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Invasion 1944 - D-Day v1.0 released

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your welcome.

Hey did you guys say you were coming out with a patch for I44 arma?

If i may ask any time frame we can expect it?

With Arma2 right around the corner how is I44 coming along for that?

*pinch me*

am i dreaming.. seriously Arma2 actual OFP sequal is actually and finally coming out?! After all these years, I am really looking forward to I44 in Arma2 that would be like a someoe handing you a $25,000 check, i think id have to shit myself, no but seriously, I mean all the stuff we worked with for all this time, i feel like an old guy compared to the younger OFP days.

*in tears* and *singing*:o:

i believe i can fly.. cough, hairball, dammit i hate that song.

biding my time til arma2 I44:ftvsmilie2:

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They will I think. But as they said they were still waiting for Binarized file from BIS for protecting their stuff before moving to ARMA2.

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They will I think. But as they said they were still waiting for Binarized file from BIS for protecting their stuff before moving to ARMA2.

Exacly, we currently have most of our stuff converted to ArmA II. But its all unprotected, since we lay allot of attention to how we can protect our addons we really want to get this done the right way. Various people already claimed older tools work, but we havent still managed to get it working the right way.

Other stuff that needs to be taking care of is the coding department, but with our upcoming ArmA I44 patch, which is our main priority at this moment.

as for time wise, we hope to get this new updated patch within 1 or 2 weeks time. Dont pin me on any date

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As some people requested repair, ammo and fuel trucks. I've been busy working on some the last few days. We uploaded a quick render movie made in 3ds max to show whats been done and whats it looking like. Nothing fancy, but enough to see what it is.

Check out the movie here:

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zToBCyHgLYg

Renders or more information whats going on, check out our public forums on:

- http://ofp.gamepark.cz/invasion1944/public/

Or use this link, to go directly to my little progress corner:

- http://ofp.gamepark.cz/invasion1944/public/index.php?topic=140.15

Edited by Marss911

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Are you doing ammo, repair and fuel for the Germans too?

I rarely use allied stuff, but its good work either way.

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Are you doing ammo, repair and fuel for the Germans too?

Nope. Not at the moment anyway.

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I rarely use allied stuff, but its good work either way

Plannend to make one, but not as detailed as the one showned above. In the future for ArmA 2 I will be doing a detailed version of the Opel Blitz with all the extra's. ;)

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Absolutely brilliant pack, thank you very very much. Your determination, your resilience and your talent are an example to us all. Thanks a bunch!

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Personally, I dont think such supporting vehicles are very urgent for your current work...

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Personally, I dont think such supporting vehicles are very urgent for your current work...

You're aiming on the support vehicles, right? Which I'm fully aware of, but we also know the mod does work really well with the MP Battlefield missions. Without those support vehicles its extreamly hard to play. So on a long term base I could see support vehicles for both sides. And for myself as a modeller is gives me some fresh new models to be working with. Besides all those standard tanks, trucks and jeeps.

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I think if they're there, then all for the better.

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First and foremost, we would like to thank everyone that has expressed an interest in our mod, and has helped with, or responded to, the release in any way, including providing mirrors, posting feedback and reporting bugs.

Secondly, we'd like to inform the community about the road ahead a bit.


We plan to wrap up the work on the ArmA1 D-Day project after the release of the patch (1-3 weeks) we have planned. The patch will mainly contain bugfixes, and most importantly, will hopefully improve performance for most people. No new content will be added other than that which was planned already (new Sherman variants including the Firefly, and the M5A1 Stuart), with the exception of support trucks for the Americans to increase the multiplayer possibilities (German ones won't be added until ArmA2). After this we hope to move on to ArmA2.


For ArmA2, we do plan to port over the current ArmA1 content, and extend the map further into Normandy, but the D-Day project will not be expanded into Normandy in terms of extra content being added. Some missions, or even a campaign might be made, but other than that, the Normandy era is over.

We are planning a new project which will mainly be focused on MP as opposed to the SP focus we have had until now. The campaign will be designed for multiplayer Coop (but also playable in single player) with a dynamic storyline (i.e. secondary objectives), which will be at least partially fictionalized to suit gameplay requirements.

To create this campaign, we're looking for talented mission makers that are willing to dedicate themselves to the development of what we hope will be a unique taste of WW2. If you're interested, please register on [our forums], and apply!

Pictures can be found at [Armedassault.info].

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as we all love seeing some real footage and stated by John, a Sherman VC Firefly will be added in the upcoming patch. Although it originally got used by the British during WWII a few of those saw battle under the US stars. And as I really love the looks and the power of this tank, I'd loved modelling it and added it to the Allied motor pool. Enjoy the ingame screenshots:




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Maaaannnnnnn - love it :D

I am considering to make a CoH gameplay mod for A2.

Your units would fit perfectly into the theme. :)

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I am considering to make a CoH gameplay mod for A2.

u mean rts gameplay?

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Very nice to say the least.

Have tested each vehicle and must praise the quality of base textures. Some tweaking would be needed for normal maps; but textures look nice and 'rich'

Just as a sidenote; you mind asking are the vehicles in the released pack something solely intended / created for ArmA, or are there some OFP ports among those? Asking, because they look very good - and even better then some of the addons being made for ArmA nowadays

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No 1st person gameplay. Just with the game mechanics of CoH.

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Just as a sidenote; you mind asking are the vehicles in the released pack something solely intended / created for ArmA, or are there some OFP ports among those? Asking, because they look very good - and even better then some of the addons being made for ArmA nowadays

A lot of the vehicles (especially many of the German tanks) are ports from OFP that have been reworked to some extent (some more than others).

And please continue discussion on kju's plans by PM.

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Any of you guys playing I44 on that one Australian server? If so, are there pretty good amount of people playing it on any given hour?

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Any evidence shows American ever used Firefly in the war? It seems those Yankee once got their own 'Firefly' -- M4A3 with long 76mm gun from the middle of 1944... Of course, it was not as powerful as their British counterpart.

But anyway, no harm at all have such nice Firefly in the game. At least, for the moment it's the only powerful armor vehicle for allies to resist german panthers & Tigers in ARMA ...

Edited by RUDOLF

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New additions in the patch:

-Sherman Firefly (probably going to be named "Sherman 76" ingame (the Firefly is an easier edit than the 76))

-Stuart M5A1

-SdKfz 234/1, 234/2, 234/3, 234/4

-US tank crew

If it's not on the list, it's not going to be in the patch (unless I forgot something ... ).

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Very much looking forward to it!

Is there a mission out there with big tank battles for I44 - or something crCTI similar like?

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