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graphics bugs with ATI 4800 series (4850/4870/4890)

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depends on the fan setting and the Box/case they are in and room temp. But 50c is well with in the spec.

i have a coolermaster haf932 and manual fan control running at 30% for non-gaming and they sit there at 50 degrees. Would that surprise you or is that still normal? room temp is around 25 degrees im guessing

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i have a coolermaster haf932 and manual fan control running at 30% for non-gaming and they sit there at 50 degrees. Would that surprise you or is that still normal? room temp is around 25 degrees im guessing
seems fine. 30% is a nice low fan sound. The chips can run at 100c and not fail.( but the vrm's and ram might get too hot...)My 4870X2's are space heaters with shopvacs on them...i idle in the +60C's...with 37% Edited by kklownboy

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seems fine. 30% is a nice low fan sound. The chips can run at 100c and not fail.( but the vrm's and ram might get too hot...)My 4870X2's are space heaters with shopvacs on them...i idle in the +60C's...with 37%

ok cool. what do you run your fans at for gaming?

I have a gaming profile where I run my xfired 4890's at 900 for gpu and 1050 for memory at 60% fan speed.

If I OC to 950 and 1100 arma freezes a few seconds into the main menu. If I play americas army 3 on any sort of overclock it freezes about a minute into joining a server.

I've logged my temps with gpuz and nothing surprisingly high occurs yet the above still happens....

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i was wondering if there is someone with HD4670 with some graphics or stability issues ?

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ok cool. what do you run your fans at for gaming?

I have a gaming profile where I run my xfired 4890's at 900 for gpu and 1050 for memory at 60% fan speed.

If I OC to 950 and 1100 arma freezes a few seconds into the main menu. If I play americas army 3 on any sort of overclock it freezes about a minute into joining a server.

I've logged my temps with gpuz and nothing surprisingly high occurs yet the above still happens....

57% usually, But it will max the fans out:mad: now with the new driver power profiles... (since 9.1s?) My X2s are at 780z i dont OC the VRAM, that maybe your issue. Most likely your voltage needs some boost.

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the issue could be i had this problem to if your motherboard has nvidia chipset in it this is the issue ati is conflicting with the chipset on your mb i switched to bfg nvidia 260 it solved my issue make sure ur mb is compat with ur graphics card . also when this happen i had ati 4850 1 gb

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the issue could be i had this problem to if your motherboard has nvidia chipset in it this is the issue ati is conflicting with the chipset on your mb i switched to bfg nvidia 260 it solved my issue make sure ur mb is compat with ur graphics card . also when this happen i had ati 4850 1 gb

BS, that is not or was not your issue.

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57% usually, But it will max the fans out:mad: now with the new driver power profiles... (since 9.1s?) My X2s are at 780z i dont OC the VRAM, that maybe your issue. Most likely your voltage needs some boost.

So you just oc the gpu clock? howcome?

If you say my voltage needs some boost...I only know of changing voltages for CPU oc'ing. What voltages relate to GPU oc'ing?

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New system spec below, 60fps dips to 31 occassionally in some areas and while looking at forest canopy.

In game settings from left to right:

VD 3500 1650x1650 3D & Interface

Normal High High

Normal High

Very High High


So far I have had no graphical corruption as per my original issue with this game, this means my issue was not related to my XP installation as I removed all the drivers and put in new mobo then loaded up new drivers so I have the same XP install (diff drivers I know), I also have Windows 7 installed on a different disk, same spec as primary disk and both operating system appear to run the same with Arma II.

1 FPS killer I noticed is if you drive a busted tank and use 3rd person view, when it starts moving and a cloud of black smoke come out the rear it really knocks the system for six, like 2 fps, this is def an issue with this event not gfx or cpu related.

Now, Dwarden, if you want to buy my old HD3850 AGP and mobo then I am open to offers for your new AGP 'test' system to fix the issue for the other folk out there who still have an issue. Or, I could build it in a spare case I have with a fresh XP install and do some testing if I have time.

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Hi all, damn that's a lot of troubleshooting threads for ATI.

I'm new to the ATI Club, on W7 64bit with a HD4890, and still running patch 1.02.

I can't read and sort all this thread out, way too much info. So, quick question for those who've better followed this than I: Is it safe to patch into 1.04? Or might that introduce Artifacts for me?

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Artifacts happened on release, patching has made no difference either way.

Patch to 1.04 then head over to the beta testing area and get the latest beta.

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what's your operating system?

Check event viewer for more descriptive information.

Windows XP

there's no entry reported from ArmA 2 in event viewer

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I've got a HD4870 and WinXP and I've been getting heavy artifacting with 1.04 and the 1.04 60588 beta patch. Tried some suggestions here but nothing seemed to work.

Incredibly frustrating, as it renders the game unplayable. Its not just an issue confined solely to ATI cards it seems either.

This is a critical issue that must be fixed. All work on Arrowhead should be halted until this issue is addressed.

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I can't read and sort all this thread out, way too much info. So, quick question for those who've better followed this than I: Is it safe to patch into 1.04? Or might that introduce Artifacts for me?

Hard to say. I have been having artifacts since the demo, but I have heard people say that the patches started the artifacting.

Even if BIS let us know they were working on a fix, I would be happy, no matter how long it took.

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Well I think I fixed it on my system. Changing the Video Memory setting (why is this even a setting, shouldn't the game automatically use all available video RAM) from Default to Very High and the problems stopped.

I've got a 1gb HD4870 and I don't know if using the default setting caused it to be detected wrong and cause memory errors (which then causes the polygon tearing).

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Your mileage may very. As for Bis getting the Vram right, well there are alot of different amounts that are used in different ways for all the cards out there. Its a PC game you HAVE to adjust your settings. Framebuffers change between driver versions... have to play around till you get it right... The Console Generation players have a hard time getting there head around that...but the poly spikes are very rare on 1Gb cards, and when or If they appear , you can use the flush command. "shift" "minus key(numpad)" then type F L U S H. clears the spikes.

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Well I think I fixed it on my system. Changing the Video Memory setting (why is this even a setting, shouldn't the game automatically use all available video RAM) from Default to Very High and the problems stopped.

I've got a 1gb HD4870 and I don't know if using the default setting caused it to be detected wrong and cause memory errors (which then causes the polygon tearing).

If the problem has happened then there is a very high possibility it will come again. Memory allocation will only delay the effect.

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I bought LCD lg2243s and my fps decreases in editor to 30 from 45-75(with crt monitor). I have 4850 1 gb video card and i cant play on 1920x1080, even i set rez to 1280x1027 i got 35 fps. what a problem is here?

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that would be the LCD curse, called 60hz refresh with Vsync on will be lower than a CRT with 75hz or 85hz or 100hz refresh. If the game is smooth then 30s is fine, and dont get to hung up on FPS. What was your CRT rez?

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If the problem has happened then there is a very high possibility it will come again. Memory allocation will only delay the effect.

I'm not sure that's true. I upgraded to a 4890 1Gb in August. I reinstalled windows + ArmA2, and suffered the polygon mess on first boot. Changing the video memory setting to V.High means I have never seen it since.

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problem with textures:

i79_arma2 2009-12-05 13-29-46-19.jpg


i79_arma2 2009-12-05 13-29-49-61.jpg

i79_arma2 2009-12-05 13-31-43-82.jpg

i79_arma2 2009-12-05 13-34-33-38.jpg


i79_arma2 2009-12-05 13-29-39-68.jpg

PC: amd phenom 925 x4 3ghz

HD 4850 1gb

4 gb of RAM

target line: -nosplash -cpuCount=2 -maxmem=2047 -noCB -winxp

I got this problem when stared to use LCD 22' lgw2243

before it i used CRT 17' with 1152x864.

first problem with lcd was that i got big fps drop on bigger resolution. And i couldnt play even on 1280x1024. then I installed lastest ATI drivers, and now fps is good for me.

But i has big problem with textures. In MP i cant recognise friedlies from enemys, vodnik looks like a box... what can be here?

Edited by ComadeR
bonus information

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ati tray tools(att) screwed up my textures like that and even worse.

if you use att try to uninstall it.

arma 2 even don´t like catalyst registry tweaks on my sys.

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