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The M2A2/M2A3 Bradley IFV during combat operations


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Edited by Spork

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[A:TF86 SEALS|RH Mk18]

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Yesterday I played Arma coop with a friend. Something really strange happened but it's quite a bit of text first until I get to the screenshots:

I was leading a ten man US Army SF team into the town Zavarak to deal with an insurgent ZU-23 and ammo depot. It went well, my friend and 3 AI went trough the streets and backalleys while me and the rest of the team provided cover from the northern hillside. He planted satchels, blew up AA gun and ammo and without casualties we went back to our transport to get to the next objective.

At least we thought so, not a minute after the explosion a BMP2 and a Shilka came into town and we hadn't got a single piece of AT weaponry :eek:

We ran for cover and while hiding as good as possible with the enemy armor and still some infantry in town searched the bodies. First find were two RPG7 with three shots. I f* up the first one, my second and my friends shot hit. But both BMP and Shilka were still 100% operational, just a fair bit more rusty...

By the time we were down to only three men my friend manged to find another two RPG rounds and finally we get to the first pictures:


My friend moves into position


Another hit on the BMP, the bailing crew is dispatched easily

With the armor finally out of the way we hear a scream over the radio. Our last AI got shot somewhere near the market place and needs help fast (BIS first aid module). I want to get there as fast as possible. My position is on the hill north of the town. I choose to go through this building:


That's a shot from the editor for demonstration.

In front of the building I see a rabbit sitting in the grass. The rabbit sees me too and starts running... into the same building I want to go through.


It also chooses the same exit. I don't see it outside and disregard it for now, I only make a comment to my friend about it and smile about the situation. Back to the dying teammate, now I just run down the flight of stairs in front of the building and... stumble, lose my balance and fall down. I hit the ground hard, nearly breaking my neck. OUCH!

As I lie there in agony, unable to move, my gaze falls back to the stairs...

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Part 2:


What did I trip over? Was it? It can't be!


Curse you! *shakes fist*


My friend comes to help me, with the rabbit still sitting there.


Finally it runs away when seeing him, but I swear to god it laughed at me while hopping past :butbut:


Sgt. Scruffy recovered with only a few bruises and a major blow to his pride. Teammate #8 was also found and treated in time. The mission despite the losses was a success as the three remaining teammembers managed to locate and kill an insurgent officer on a homestead in the hills north of Gamzar.

The movie rights to the story were sold and Hollywood is currently planing with leading actor Steven Seagull.

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Following recent successes in eastern Takistan, insurgents in the Garmsar valley have been pushed in to a fighting retreat as members of Volunteer Commando Batallion push forward to re-take the area and flush out remaining threats. At the spearhead of the assault is Morton Platoon, a group closely followed by the AAN since their deployment in mid July. The soldiers of one section get briefed by the platoon commander while two section stand watch, already emplaced deep inside former enemy territory


A brief snapshot of one of the maps used to plan the attack to push militia back down the Garmsar valley in to a dead end.



The men of Morton Platoon have become infamous among the local militia for their use of WMIK's, up-armoured and up-gunned land rovers capable of punching well above their weight; unfortunately for the platoon, resource lines as far back as Pakistan have been hit recently and they were forced to leave the relative safety of the off roads fairly soon. Members of the Platoon move in convoy to meet the militia head on.



Within minutes of setting off, the platoon encountered heavy enemy resistance leading up to Garmarud, a village two kilometers down the road from Garmsar and the point of no return beyond which the insurgents would be trapped. Soldiers of one section push on in to the fight.

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Casualties were sustained by both sides in the fight, and while the commandos were not able to push directly in to Garmsar, they were able to cut them off at Garmarud. Three soldiers were confirmed dead by the MoD on monday, alongside unconfirmed reports of insurgent deaths ranging from 20 up to 50. A soldier moves up to find cover next to a mortally wounded insurgent



Much of the fighting centred around the bloody counter attack to re-take Garmarud; members of one and two section were met by fierce resistance when they tried to push further towards Garmsar, supporting commanders' beliefs that the local insurgent's power base occupied the region. Members of 2 section move to clear a compound on the outskirts of the village.



Short of being drawn further in to the fight and a possible ambush by the impetous forces in Garmsar, Morton Platoon have been forced to dig in and isolate the only exit out of the town: with the harsh desert to the north and a mountain pass notorious for taking lives this time of year, the insurgents in Garmarud will be fighting for their lives in the coming weeks. This is AAN news reporting from the Narran Darre region, east Takistan

All photos taken during volcbat online op, 10/10/10, www.volcbat.com

Edited by DaveP

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Chinook and cargo under attack in hot LZ (Arma2:CO)


VDV infantry disembarking from Mi-8 Hip (Arma2:CO + Sarmat's VDV)


Delta Force landing south of Nagara (Arma2:OA)


Roller-coaster ride with the Little Birds (Arma2:CO)


Infantry packed in and on top of BTR-70 (Arma2:CO + RHS's BTR-70, cargo system + SLAYER's RF Mechanized Infantry in desert camo)

All shots recorded "live" in (PlannedAssault generated) single player missions, either using camera.sqs or the TROOPMON tool to control the camera.

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[A:Pers SOTG Retexture|RH Mk18]

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Edited by RobertHammer

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