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ARMA 2 Micro AI Thread

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The idea of people playing this game before i am is murdering enough already, reading W0lle's post only makes it that much harder to wait...

I really wish a demo is coming out soon so i can have more hands-on time, because when the game hits the streets here in Holland i've only got a couple of days left to play before i have to leave home for 8 weeks :\

The better ArmA2 is, the harder my departure will be ;D

Same, except I'll be here all summer. I really want to download the German version but I'm doing my best to hold back. I need to stop looking at these forums until the UK or US release (Whatever comes first), I can't take the waiting, plus I don't want to build to much hype for myself.

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W0lle, in the 2nd to last picture, those Marines are on both sides of the street. What formation were they set to, and was each Marine covering a different fire arc? Where they told to do that?

If they're doing those things on their own, that is a major improvement in AI.

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Nice to see the AI in Wolle's pics are sticking to the buildings and pavement instead of walking in a line down the middle of the road :)

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I have a request, if anyone's interested, to test out the AI. I did this in Arma and was disappointed in the results. I'm hoping they'll be better in Arma II.

Basically, using the editor, put down six infantry with pistols or SMG's in a long road. Then, put three cars down for cover. After that, do the same a short distance away, but with an enemy army. Finally, give them all the order to attack. Basically, it should look like this: http://img40.imageshack.us/my.php?image=arma123.jpg

And then this: http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/7893/arma12v.jpg (Warning: Large screenshot)

Then can you describe the results? In Arma, the units just kind of stand where they're placed, or run to get closer without taking any cover. Both can be seen in the screenshot. This is kind of my 'AI Test'.

Also, will the AI take cover behind moving vehicles?

EDIT: For the test, be sure to use whatever logics apply to the situation, and make sure you link them to the units, (or however they're used. If you own the game you probably know better than I).

Edited by Praelium

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So far i'm pretty please by the feedback got here from game owners.

I have to thank them all.

I hope i won't abouse of their patience by asking some more questions:

1) What about engage range ? In ARMA AI (leader especially) did run blinly into threats; in ARMA 2 can it engage and fire from distance and from cover ?

2) AI accuracy: Is AI still substanbially crack shot from distance ? Have you witnessed some pitched long distance firefights ?

3) Can AI fire when moving ?

4) Have you witnessed AI missing more if suppressed ?


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So far i'm pretty please by the feedback got here from game owners.

I have to thank them all.

I hope i won't abouse of their patience by asking some more questions:

1) What about engage range ? In ARMA AI (leader especially) did run blinly into threats; in ARMA 2 can it engage and fire from distance and from cover ?

2) AI accuracy: Is AI still substanbially crack shot from distance ? Have you witnessed some pitched long distance firefights ?

3) Can AI fire when moving ?

4) Have you witnessed AI missing more if suppressed ?


I tried this out yesterday:

I was a sniper on a hill, ahead of me was a valley and then another hill where I set a squad of Spetznaz. I hid behind a pile of logs and waited for them to come into view. Distance was about 250-300m.

When I opened fire they reacted immediately by running toward cover in zig-zag movements - very hard to hit. It should be noted that their hill provided practically no cover, so they were sitting ducks. And still I had a hard time trying to kill them. :)

After two or three shots, the first of them spotted me and I started hearing bullets whizz by my head and slam into my cover and the ground. (Some of those bullet ricochets sound awesome.) From that point on I was in trouble, because I had to hide behind cover. Their suppressing fire caused my aim to shake and occasionally there would be a slight screen blur. If I peeped out of cover to take a shot, I had to be quick otherwise they would get me. Overall it made for an awesome firefight. :)

EDIT: To answer your questions more directly:

1) They fire pretty intelligently, from cover if possible.

2) See story above. No more instant headshot.

3) At close range, I belive I've seen it. At long range it wouldn't make much sense.

4) Yes.

Edited by MadDogX

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There´s a bug that causes the AI to stop working, they just stand there, doing nothing, several people reported it.

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How about AI walking behind a moving armored vehicle, using is as cover? I've tried many ways to get this to look good in Arma1, but all results failed miserabely. Check out OFP2-DR videos which seems to handle this correctly.

Don't get me wrong, OFP2-DR looks to be a bad/impossible large scale coop game focusing more on TvT it seems, so Arma2 is the only real possibility for me :)

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- just you need to keep one thing in mind: the AI never can be as good as a human player.

That depends on the player:p I regularly get my ass handed to me by the ArmA1 AI:o

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How do I use the gamelogics? Which one enables suppressing fire and stuff like that?

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Sounds very very nice MadDogX! Thanks for keeping us updated on things.

...just 3 more weeks...


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How do I use the gamelogics? Which one enables suppressing fire and stuff like that?

As far as I could see from the Xfire live feed it was very simple, though a universal (active to every unit at the same time) gamelogic would have flavored me better.

1. Place a gamelogic

2. Group it with with the unit/squad

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Wixch means add a unit and a logic and choose "GROUP" from the menu right and drag a "line" (connect the logic so to speak) between the logic and the unit.

Same thing can be made with waypoints i guess? Place a group of enemies - make 2-3 waypoints and place a logic on the map close to one of the waypoints. Connect the logic with the waypoint.

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How about AI walking behind a moving armored vehicle, using is as cover? I've tried many ways to get this to look good in Arma1, but all results failed miserabely. Check out OFP2-DR videos which seems to handle this correctly.

Would that really be a good thing though? The "moving cover" tends to attract explosives if you know what I mean :p

At least, some of my attempts at using it in ArmA have resulted in death so I prefer to keep my distance and use other cover.

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Haven't read the thread, but i'd like to point out that after release of ArmA, there was all kinds of bullsh*t hype-talk around about AI getting suppressed etc by those who were actually playing the game! As soon as things started to calm down it was discovered (by more cynical players) that big part of talk indeed was without reality-basis.

People just seems to get too impressed by the game at first and they start to "see things"... That is okay, i do it myself, we are all humans.

But what i'm trying to state here is to "warn" people not to take all the talk too seriously. Again i haven't read posts in this topic (only first few).

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Haven't read the thread, but i'd like to point out that after release of ArmA, there was all kinds of bullsh*t hype-talk around about AI getting suppressed etc by those who were actually playing the game! As soon as things started to calm down it was discovered (by more cynical players) that big part of talk indeed was without reality-basis.

People just seems to get too impressed by the game at first and they start to "see things"... That is okay, i do it myself, we are all humans.

But what i'm trying to state here is to "warn" people not to take all the talk too seriously. Again i haven't read posts in this topic (only first few).

It's not hype. The screen blurs and your aim gets shaky when there are bullets whizzing past your head. The AI is less accurate on the whole and definitely suppresses you. If you peek out from a corner and they spot you, you can expect them to keep firing shots and possibly grenades in that direction.

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Is there a return of the super AI option in the difficulty menu like with OFP and Arma, as play with that enabled and it gives the AI a ruthless "take no prisoner" additude.

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It's not hype. The screen blurs and your aim gets shaky when there are bullets whizzing past your head. The AI is less accurate on the whole and definitely suppresses you. If you peek out from a corner and they spot you, you can expect them to keep firing shots and possibly grenades in that direction.

He means AI getting suppressed, not suppressing the player or using suppressive fire. Like in ARMA even under a hail of fire they are uber cool and still shoot like normal.

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He means AI getting suppressed, not suppressing the player or using suppressive fire. Like in ARMA even under a hail of fire they are uber cool and still shoot like normal.

Whether or not the AI get suppressed is hard to say. If you shoot at them it appears so, but I can't say for sure. What I was trying to say was that (this time) suppression is actually implemented and has actual visible effects. So it's not just peoples imagination like in ArmA.

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It's not hype. The screen blurs and your aim gets shaky when there are bullets whizzing past your head. The AI is less accurate on the whole and definitely suppresses you. If you peek out from a corner and they spot you, you can expect them to keep firing shots and possibly grenades in that direction.

It WAS hyped conserning ARMA. Same things will happen with ArmA2 i'm sure of it. People see for example micro-AI capable to do stuff which it actually isn't capable to do. Then they wet their pants and come in and write about micro-AI's powerz, which was only product of their own minds

Edited by Second

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It WAS hyped conserning ARMA. Same things will happen with ArmA2 i'm sure of it. People see for example micro-AI capable to do stuff which it actually isn't capable to do. Then they wet their pants and come in and write about micro-AI's powerz, which was only product of their own minds

Gahh. Too... much... underscore... :D

I get what you mean though, and yeah there will surely be people overstating the AI's abilities - just like there are people claiming that the AI is no different than in ArmA1, which is also complete bullcrap.

The AI obviously isn't the dog's bollocks uber-pwnage ZOMG-WTF-Intelligenz people always hope for. And thank god for that, because then the game would be near unbeatable and/or require a supercomputer to run.

Squish a few of the remaining bugs and AI is great the way it is: smarter than your average bear.

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It WAS hyped conserning ARMA. Same things will happen with ArmA2 i'm sure of it. People see for example micro-AI capable to do stuff which it actually isn't capable to do. Then they wet their pants and come in and write about micro-AI's powerz, which was only product of their own minds

You'll read it both ways, from people stating AI is uber-best than any other, to people saying that it's the same as ArmA.

Or, and we already read that, people saying AI simply stay there staring at you and don't shoot, implying this is true for the whole game when it seems to be a bug occuring under... well, not sure the conditions I've been found yet (I'm fearing a multi-threding issue here :( )

There are people who are only awaiting for one occasion to bash the game, and people who will refuse any bad statement from the game.

Now, before trolling here gently ;) , would you be kind enough to actually read the thread and see that the reports here seem accurate enough to portrait what AI is indeed doing, that it wasn't doing in ArmA, before claiming such reports are false?

If you really really need some bad points to point out to us, W0lle stated the AI driving stil looks bad, as it was in ArmA. And this is indeed bad news (thinking Warfare, here... poor supply trucks)

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I'd like to repeat an earlier question of mine: Does the AI know how to take cover beind trees and vegetation as well?

The AI is less accurate on the whole and definitely suppresses you. If you peek out from a corner and they spot you, you can expect them to keep firing shots and possibly grenades in that direction.

I thought the devs themselves said that the AI will only use suppressive fire as long as you manually tell them to do so using a Game Logic in the mission editor?

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I'd like to repeat an earlier question of mine: Does the AI know how to take cover beind trees and vegetation as well?

Yes. At least I saw them hide behind bushes once or twice.

I thought the devs themselves said that the AI will only use suppressive fire as long as you manually tell them to do so using a Game Logic in the mission editor?

It seems they also use it without needing a logic. They will keep firing in your general direction even if you are behind cover.

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