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patch 1.02 suggestions

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I don't have the game yet (waiting for 505games release) but i have an idea what its like.

This thread is for suggestions of content for patch 1.02, please don't post bug fixes here, theres already a topic for that.

  • movable aircraft carrier, this would be amazing for warfare games online because you could spawn smaller boats and aircraft from it. It would also be nice for the island of Chernarus (apparently its only on the Utes map.)
  • radio chatter, BI talked about improved communications very early on in ARMA2 development but from what i see, mission speech is fluid because its recorded as one long speech but IMO the actual radio comm has become worse.
  • There is already a thread for opening doors on vehicles so heres the link, (The Advantages to Having Opening Cargo Doors)
  • 3D editor, i'm not too sure about this one but it was mentioned by BI and maybe they can put it in the 1.02 patch (i'm being hopeful here :rolleyes:).
  • random infinite land, also mentioned by BI but maybe they should concentrate on more important matters first.

All in all i see 1.01beta has fixed things up a lot and i hope they take their time to release the next few patches; end of July/early August sounds about right (1.02 in late of July was mentioned in some german review somewhere)

I'm also wondering what patch the 505games version will come with.


  • Fast Roping is also popular with some ARMA/ARMA2 fans and i think it could work well with the engine as it is :bounce3:

Edited by SASrecon

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My addition to the list:

  • tone down the blood splash effect, make it less visible, not as bright and tomato-paste like. It's too exaggerated.
  • please remove the blood face spash effect that's generated on the screen everytime a player is hit. Or at least make it toggleable in options.
  • please add the ability to displace or move when reloading heavy weapons like AT launchers. You now can move when reloading small arms - GREAT ADDITION! But we still need it expanded a bit.
  • increase the AI reaction speed to enemy presence at close ranges. AI shoulld be able to engage enemy AI immediately when the distance is less than 50 meters. Now in ArmA2 we still have AI running past you within like 5 meters, stopping, turning around looking at you thru the scope for about 5-6 seconds and only then deciding to shoot. Very often opposite team bots run among each other like headless chickens as though they are blind.

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I doubt the 505 will come with any later patch than 1.02, they do after all need some time to print up the DVDs, ship it to the stores and whatever else one does in distribution.

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I don't think all that we want will apear in the 1.02 patch.

But i see BI is putting a LOT of effort into this game, to get patch 1.01 finished and the 505games version shipped to the shops etc.

I think mission bugs such as the helicopter which never arrives in one of the tutorial missions, and stuff like that need to be sorted out soon, then some more bugless content can be added into the game :rolleyes:

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In my opinions AI bugs must be fixed for the 1.02 patch.... This is the most annoying thing IMHO.


- Reaction to getting shot at (especially in weak vehicles),

- Do-nothing_gap removal,

- Impossible Detection through hills, walls, buildings, etc.,

- Walk through walls, buildings, vehicles, etc,

etc. just to call a few!

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Pleas let us turn off motion blur, some people are badly affected by this. Farcry2 was unpalyable because of motion sickness caused by the motion blur effects.

From watching the videos please stop AI attacking tanks with small arms and run away or search for a better weapon.

Edited by F2k Sel

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It would be nice, if fauna (mostly birds) would fade silent whenever a firefight is near player. If I were a bird, I would fly away from that noise quite fast.

Here is example where environment sounds just interfere with combat experience: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybT3e5eFFOY&fmt=22

Agreed, hearing birds and flies during a firefight disturb the feeling of it but most of all these fauna sounds are loud as hell...

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I have a suggestion: The ability to Group Multiple units at the same time by selecting which ones you want. I hate when I place certain units around and I have t ogroup them individually and I just can't select them and group multiple units at once by selecting with Ctrl+Click

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Improve physics and have some sort of ragdoll system very similar to in GTA4.. , from watching the videos im still a bit disappointed the way the physics are a bit far behind compared to older games such as Crysis ,CSS, GTA4, Oblivion and many many more! I really would like to see that improved..

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PHysics liek GTA IV in this game? No, i think they only need to license the Havoc engine and call it good. I want to be able to pull trailers and haul tanks and drive trains, all those require a physics engine

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Well they should have some proper physics engine, im just disappointed with the same old death animation physics that arma 2 possess's from arma and ofp. I thought they would improve on that. Sure im ok with most of the game, but they are still using the old physics engine for troops reaction when they get killed. If there was some sort of engine like havok,ragdoll etc it would make combat more interesting.. these animations get boring after a while..

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Death animations... Become boring... :confused:

They are not the same death animations from ArmA either. There may be some, but I have seen that they have added many newer ones. Ragdoll isn't really that realistic anyways. I hate seeing people die in games like Half-Life 2 and Battlefield 2 fly across the room or playing area because that's how the ragdoll effects work. It's like I hit these guys with a dragon-punch or something.

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Pleas let us turn off motion blur, some people are badly affected by this. Farcry2 was unpalyable because of motion sickness caused by the motion blur effects.

you can already turn this off apparently can't you, or d'you mean the graphical blur when you look left or right quickly?

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Another vote for making AI much less cheating with its wallhacks, eyes in the back, x-ray vision through objects down to trees and grass through which human player can't see etc. Challenge should come from AI acting like human, not like superman.

Ah and yes give the option to turn off HDR and motion blur. Blinding single-tone white sky and nausea-inducing blur give me headache.

Edited by metalcraze

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Optimization is a big problem with ARMA and for some in ARMA2,

i hope the patches sort this out and improve framerate etc.

I would also LOVE to be able to launch ARMA+ARMA2 as the same game eg. playing sahrani with ARMA2 graphics and ARMA2 AI etc, to have some of the army equipment such as the littlebird would also be nice.

BI talked about ARMA+ARMA2 being quite compatible so i'd like to see ARMA2 as more of an addon for ARMA than a seperate game.

What is everyone elses opinion on this?

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Well they should have some proper physics engine, im just disappointed with the same old death animation physics that arma 2 possess's from arma and ofp. I thought they would improve on that. Sure im ok with most of the game, but they are still using the old physics engine for troops reaction when they get killed. If there was some sort of engine like havok,ragdoll etc it would make combat more interesting.. these animations get boring after a while..

Ragdoll is fun to watch but far from real. If you would shoot someone he wouldn't act like a rubber ducky, rolling all over the place bending his arms and legs, sticking them into his ass :p

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Please do not discuss physics engine too much here. It's already made many threads 3x longer with no real conclusion in the end.

About death animations - a few more variations should suffice.

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Yea they really have to adjust the AI like said before. Eyes in the back are really annoying.

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It would be nice, if fauna (mostly birds) would fade silent whenever a firefight is near player.


Feels odd...

Some other things apart from performance/gfx stuff that already is heavily debated all over the place:

- Add a variety of sounds for secondary explosions once a vehicle is destroyed. It sounds dull that the same sound is played over and over again. Also limit those explosions a bit please. Right now it´s simply overdone for some vehicles. Different classes of vehicles should have different amount of secondary explosions. Right now it´s overkill with the same sound repeating over and over again.

- Please give us control over animals. Right now you can either place the wildlife module or have them static placed on the map via editor with a huge deficit.

The animals can´t be controlled via waypoint, nor can they be grouped with other AI units. This limits the scale of useability of animals alot.

To be precise, I wanted to have a patrolteam consisting of a Unit and a dog. It doesn´t work. Other possibillities already came to my mind when trying to get it to work, like having dogs sniff for mines, dogs hunting escaped prisoners, attacking intruders, etc,etc

I hope you can see where this request is coming from. All the above would be possible already with scripting, but we need the basics first.

Allow WP´s for animals, allow movement, allow grouping to make them useable for editors in a more sophisticated way.

- Waypoints: Please give us a hight value for waypoints. Units STILL try to get on the ground when you place them on flat rooftops for patrols. This is so hindering. It was with Arma 1 and it is with Arma 2 as you can´t get the guys moving on walls, flat roofs, etc. This really should be fixed with Arma 2. If that means that you have to alter the buildings, please do it. I know it may interfere with the traffic module but a simply check before the vehicles spawn should hinder that.

- That said you also should check the civillian traffic module aswell as it spawns vehicles on buildings sometimes, or 2 or 3 vehicles just get spawned so close to each other that they block ways. This makes it hard to build missions as you never know if a narrow passage will be blocked by vehicles randomly. Please incorporate a routine to check the surrounding before the spawn and make sure that 2 vehicles do not spawn right next to each other as the spawning seems to have problems to determine how big the spawned vehicles are.


Edited by Balschoiw

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i'm sure lot of people will agree that 'default' A2 shall include in future:

+ countermeasures for air vehicles (flares,chaff etc)

+ smoke screens for armored vehicles and maybe some Active Protection System

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fix the LODs issues and improve the sound engine would be a good start for me.

should we definitely keep physic requests for arma3 wishlist ?

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should we definitely keep physic requests for arma3 wishlist ?

It´s a question if there will be an Arma 3 from BIS at all as they have stated that they are looking into other game-concepts unrelated to MilSims.

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