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I have seen lot of screens, where units carry their AT\AA's on ther back askew. So please, what is it?

Could you post one of the screens? (Most likely that the ruck is modeled onto the unit).

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Variable try this:


not sure if this would be fast for you but what it does, is when you go to iron sites, it automatically zooms for you, its fairly quick at least to me.

Hope that helps.

I tried it but I've found the "always zoomed in mode" a bit annoying when you want to, for example, clear a room and want to be zoomed out. Can someone make a fast zoom mod that simply multiplies the time it takes for the zoom animation to go fully zoomed in?

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Is there an addon that allows you put your primary weapon on your back or hide it, and walk unarmed?

Yes, as Dimitri said, use 'anim_pistolcivil' from SLX or COSLX (they are the same), it should be fine as a standalone pbo, so just put it in with something else, should work fine. In the action menu use 'pistol' safe.. 'Pistol' will be whatever weapon your using, name will show there..


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Hi guys any chance having this guy ingame, I've got a special treatment for him :mad:

Thank you for your attention


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Yes, as Dimitri said, use 'anim_pistolcivil' from SLX or COSLX (they are the same), it should be fine as a standalone pbo, so just put it in with something else, should work fine. In the action menu use 'pistol' safe.. 'Pistol' will be whatever weapon your using, name will show there..


I want to request a Drop-Down Menu choice that give me the possibility to add a Gunholster to the chest of the little guy or the possibility to add a ankle holster to a civilian and use/make it invisible ,probably using "hidden_Object_Class".

I want to request the possibility to "Spawn" a handgun into a hand of the character and use a sort of mod that makes it possible

to move Sideways in a carseat. That way I think we can shoot out of a window ,acctually .

I like to request a sort of A.I controlled aircraft mod that operate like A.i planes do in Flightsimulator 9.With No FPS impact.

HcPookie `s way to throw grenades-and his Animations Pack in Vannilla game.

Auto-changer of Camoflage mod addon in Vannilla game.

An addon that hooks hooks onto an annimated Carbine ,like Ring animated seperatly on a Vest and Rope thredded trough it.With animated Gif for show it hooking on.

I want an addon that makes it possible to design my own parts onto vehicles like this:DropBox#5847612463546748914https://picasaweb.google.com/112520604661993750465/DropBox#5847612463546748914

All Rights Reserved Respective Holder.


Real Ejector Seat Addon.

A B.O.R.S. Gun sight systen,e.i it moves the Guncross to compensate for distance.


A combat Auto Pilot System addon,that make the Autopilot use the terrain features to mask Nap-Of -the-Earth

flying,using a set altitude and AI never to fly higher than the hill,rather into the vallies to hide and mask.

"autoplace on map" any " Frequently Used Modules ,like "Auto Sycronize Unit(s) to_" or " Autoplace Arty Module on map" and the like.These things has to be coded so they get inserted automatically at mission start or loaded

when mission making.


To be able to disable parts/mods or parts of mods that is rendering the system to become instable and auto-run

the game in some sort of "Safe Mode" that can find out what doesn`t work and isolated the problem,autoinject the vanilla code and makes a "workaround" Patch to make it work anyway,no CTD.

Non- see-thru Camo-Netting.Don`t really like the current kind.

To be able to use instruments and Panlel/Dash like Flightsim FSX.

Different Range Settings for different kinds of Radars.Probability of Detecting objects.AutoFlare System.

To be able to set Fuse on munitions.Proximity fuse for AA-systems.

Inhouse designed "IPAD 2" tablet autoplaced onto All Artillary Guns themselves and other things that need/req a input device to work.Drop and Drag features.

Droppable_Objects Class-all things should be editable with Text editor ,like Rotor.Lib 4.0 or .Airfile or .Dat file extensions.

I want to be able to put a Graph or a Flight Profile as a "Flightcomputer" by dropping a module where I can Program it to fly as I decide.They are not real,nor hard for A.I to shoot down at the moment.

A Very Important Thing: I want a Libary of Scripting commands that works just like inTOH

To be able to hide a mine in a special ,hidden,secret compartment inside most vehicle.Out of sight.Make it be possible to add a timer to blow it up ,just like Diver Module.

Syncronized fire of mulltiple SAM Sites at one time.To be able to decide between "Blinking" and "Buddy Launch".

Auto Link the linking of the _something _to_the_ Player command by making it also be a Module .Auto Insertion

of Waypoint as a Command for an A.I. I just selected,"#4,Go back to WP 5,From WP 15."The others follow me.

Auto-completion of a mission.It will generate the mission for me,adding a sling load to the ship on it`s own.

To use Splash Screen with check-boxes to just fill in variuos variables about systems we enable in the system,and

make things accessible tothe sytems,e.i Short Range AA,but effective.Probalility of Detection.

To be able to use FS9 ,FSX planes that we own allready.Would like to see the systems from old Combat Flight Simulator incorporated into Arma 3.That way you can edit missiles and instruments like in a way people allready

may know how to.

Edited by John1000

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Anyone ever given thought to an addon bringing the infamous "White Tights" (anti-Russian female mercenary snipers) to Arma 2?

"White Tights" (also "White Pantyhose" or White Stockings; the beliye kolgotki, Russian: белые колготки; Latvian: baltÄs zeÄ·bikses) is a Russian urban myth surrounding the alleged participation of female sniper mercenaries in combat against Russian forces in various armed conflicts from late 1980s.

The myth describes these women as blond Amazon-like nationalistic biathletes turned anti-Russian mercenaries. They come predominantly from the Baltic states, but subsequent variations of the myth have diversified the ethnic composition of the snipers, including Ukrainian, Russian women in their midst.

The name "White Tights" originates from the white-coloured winter sports attire these snipers were wearing and was first coined during the Nagorno-Karabakh War.


They are featured in this extremely brutal Russian movie called ЧиÑтилище (Purgatory) about the Battle of Grozny - skip to about 30 minutes in and again roughly 1 hr 20 mins in. Be forewarned -- much of the movie is pretty disturbing.

Edited by h34dup

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That's just a static animation mate, used for screenshots.

Either MODUL animations or ICP.

You aren't able to move around or anything with it like that.

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Hello, is there any mod that forces AI to shoot flares in night?

GL4 will have the ai using flares at night. However it’s a full mod, so there are lots of changes that will happen to your game, most of them good, I would add, but you have to be aware of that before using it.

Can also be turned on or off in the GL4 config.

It’s the only one I can think of at the moment, don't think SLX or Zeus do, not sure about ASR ai .


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I would like a Simple US Speical Forces Mod that look way better than Vanilla Delta Force Gear. I know theres alot of mods out there but there to big with too many units. I only need like 5 unit types not 30 lol.

I also for some reason get mayor OCD's when I see the Unit class as, for example "1D SF" instead of "Men".

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I would like a Simple US Speical Forces Mod that look way better than Vanilla Delta Force Gear. I know theres alot of mods out there but there to big with too many units. I only need like 5 unit types not 30 lol.

I also for some reason get mayor OCD's when I see the Unit class as, for example "1D SF" instead of "Men".

You're looking for something like this I guess:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14333. It also has a replacement file included.

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You're looking for something like this I guess:http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14333. It also has a replacement file included.

I must warn you.. it is quite an old addon. So it isn't up to the quality of some current releases. I am working on an updated pack however.

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I would like to request PAK-FA.

Russian fighter, named also T-50




I think it'll be good idea. We have so much modern and innovative addons for west aircraft, so why doesn't russia have matching counterpart?

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I would like to request PAK-FA.

Russian fighter, named also T-50




I think it'll be good idea. We have so much modern and innovative addons for west aircraft, so why doesn't russia have matching counterpart?

There was a t-50 going around a while back from Wings of Russia i believe. along with a metric shit ton of other aircraft in a package.

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