behind. then quickly run towards the sentry point and grab a metis launcher from the crate to attack the apc at the distance. i like this method better because the cobra will go directly to blow up the troop transport on the hill before they unload.

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I completed this one once and never even done anything LOL

Just running about, no idea what i was doing, i should have maybe read the instructions or something first, but instructions are for the weak :D

So basically i am running about, a chopper comes in and blows something up, i run up a hill over looking a factory type thing, that's deserted, i see some chaps in the distance, so i shoot at them, i think they were my own men, i start to run over to where they are, and the mission ends :yay: :D

I have done this mission a few times now, a lot of the time i get killed, but i have finished a few times.

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I completed this one once and never even done anything LOL

Just running about, no idea what i was doing, i should have maybe read the instructions or something first, but instructions are for the weak :D

So basically i am running about, a chopper comes in and blows something up, i run up a hill over looking a factory type thing, that's deserted, i see some chaps in the distance, so i shoot at them, i think they were my own men, i start to run over to where they are, and the mission ends :yay: :D

I have done this mission a few times now, a lot of the time i get killed, but i have finished a few times.

LOL please never join the armed forces! :D

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Winnings winning!

To be honest it might have been the first time i played the game, was this mission not in the demo?

I replayed it last week and got destroyed, just after i shot that bloke who is hiding in the house :D

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Had the strangest experience with trial by fire today running it with ACE and the latest Beta patch... the helo never put us down on the beach but went about killing all the enemies with us on it! hhahahahaha of course the mission never ended as the helo kept on flying CAP around the combat AO. Anyone else experienced this?

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Has anybody played it with patch 1.5? I replayed it last night in Regular difficulty level and I got slaughtered over and over an over again!

It looks like the AI is both smarter and more aggressive.

Your thoughts?


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After several hours of the most brutal gaming in my life, I got through Trial By Fire on Veteran. Man, oh man. I got injured bad near the captives in the hangar, but my one remaining buddy finally healed me, and we were able to complete the SOB with all objectives achieved. Never made it to Hill 63 or whatever, though. The Apache took out the APC fine, but it sure took a while to do so. The town is a total slaughterhouse for me and my squad.

I'm playing with patch 1.08. The AI is brutally quick and good. The AI in the Arrowhead campaign seem much, much stupider in comparison. Often in OA they just sit there, waiting to be shot, which makes the game much easier (playing Regular difficulty), thank heavens.

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I would just as soon drill a hole through my kneecap. I'm trying (patched) ArmA 2 and OA without any mods. Hard enough as they are IMO. The slow AI in OA suit me fine. For now.

I played through OA campaign on Regular, am now in the midst of Veteran. I wonder if the AI will be faster and smarter on Veteran?

By the way, are the differences between the difficulty settings described somewhere in detail?

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I've played this mission a few times. Sometimes the Cobra destroys the BRDM before it actually gets into town, sometimes it destroys it after the BRDM does a strafing pass down the street, sometimes it doesn't get hit. I've also done full frontal as well as flanking assault and completed both. Like someone else, I once completed the mission without encountering more than half-a-dozen enemies and harldy firing a shot. It is highly random.

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the mission has been bugged after recent patches... I got my whole squad wiped out nowadays when playing this mission.... The cobra AI flies like a rookie now instead missing every damn thing... maybe because of the new feature of not able to target infantry.

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