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XGS Che Guevara

I'm Now 100% Onboard With ArmA 2

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I think the Dev saying 'red barrels, everyone knows what red barrels are right?' in the last video told anyone who was listening where this game was going. (arcade shooter run and gun game)

To be honest they have chosen a harder path, good luck competing with the COD/BF series.

Indeed, good luck, CM. Again BIS stands alone.

And for basing the opinion by the contents of a (that) single statement- Yes, I believe he can for what he seeks, and CM are no longer delivering.

@Max Power: You really need to publish some of that humor! Priceless, timely, poignant. :p

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As more is shown and more information is releases on OFP2, the more I think the game will make excellent marketing copy for ArmA II... I'm not saying I think OFP2 will be a bad game, just that it really won't be very true to people's expectations of the name.


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To refer to OFP as a nightmare is rather surprising considering that it was a game that they were more than happy to publish, and even decided to capitalize on the games success by re-using the title!

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I just saw a horrible post from a forum mod on the official OFPDR forums. It goes something like this :

"CM are not trying to mimic OFP1, that point alone will say that OFP2 has to be different to what extent, CM have said they are taking a different direction and one that opens up a game that had a narrow target audience and make it more accessible.

This game was delayed many times and it is apparent that the title is on the home run, which means launch Autumn (Fall) 2009, like it or not the release date can not change what is coming.

I personally like the new look, the old one was dated & difficult to say the least. It's more serious than COD & it's clones, it's less of a nightmare than ARMA 1 & OFP 1."

The preceding post is one the worst things I've ever heard. And the sad thing is that I feel that the forum mod's post reflects the views of CM on OFPDR.

I won't throw OFPDR to the side just yet, but I'm EXTREMELY worried with how that game is turning out. ArmA 2, on the other hand, impresses me every time I see low-quality gameplay footage on YouTube. I can't wait for ArmA 2 on the XB360!

WOW I have been saying this to all of you on the OFPDR forum for the past year. You should have listen to me months ago and joined the party and this forum a long time ago but now you will not be getting the XBOX 360 beta mission to bad.


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Debug Kit video footage never lies :

That's the PC version. Notice the mouse pointer.

If it was Xbox footage, they would have said so.

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That's the PC version. Notice the mouse pointer.

If it was Xbox footage, they would have said so.

Incorrect. That is footage of the Debug Kit for the XB360.

The Debug Kit is PC compatible since the game itself is first developed on a PC for the XB360. That is why you see a mouse cursor.

Also, on the bottom of the screen you will see the "ABXY" XB360 button scheme.

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Don't lay too much weight into the "nightmare" part of the quote. It's from a mod over at codemasters forum that doesn't seem to work for them and afaik he has played BIS games for some time. I'm sure what he meant was that they're nightmarish to get into (I like the ArmA 2 tutorials btw. if only people would play them) with no intent of actually insulting the games as being a nightmare or something like that, wouldn't really be his style.

About the situation itself, I think Max Power's quote describes it quite nicely. :)

Edit: Well, it looks like something in Viiiper's head snaped somewhen around the beginning of June. He's in super-über fanboy mode now it seems.

Edited by psycosmos

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Incorrect. That is footage of the Debug Kit for the XB360.

The Debug Kit is PC compatible since the game itself is first developed on a PC for the XB360. That is why you see a mouse cursor.

Also, on the bottom of the screen you will see the "ABXY" XB360 button scheme.

Nobody at Gamestar or BIS have stated that it is the Xbox version of the game. You are just assuming based on the interface.

They have not announced a console version, so it makes no sense to show one.

There have been PC builds of ArmA 2 shown running with the Xbox interface. That isn't the first time.

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Nobody at Gamestar or BIS have stated that it is the Xbox version of the game. You are just assuming based on the interface.

They have not announced a console version, so it makes no sense to show one.

There have been PC builds of ArmA 2 shown running with the Xbox interface. That isn't the first time.

From the mouth of Marek Spanel himself, CEO of BIS :

PLAY AT 4:16


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From the mouth of Marek Spanel himself, CEO of BIS :

That tells me nothing new. I follow what's going on closely, I know these things.

It's not an announcement, but an old interview. We already know that a console version is in development as they have said so. But it has not been shown or officially announced.

That fact is that nobody official has stated that those videos show the Xbox version. That site only said they had the PC February preview version of ArmA 2

Xbox interface is not proof that it's an Xbox version. You're assuming things here.


I think it was Suma that stated a while ago, that a developer is not allowed to announce a console game until they have a publisher for it which can be announced. Part of the licensing agreement I guess.

Edited by Maddmatt

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As I understand it, BIS wish to develop ARMA2 for console, probably on XBOX360. But it wasnt officially announce it yet. Maybe because there is no publisher for it or something. So if something went wrong or no publisher for console, the fan wont be crying 'LIAR' or something like that...

I'm just speculating here. the scene could be ARMA2 for xbox, but the fact it is not officially announce yet, it's better not to get your hopes too high.

Just my point of view

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I won't throw OFPDR to the side just yet, but I'm EXTREMELY worried with how that game is turning out. ArmA 2, on the other hand, impresses me every time I see low-quality gameplay footage on YouTube. I can't wait for ArmA 2 on the XB360!

On one hand we have a ancient engine made by BIS suffering from more then 10 years old design ideas, but a general "game design" that fits to the "hard core simulation" fraction.

On the other hand we have CM with an obviously sick view on what a "war simulator" should be. Simply ArmA 2 without bugs and design oddities, not CMs OFP1+COD4 bastard.

Maybe we are lucky and CM is delivering a capable engine crippled by CM marketing orders to the devs. But maybe some community modders can heal this partly. I hope it will be like that, ArmA 2 is showing clearly that BIS needs some competition.

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Gentleman stop just wait let BOHEMIA get all the PC regional games out and the NA publisher named. After maybe one or two patches for the 505 version then we will hear about the console game.

The console game will be easy to port and with no bugs per MS guidelines and give time for BOHEMIA to make all the dumb achievements that MS requires for all games.

ARMA2 will be out before DEC and X-MAS and all the other crap games BFBC2,CODMW2 and yes OFPDR ( PS. will not be a bad game but no OFP2). BOHEMIA knows how much money and big the console market is and will not pass on that. Have a nice day and see you in the game.

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well in Czech store xzone.cz you can pre-order Xbox version of the game so i suppose that you will be able to order it few days/weeks/months/years/milleniums :232: after czech xbox gamers.


Publisher in czech rep. should be Conquest.

Czech language

Tranlated via "Google Translator"


But dont know if there will be any gift like in PC version (Helmet for both versions - normal and special) + t-shirt, camo bag, vallet, etc. in special edition

Czech language

Tranlated via "Google Translator"


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Some confrimation from BIS about a 360 version would very much pull me away from OFP:DR right now. but I find it hard to invest time in at this point with very little to go on.

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OPF2 already has its own thread in the OT forum section, dont polute the Arma II section with that nonsense.

A thread for Arma II console speculation already exists.

Keep the forum clean, it makes everyones lifes easier..

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ARMA 2 is all good and fine, if not with all those damn old bugs...:(

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Why is everybody extrapolating so much from that comment?

I understand there are more BIS fanboys than CM fanboys on these forums, but I really cannot conclude that OF: DR will be bad, just from that statement.

So you cant conclude that Dragon Rising will suck to the old fans of Operation Flashpoint, even though it is clearly stating they are trying to do something totally different with it then OFP1 did?

You see, my logic is that 'fan likes OFP1, and wants more of the same, but even more and improved upon'.

It seems totally unlogical (to me) for an OFP fan cheering at this statement that DR will be different from OFP1 to make it more accessible.

Accessible stands in this case for simplification, and that means losing stuff that made OFP1 the great game it is/was.

Therefor for the original fans it will never be the same, and be a disappointment.

But, Codemasters wont mind that, as long as it pleases the mainstream horde and can cash in on a famous name.

Way to go EA/Ubisoft style there, CM.

Like it wasnt enough that the MOTHER of tactical gaming (original Rainbow Six) already went mainstream in the hands of Ubisoft, and Ghost Recon too at that, now OFP has to go down the drain as well.

CM deserves a golfclap.

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ONE DAY we will see those target renders in playable form @60fps. Until then, I feel bad for anybody who gets suckered into believing those are anything but artistic guidelines and don't reflect actual gameplay.

We will need at least 10x the power of today's top GPU units to produce that kind of scene complexity.

REMEMBER that crappy online service 'cloud computing' that someone was trying to promote a month ago? I wonder if you put ArmA2 on there if you could get 60fps with viewdistances of 10,000 or 20,000? THAT would be worth it!

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Those kinda setups are easy to set up in editor. And lots of fun. I only tested with 600 units so far, mainly infantry.

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I just saw a horrible post from a forum mod on the official OFPDR forums. It goes something like this :

CM are not trying to mimic OFP1, that point alone will say that OFP2 has to be different to what extent, CM have said they are taking a different direction and one that opens up a game that had a narrow target audience and make it more accessible.

Hmm, a forum moderator sharing his personal opinion - i cannot see the relevance it would make to my decision on whether to buy it or not. I am playing Arma2 currently, i havn't checked out DR yet, simply because it's not available ;)

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I just saw
& got blown away!!!

Hot Damn! That guys got the same specs as me so I have hope

And all that on a game rated at 66% :rolleyes: I'd love to see their games that rate in the 70&80%, must be mindblowing stuff.

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