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MP fast rope script addon

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Hi Norrin

I've been using your Chopper taxi scripts for ages with great success, thought I'd try the fastrope ones for something new. Unfortunately I can only get them to 1/2 work

In my init I put

player setVariable ["NORRN_FR_gotoHeli", slick1, true];

I place one of the supported choppers eg MH6J in the editor, name it slick1. In its init I put nul = [this] execVM "norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\heloGoTo\heloGoTo_init.sqf";

So when I preview this in the editor, I get the option to call for a chopper extraction, or I can just jump in the chopper and get the option to set a fastrope or a landing destination. So far so good. I select the fastrope option, click on the map, and the chopper flies to the destination. Then it just hovers there indefinitely. Neither the player nor any other AI actually exit via rope. In fact, no-one does anything except sit there.

I'm using beta 88147. I've tried different maps, different units, different choppers, no other mods etc. No luck.

Any input appreciated!

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@ Norrin the problem comes from this line in FR_Destination

[_heli, 0, 25, "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\heloGoTo\rtb.sqf"] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\fast_rope_AI_pilot.sqf";

Which when called does not set up the functions unless they are set beforehand by something else calling to NORRN_fastRope_init.sqf. Which I could do, but I don't think it hurts anything to call it everytime either other than a little system resources.

To get it to work I need to change that line to

[_heli, 0, 25, "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\heloGoTo\rtb.sqf"] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\NORRN_fastRope_init.sqf";

Without the functions being set up the process halts in



[_heli] spawn NORRN_FR_DR;

is not defined.

Could also do something like throw the functions into compileFunctions.sqf

Also if it is working for you something must be creating those functions, the only place I see them is NORRN_fastRope_init.sqf so something must be running it?


Yeah, that's the problem I had to.

For a quick fix have a chopper run

nul = [this, 0] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\NORRN_fastRope_init.sqf"

to create the functions. Actually you could probably run that on anything unnecessary, but definetaly not on the chopper you wish to use as a taxi.

Edited by bondematt

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Yeah, that's the problem I had to.

For a quick fix have a chopper run

nul = [this, 0] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\NORRN_fastRope_init.sqf"

to create the functions. Actually you could probably run that on anything unnecessary, but definetaly not on the chopper you wish to use as a taxi.

Thanks mate, really appreciate the help. I'll give it a crack and will let you know how I go.


EDIT: OK, thanks for that, worked beautifully just putting nul = [this, 0] execVM "\norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\NORRN_fastRope_init.sqf" into the init of my player.

I can also confirm that the AI don't like the dropped fastrope at all, even after I'd moved my squad a couple of hundred metres away they kept turning to point their weapons at it.

EDIT 2: After playing with this system for a while, I notice that about 30% of the time the chopper gets some way towards the fastrope destination, then simply turns around and heads back to base and lands.

Edited by tpw

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EDIT 2: After playing with this system for a while, I notice that about 30% of the time the chopper gets some way towards the fastrope destination, then simply turns around and heads back to base and lands.

It may be doing something that I'm not seeing if you place it on yourself, I would place it on an object/solider that won't be in the chopper. I'll try it out in a bit.

Edit: Sadly I can't recreate this. When it lands at base does it do the normal fueling of the chopper and then gives you the "set fast rope destination"? Does it ever take off on it's own again, or do you have to command it?

Edited by bondematt

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Ok I think I've finally worked out where the confusion is occurring and I'm sorry about this - its got to do with the way the example mission is set-up - thanks for persisting with this Matt as sometimes I can be a little slow on the uptake.

I'll fix this and get an update posted ASAP (hopefully within the next 24 hours), I'll also fix the problem with the units not liking the ropes.

@TPW - are you using the latest version mate (ie. beta 0.10)?

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@TPW - are you using the latest version mate (ie. beta 0.10)?

Yep, 0.10 downloaded from armaholic. I'm sure the problem is mine, probably due to the way I implemented bondematt's fix. I'll keep experimenting!

Thanks for your support for your scripts, and of course for the AAW stuff too!

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Version 0.11

Available here: http://norrin.org/downloads/OA/fastRope/norrn_dbo_fastrope_ver011.rar

Fixes version 0.11, 21/01/11

- Fixed issue with using the fast-rope taxi when not using any of the other fast-rope functions.

- Attempted to fix AI units' fascination with detached ropes (maybe a little better but they still will turn to face ropes).

- Updated readMe to include use of fast-rope taxi.

- Added example mission that only uses the fast-rope taxi.

@tpw this should fix it mate.

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Love ya work Norrin! New version works as advertised. appreciate the improved documentation too.

Thanks very much.

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Thank you for your work Norrin!

Just some feedback: Since you're always expanding your addon I just tested it using the excellent new HH60G by ExplosiveAids & Stiltman and it works well out of the box (only the position of the ropes are a bit to low and don't fit into the hooks prepared). It's probably just a minor change, but if you are too busy IRL it's not a big deal.

Have a nice day and thx again for your update

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Awesome, thank you Norrin!

Any clue onto why they hate the ropes, or what can be done? Every once and a while they still try and destroy it with rockets/grenades.

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Awesome, thank you Norrin!

Any clue onto why they hate the ropes, or what can be done? Every once and a while they still try and destroy it with rockets/grenades.

Yes, I was (literally) blown away when an enthusiastic m136 equipped AI squadmate took issue with a rope I was standing on.

Perhaps in the short term just have the ropes disappear after a minute or 2?

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Thanks for this addon. It would be great if you could clarify the install instructions, as the norrn_dbo_fastrope_ver011.rar I downloaded contains:






norrn_dbo_fastrope_v11.utes (folder)

chopperFastropeTaxi.Desert_E (folder)

but the instructions just say "The archive contains:

* Fast rope addon that contains the rope and the fast rope script (Just use something like @norrn_dbo_fastrope folder to create a mod-folder as you would in ArmA).

* An example mission on utes that shows fast rope insertions, which you can view from a number of different perspectives.

* Note: this beta addon is signed with a version 2 sig key"

With my limited understanding of addons, I think the first two go in the @norrn_dbo_fastrope folder and the bikey goes in the Keys folder, but I'm not sure what to do with the others!

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Take thes two files , create a folder, for example @fastrope in your A2 folder, in that @fastrope you do another one called addons , in there you put the two pbos. I assume you know how to launch addons...

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That's great thanks. I was just confused by the other files/folders, but I'll just ignore them ;)

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thanks for this. i've been looking for this

---------- Post added at 21:10 ---------- Previous post was at 21:09 ----------

can i put this mod inside other mods

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You can put mods inside other mods, but I would not recommend it. It you have a problem/bug it can make it difficult isolating the mod causing the trouble.


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could you make script version, where player can use group of helicopters (uh-1y) to transport platoon?

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There are a few scripts for fast roping (check Armaholic). The difference is the rope model doesn't exist in vanilla, so a fast roping script will have you fastrope on an invisible/rope or some flagpoles.

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is there a way to have all the helicopters not move out at the same time using the move1.sqf. example....i have 3 blackhawks, they all arrive at different times, but all depart at the same exact time, even if the ropes are still deployed and guys are still sliding down, also they all go to the same waypoint at the end where they wait and then collide with each other and then blow up. It seems like once the first helicopter has completed its fast rope, the others follw even if they mid-action. All the helicopters are individual aircraft, not grouped together.

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This script works great for me except for one issue I'm having.

I'm trying to use this in the Warfare CTI module and it works great except when I die. After I respawn, I lose the ability to call in the AI chopper and I'm assuming this is because the "init" field of my unit is being wiped when I die. How can I change this to keep my Init field upon respawn? Likewise, the same issue when I create an Empty respawning Chopper for my personal use of fastroping troops in. After the chopper is destroyed once, it also respawns without the Init code, preventing me from further use the fastrope function.

So basically, how can I get this mod to work with players/vehicles respawning? Thanks for any help.

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This script works great for me except for one issue I'm having.

I'm trying to use this in the Warfare CTI module and it works great except when I die. After I respawn, I lose the ability to call in the AI chopper and I'm assuming this is because the "init" field of my unit is being wiped when I die. How can I change this to keep my Init field upon respawn? Likewise, the same issue when I create an Empty respawning Chopper for my personal use of fastroping troops in. After the chopper is destroyed once, it also respawns without the Init code, preventing me from further use the fastrope function.

So basically, how can I get this mod to work with players/vehicles respawning? Thanks for any help.

In the mission you would have to have a playerinit.sqf and run it through the init so it works after respawn.

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In the mission you would have to have a playerinit.sqf and run it through the init so it works after respawn.

Ok, so what kind of code am I putting in playerinit.sqf? What would it look like?

Edited by NullOrdo

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I cant seem to get this to work. I've only gotten this to work a few times either:

1 in the editor only, it stops working in multiplayer

2.In the editor, but I died and no longer had the option to fastrope, even when exiting the preview and starting the mission over.

I made a correct mod folder, and placed

nul = [this] execVM "norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\heloGoTo\heloGoTo_init.sqf";

in the init line of the helo, I start the mission and get no errors, but the option to fastrope doesn't show up.I've also done this in the init, (place a blackhawk named helo1) and got the same results as before.

[helo1] execVM "norrn_dbo_fastrope\scripts\heloGoTo\heloGoTo_init.sqf";

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